module RadiusTags include Radiant::Taggable include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper class TagError < StandardError; end desc %{ Expands if a
call would return items. Takes the same options as the 'tagged' tag. The
is also available. } tag "if_tagged" do |tag| if tag.attr["with"] tag.locals.tagged_results = find_with_tag_options(tag) tag.expand unless tag.locals.tagged_results.empty? else tag.expand unless end end tag "unless_tagged" do |tag| if tag.attr["with"] tag.expand if find_with_tag_options(tag).empty? else tag.expand if end end desc %{ Find all pages with certain tags, within in an optional scope. Additionally, you may set with_any to true to select pages that have any of the listed tags (opposed to all listed tags which is the provided default). *Usage:*
} tag "tagged" do |tag| unless tag.locals.tagged_results.nil? # We're inside an r:if_tagged, so results are already available; results = tag.locals.tagged_results else results = find_with_tag_options(tag) end output = [] results.each do |page| = page output << tag.expand end output end desc %{ Find all pages related to the current page, based on all or any of the current page's tags. A scope attribute may be given to limit results to a certain site area. *Usage:*
} tag "related_by_tags" do |tag| tag.attr["with"] = tag.attr["with_any"] = true tag.attr["exclude_id"] = results = find_with_tag_options(tag) return false if results.size < 1 output = [] first = true results.each do |page| = page tag.locals.first = first output << tag.expand first = false end output end tag "if_has_related_by_tags" do |tag| tag.attr["with"] = tag.attr["with_any"] = true tag.attr["exclude_id"] = results = find_with_tag_options(tag) results -= [] tag.expand if results.size > 0 end tag "related_by_tags:if_first" do |tag| tag.expand if tag.locals.first end desc %{ Render a Tag cloud The results_page attribute will default to #{Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url']} *Usage:*
} tag "tag_cloud" do |tag| tag_cloud = => tag.attr['limit'] || 5).sort tag_cloud = filter_tags_to_url_scope(tag_cloud, tag.attr['scope']) unless tag.attr['scope'].nil? results_page = tag.attr['results_page'] || Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'] output = "
    " if tag_cloud.length > 0 build_tag_cloud(tag_cloud, %w(size1 size2 size3 size4 size5 size6 size7 size8 size9)) do |tag, cloud_class, amount| output += "
  1. #{pluralize(amount, 'page is', 'pages are')} tagged with #{tag}
  2. " end else return "

    No tags found.

    " end output += "
" end desc %{ Render a Tag list, more for 'categories'-ish usage, i.e.: Cats (2) Logs (1) ... The results_page attribute will default to #{Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url']} *Usage:*
} tag "tag_cloud_list" do |tag| tag_cloud ={:limit => 100}).sort tag_cloud = filter_tags_to_url_scope(tag_cloud, tag.attr['scope']) unless tag.attr['scope'].nil? results_page = tag.attr['results_page'] || Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'] output = "" end desc "List the current page's tags" tag "tag_list" do |tag| results_page = tag.attr['results_page'] || Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'] output = [] {|t| output << "#{t}"} output.join ", " end desc "List the current page's tagsi as technorati tags. this should be included in the body of a post or in your rss feed" tag "tag_list_technorati" do |tag| output = [] {|t| output << "#{t}"} output.join ", " end tag "tags" do |tag| tag.expand end desc "Iterates over the tags of the current page" tag "tags:each" do |tag| result = [] do |meta_tag| tag.locals.meta_tag = meta_tag result << tag.expand end result end tag "tags:each:name" do |tag| end tag "tags:each:link" do |tag| results_page = tag.attr['results_page'] || Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'] name = return "#{name}" end desc "Set the scope for all tags in the database" tag "all_tags" do |tag| tag.expand end desc %{ Iterates through each tag and allows you to specify the order: by popularity or by name. The default is by name. You may also limit the search; the default is 5 results. Usage:
} tag "all_tags:each" do |tag| order = tag.attr['order'] || 'name' limit = tag.attr['limit'] || '5' result = [] case order when 'name' all_tags = MetaTag.find(:all, :limit => limit) else all_tags = => limit) end all_tags.each do |t| next if t.pages.empty? # skip unused tags tag.locals.meta_tag = t result << tag.expand end result end desc "Renders the tag's name" tag "all_tags:each:name" do |tag| end tag "all_tags:each:link" do |tag| results_page = tag.attr['results_page'] || Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url'] name = return "#{name}" end desc "Set the scope for the tag's pages" tag "all_tags:each:pages" do |tag| tag.expand end desc "Iterates through each page" tag "all_tags:each:pages:each" do |tag| result = [] tag.locals.meta_tag.taggables.each do |taggable| if taggable.is_a?(Page) = taggable result << tag.expand end end result end private def build_tag_cloud(tag_cloud, style_list) max, min = 0, 0 tag_cloud.each do |tag| max = tag.popularity.to_i if tag.popularity.to_i > max min = tag.popularity.to_i if tag.popularity.to_i < min end divisor = ((max - min) / style_list.size) + 1 tag_cloud.each do |tag| yield, style_list[(tag.popularity.to_i - min) / divisor], tag.popularity.to_i end end def tag_item_url(name) "#{Radiant::Config['tags.results_page_url']}/#{name}" end def find_with_tag_options(tag) options = tagged_with_options(tag) with_any = tag.attr['with_any'] || false scope_attr = tag.attr['scope'] || '/' results = [] raise TagError, "`tagged' tag must contain a `with' attribute." unless (tag.attr['with'] || = TagSearchPage) ttag = tag.attr['with'] || @request.parameters[:tag] scope = scope_attr == 'current_page' ? Page.find_by_url(@request.request_uri) : Page.find_by_url(scope_attr) return "The scope attribute must be a valid url to an existing page." if scope.nil? || scope.class_name.eql?('FileNotFoundPage') if with_any Page.tagged_with_any(ttag, options).each do |page| next unless (page.ancestors.include?(scope) or page == scope) results << page end else Page.tagged_with(ttag, options).each do |page| next unless (page.ancestors.include?(scope) or page == scope) results << page end end results end def tagged_with_options(tag) attr = tag.attr.symbolize_keys options = {} [:limit, :offset].each do |symbol| if number = attr[symbol] if number =~ /^\d{1,4}$/ options[symbol] = number.to_i else raise"`#{symbol}' attribute of `each' tag must be a positive number between 1 and 4 digits") end end end by = (attr[:by] || 'published_at').strip order = (attr[:order] || 'asc').strip order_string = '' if self.attributes.keys.include?(by) order_string << by else raise"`by' attribute of `each' tag must be set to a valid field name") end if order =~ /^(asc|desc)$/i order_string << " #{$1.upcase}" else raise{`order' attribute of `each' tag must be set to either "asc" or "desc"}) end options[:order] = order_string status = (attr[:status] || 'published').downcase exclude = attr[:exclude_id] ? "AND != #{attr[:exclude_id]}" : "" unless status == 'all' stat = Status[status] unless stat.nil? options[:conditions] = ["(virtual = ?) and (status_id = ?) #{exclude} and (published_at <= ?)", false,, Time.current] else raise{`status' attribute of `each' tag must be set to a valid status}) end else options[:conditions] = ["virtual = ? #{exclude}", false] end options end def filter_tags_to_url_scope(tags, scope) new_tags = [] tags.each do |t| catch :record_found do # using fancy ballsports stuff to avoid unnecessary db calls (by calling each page, ànd by calling page.url) t.pages.each do |p| (new_tags << t; throw :record_found) if p.url.include?(scope) end end end new_tags end end