# ========================================================================= # CMock - Automatic Mock Generation for C # ThrowTheSwitch.org # Copyright (c) 2007-25 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, & Greg Williams # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # ========================================================================= require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/../test_helper" require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../lib/cmock_generator_plugin_array' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../lib/cmock_generator_utils' class UtilsStub def helpers {} end def arg_type_with_const(arg) CMockGeneratorUtils.arg_type_with_const(arg) end def code_add_base_expectation(func) "mock_retval_0" end end describe CMockGeneratorPluginArray, "Verify CMockPGeneratorluginArray Module" do before do #no strict ordering @config = create_stub( :when_ptr => :compare_data, :enforce_strict_ordering => false, :respond_to? => true ) @utils = UtilsStub.new @cmock_generator_plugin_array = CMockGeneratorPluginArray.new(@config, @utils) end after do end it "have set up internal priority" do assert_nil(@cmock_generator_plugin_array.unity_helper) assert_equal(8, @cmock_generator_plugin_array.priority) end it "not include any additional include files" do assert(!@cmock_generator_plugin_array.respond_to?(:include_files)) end it "not add to typedef structure for functions of style 'int* func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Oak", :args => [], :return => test_return[:int_ptr]} returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal("", returned) end it "add to tyepdef structure mock needs of functions of style 'void func(int chicken, int* pork)'" do function = {:name => "Cedar", :args => [{ :name => "chicken", :type => "int", :ptr? => false}, { :name => "pork", :type => "int*", :ptr? => true}], :return => test_return[:void]} expected = " int Expected_pork_Depth;\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.instance_typedefs(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "not add an additional mock interface for functions not containing pointers" do function = {:name => "Maple", :args_string => "int blah", :return => test_return[:string], :contains_ptr? => false} returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_nil(returned) end it "add another mock function declaration for functions of style 'void func(int* tofu)'" do function = {:name => "Pine", :args => [{ :type => "int*", :name => "tofu", :ptr? => true, }], :return => test_return[:void], :contains_ptr? => true } expected = "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArrayAndReturn(tofu, tofu_Depth, cmock_retval) TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE(\"#{function[:name]} requires _ExpectWithArray (not AndReturn)\");\n" + "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArray(tofu, tofu_Depth) #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArray(__LINE__, tofu, (tofu_Depth))\n" + "void #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArray(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int* tofu, int tofu_Depth);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add another mock function declaration for functions of style 'const char* func(int* tofu)'" do function = {:name => "Pine", :args => [{ :type => "int*", :name => "tofu", :ptr? => true, }], :return => test_return[:string], :contains_ptr? => true } expected = "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArray(tofu, tofu_Depth) TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE(\"#{function[:name]} requires _ExpectWithArrayAndReturn\");\n" + "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArrayAndReturn(tofu, tofu_Depth, cmock_retval) #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArrayAndReturn(__LINE__, tofu, (tofu_Depth), cmock_retval)\n" + "void #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArrayAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int* tofu, int tofu_Depth, const char* cmock_to_return);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "add another mock function declaration for functions of style 'const char* func(const int* tofu)'" do function = {:name => "Pine", :args => [{ :type => "const int*", :name => "tofu", :ptr? => true, :const? => true, }], :return => test_return[:string], :contains_ptr? => true } expected = "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArray(tofu, tofu_Depth) TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE(\"#{function[:name]} requires _ExpectWithArrayAndReturn\");\n" + "#define #{function[:name]}_ExpectWithArrayAndReturn(tofu, tofu_Depth, cmock_retval) #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArrayAndReturn(__LINE__, tofu, (tofu_Depth), cmock_retval)\n" + "void #{function[:name]}_CMockExpectWithArrayAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, const int* tofu, int tofu_Depth, const char* cmock_to_return);\n" returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_function_declarations(function) assert_equal(expected, returned) end it "not have a mock function implementation" do assert(!@cmock_generator_plugin_array.respond_to?(:mock_implementation)) end it "not have a mock interfaces for functions of style 'int* func(void)'" do function = {:name => "Pear", :args => [], :args_string => "void", :return => test_return[:int_ptr]} returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_interfaces(function) assert_nil(returned) end it "add mock interfaces for functions of style 'int* func(int* pescado, int pes)'" do function = {:name => "Lemon", :args => [{ :type => "int*", :name => "pescado", :ptr? => true}, { :type => "int", :name => "pes", :ptr? => false}], :args_string => "int* pescado, int pes", :return => test_return[:int_ptr], :contains_ptr? => true } expected = ["void Lemon_CMockExpectWithArrayAndReturn(UNITY_LINE_TYPE cmock_line, int* pescado, int pescado_Depth, int pes, int* cmock_to_return)\n", "{\n", "mock_retval_0", " CMockExpectParameters_Lemon(cmock_call_instance, pescado, pescado_Depth, pes);\n", " cmock_call_instance->ReturnVal = cmock_to_return;\n", "}\n\n" ].join returned = @cmock_generator_plugin_array.mock_interfaces(function).join assert_equal(expected, returned) end end