module Preact class Component extend Preact::PropDeclarationMixin include Preact::HtmlElements include Preact::ComponentResolution class << self def inherited(base) base.instance_exec do base_module = base.to_s.deconstantize unless %w[LucidApp LucidComponent Preact::Component Preact::Context Fragment].include?(base_module) if base_module != '' base_module.constantize.define_singleton_method(base.to_s.demodulize) do |props = nil, &block| Preact._render_element(base, props, &block) end end end end end attr_accessor :context_type # lifecycle methods def component_did_catch(&block) define_method(:component_did_catch) do |error| instance_exec(error, &block) nil end end def component_did_mount(&block) define_method(:component_did_mount) do instance_exec(&block) nil end end def component_did_update(&block) define_method(:component_did_update) do |prev_props, prev_state, snapshot| instance_exec(prev_props, prev_state, snapshot, &block) nil end end def component_will_unmount(&block) define_method(:component_will_unmount) do instance_exec do @provider_subs.delete(self) if @provider_subs end instance_exec(&block) nil end end def get_derived_state_from_error(&block) define_method(:get_derived_state_from_error) do |error| instance_exec(error, &block) new_state end end def get_derived_state_from_props(&block) define_method(:get_derived_state_from_props) do |next_props, next_state| instance_exec(next_props, next_state, &block) end end def get_snapshot_before_update(&block) define_method(:get_snapshot_before_update) do |prev_props, prev_state| instance_exec(prev_props, prev_state, &block) end end def render(&block) define_method(:render) do instance_exec(&block) end end def should_component_update?(&block) define_method(:should_component_update?) do |next_props, next_state, context| instance_exec(next_props, next_state, context, &block) end end # state def state @default_state ||= {} end def set_state(update) state.merge!(update) end # refs def ref(ref_name, &block) @declared_refs = {} unless @declared_refs @declared_refs[ref_name] = block attr_reader ref_name end end attr_accessor :provider_subs attr_reader :context attr_reader :props attr_reader :state def initialize(props, context) @self_class = self.class if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' @state = `#@self_class.default_state`&.dup declared_refs = `#@self_class.declared_refs` else @state = @self_class.instance_variable_get(:@default_state)&.dup declared_refs = @self_class.instance_variable_get(:@declared_refs) end # props @props = props # state @state = {} unless @state # context @context = context @context_type = @self_class.context_type # refs declared_refs&.each do |ref_name, block| if block cmpnt = self instance_variable_set("@#{ref_name}".to_sym, proc { |element| cmpnt.instance_exec(element, &block) }) else instance_variable_set("@#{ref_name}".to_sym, { current: nil }) end end @method_cache = {} end def call(m) return @method_cache[m] if @method_cache.key?(m) @method_cache[m] = method(m) end def params @props[:params] || {} end def component_will_unmount @provider_subs.delete(self) if @provider_subs end def force_update(&block) if @_vnode # Set render mode so that we can differentiate where the render request # is coming from. We need this because forceUpdate should never call # should_component_update @_force = true @_renderCallbacks << block.to_n if block_given? Preact._enqueue_render(self) end end def set_state(update, &block) s = if @_nextState && @_nextState != @state @_nextState else @_nextState = @state.dup end s = {} unless s update =, @props) if update.is_a?(Proc) if update s.merge!(update) else return end if @_vnode @_renderCallbacks << block.to_n if block_given? Preact._enqueue_render(self) end end end end