// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test equals context ok */ var context = null, elem = null; module("SC.RenderContext#update", { setup: function() { elem = document.createElement('div'); context = SC.RenderContext(elem) ; }, teardown: function() { elem = context = null; // avoid memory leaks } }); test("should replace innerHTML of DIV if strings were pushed", function() { elem.innerHTML = "initial"; context.push("changed").update(); equals(elem.innerHTML, "changed", "innerHTML did change"); }); test("should NOT replace innerHTML of DIV if no strings were pushed", function() { elem.innerHTML = "initial"; context.update(); equals(elem.innerHTML, "initial", "innerHTML did NOT change"); }); test("returns receiver if no prevObject", function() { equals(context.update(), context, "return value"); }); test("returns previous context if there is one", function() { var c2 = context.begin(elem); equals(c2.update(), context, "returns prev context"); }); test("clears internal _elem to avoid memory leaks on update", function() { ok(!!context._elem, 'precondition - has element') ; context.update(); ok(!context._elem, "no longer an element"); }); // .......................................................... // Attribute Editing // module("SC.RenderContext#update - attrs", { setup: function() { elem = document.createElement('div'); SC.$(elem).attr("foo", "initial"); context = SC.RenderContext(elem); }, teardown: function() { elem = context = null ; } }); test("does not change attributes if attrs were not actually changed", function() { context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("foo"), "initial", "attribute"); }); test("updates attribute if attrs changed", function() { context.attr('foo', 'changed'); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("foo"), "changed", "attribute"); }); test("adds attribute if new", function() { context.attr('bar', 'baz'); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("bar"), "baz", "attribute"); }); test("removes attribute if value is null", function() { context.attr('foo', null); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("foo"), null, "attribute"); }); // .......................................................... // ID // module("SC.RenderContext#update - id", { setup: function() { elem = document.createElement('div'); SC.$(elem).attr("id", "foo"); context = SC.RenderContext(elem); }, teardown: function() { elem = context = null ; } }); test("does not change id if retrieved but not edited", function() { context.id(); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("id"), "foo", "id"); }); test("replaces id if edited", function() { context.id('bar'); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("id"), "bar", "id"); }); test("set id overrides attr", function() { context.attr("id", "bar"); context.id('baz'); context.update(); equals(elem.getAttribute("id"), "baz", "should use id"); }); // .......................................................... // Class Name Editing // module("SC.RenderContext#update - className", { setup: function() { elem = document.createElement('div'); SC.$(elem).attr("class", "foo bar"); context = SC.RenderContext(elem); }, teardown: function() { elem = context = null ; } }); test("does not change class names if retrieved but not edited", function() { context.classNames(); context.update(); equals(SC.$(elem).attr("class"), "foo bar", "class"); }); test("replaces class name if classNames edited", function() { context.classNames('bar baz'.w()); context.update(); equals(SC.$(elem).attr("class"), "bar baz", "attribute"); }); test("set class names override class attr", function() { context.attr("class", "bar"); context.classNames('baz'.w()); context.update(); equals(SC.$(elem).attr("class"), "baz", "should use classNames"); }); // .......................................................... // Style Editing // module("SC.RenderContext#update - style", { setup: function() { elem = document.createElement('div'); SC.$(elem).attr("style", "color: red;"); context = SC.RenderContext(elem); }, teardown: function() { elem = context = null ; } }); test("does not change styles if retrieved but not edited", function() { context.styles(); context.update(); var style = SC.$(elem).attr("style"); if (!style.match(/;$/)) style += ';' ; equals(style.toLowerCase(), "color: red;", "style"); }); test("replaces style name if styles edited", function() { context.styles({ color: "black" }); context.update(); // Browsers return single attribute styles differently, sometimes with a trailing ';' // sometimes, without one. Normalize it here. var style = SC.$(elem).attr("style"); if (!style.match(/;$/)) style += ';' ; equals(style.toLowerCase(), "color: black;", "attribute"); }); test("set styles override style attr", function() { context.attr("style", "color: green"); context.styles({ color: "black" }); context.update(); // Browsers return single attribute styles differently, sometimes with a trailing ';' // sometimes, without one. Normalize it here. var style = SC.$(elem).attr("style"); if (!style.match(/;$/)) style += ';' ; equals(style.toLowerCase(), "color: black;", "attribute"); }); test("set styles handle custom browser attributes", function() { context.styles({ mozColumnCount: '3', webkitColumnCount: '3', oColumnCount: '3', msColumnCount: '3' }); context.update(); // Browsers return single attribute styles differently, sometimes with a trailing ';' // sometimes, without one. Normalize it here. var style = SC.$(elem).attr("style"); if (!style.match(/;$/)) style += ';' ; //Gecko completely ignores css attributes that it doesn't understand. if(SC.browser.mozilla) equals(style, "-moz-column-count: 3;"); else if (SC.browser.msie) equals(style, "-webkit-column-count: 3; -moz-column-count: 3; -o-column-count: 3; -ms-column-count: 3;"); else equals(style, "-moz-column-count: 3; -webkit-column-count: 3; -o-column-count: 3; -ms-column-count: 3;"); });