require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/legacy_data' class ModelsFromTablesGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base def manifest record do |m| File.join('app/models') LegacyData::TableClassNameMapper.naming_convention = options[:table_naming_convention] analyzed_tables = LegacyData::Schema.analyze(options) LegacyData::TableClassNameMapper.let_user_validate_dictionary analyzed_tables.each do |analyzed_table| analyzed_table.class_name = LegacyData::TableClassNameMapper.class_name_for(analyzed_table[:table_name]) m.class_collisions :class_path, analyzed_table[:class_name] m.template 'model.rb', File.join('app/models', "#{analyzed_table[:class_name].underscore}.rb"), :assigns => {:definition => analyzed_table} add_factory_girl_factory analyzed_table if options[:with_factories] end end rescue => e # for debugging... puts e.backtrace end protected def add_options!(opt) opt.on('--table-name [ARG]', 'Only generate models for given table') { |value| options[:table_name] = value } opt.on('--table-naming-convention [ARG]', 'Naming convention for tables in the database - will not be used when generating naming the models') { |value| options[:table_naming_convention] = value } opt.on('--skip-associated', 'Do not follow foreign keys to model associated tables') { |value| options[:skip_associated] = true } opt.on('--with-factories', 'Add factory-girl factories for all created models') { |value| options[:with_factories] = true } end def add_factory_girl_factory analyzed_schema factory_name = analyzed_schema[:class_name].underscore columns = analyzed_schema[:columns]"#{RAILS_ROOT}/spec/factories.rb", 'a+') do |file| file.write "Factory.define :#{factory_name} do |#{factory_name.to_s.first}|\n" column_with_longest_name = columns.max {|a,b| <=> } columns.each do |c| if c.null == false && != analyzed_schema[:primary_key] value = case c.type when :integer then %[7] when :float then %[12.3] when :decimal then %[12.3] when :datetime then %[{}] when :date then %[{}] when :timestamp then %[{}] when :time then %[{}] when :text then %['some text value'] when :string then %['some string'] when :binary then %['some binary stuff'] when :boolean then %[false] else "'Sorry the models_to_tables_generator is not sure how to default columns of type #{c.type}'" end spaces = - file.write " #{factory_name.to_s.first}.#{}#{' ' * spaces} #{value}\n" end end file.write "end\n\n" end end end