require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' describe SimpleNavigation::Item do describe 'initialize' do context 'method' do context 'defined' do before(:each) do @options = {:method => :delete} @item =, 'name', 'url', @options, nil) end it 'should set the method as instance_var' do @item.method.should == :delete end it 'should set the html-options without the method' do @item.instance_variable_get(:@html_options).key?(:method).should be_false end end context 'undefined' do before(:each) do @item =, 'name', 'url', {}, nil) end it 'should set the instance-var to nil' do @item.method.should be_nil end end end end describe 'selected?' do before(:each) do @item =, 'name', 'url', {}, nil) end it {@item.selected?(:my_key).should be_true} it {@item.selected?(:my_other_key).should be_false} end describe 'selected_class' do before(:each) do @item =, 'name', 'url', {}, nil) end context 'item is selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(true) end it {@item.instance_eval {selected_class(:bla).should == 'selected'}} end context 'item is not selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(false) end it {@item.instance_eval {selected_class(:bla).should == nil}} end end describe 'html_options' do describe 'class' do context 'with classes defined in options' do before(:each) do @options = {:class => 'my_class'} @item =, 'name', 'url', @options, nil) end context 'with item selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(true) end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:class].should == 'my_class selected'} end context 'with item not selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(false) end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:class].should == 'my_class'} end end context 'without classes in options' do before(:each) do @options = {} @item =, 'name', 'url', @options, nil) end context 'with item selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(true) end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:class].should == 'selected'} end context 'with item not selected' do before(:each) do @item.stub!(:selected?).and_return(false) end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:class].should be_blank} end end end describe 'id' do context 'with autogenerate_item_ids == true' do before(:each) do @item =, 'name', 'url', {}, nil) @item.stub!(:autogenerate_item_ids? => true) end context 'with id defined in options' do before(:each) do @item.html_options = {:id => 'my_id'} end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:id].should == 'my_id'} end context 'with no id definied in options (using default id)' do before(:each) do @item.html_options = {} end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:id].should == 'my_key'} end end context 'with autogenerate_item_ids == false' do before(:each) do @item =, 'name', 'url', {}, nil) @item.stub!(:autogenerate_item_ids? => false) end context 'with id defined in options' do before(:each) do @item.html_options = {:id => 'my_id'} end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:id].should == 'my_id'} end context 'with no id definied in options (using default id)' do before(:each) do @item.html_options = {} end it {@item.html_options(:bla)[:id].should be_nil} end end end end end