# encoding: UTF-8 require 'csv' class CsvSerializer def self.load(csv_string) # takes a CSV string, and returns an Array of Hashes # the keys are the column names and the values are the values. # keys and values will all be strings. csv_table = CSV.parse(csv_string.present? ? csv_string : '', headers: :first_row) csv_table.map { |csv_row| csv_row.to_hash } end def self.dump(data) # takes something that behaves like an Array of Hashes, and returns a CSV string. headers = data.try(:first).present? ? data.first.keys : [] CSV.generate(headers: headers, write_headers: true) do |csv| data.try(:map) do |data_hash| csv << headers.map { |key| data_hash[key] } end end end def self.load_from_s3_file(key, num_rows=nil, headers=true) # load from an CSV file in s3 and returns the headers (if headers=true) and the rows in 2-D array # params: # file: s3 key # num_rows: maximum number of rows to return # headers: does the csv file has a header row? # reader = AwsS3.pipe_reader(key) rows = [] header_row = nil CSV.new(reader, headers: true, return_headers: true).each_with_index do |row, n| break if num_rows && n > num_rows if headers && n == 0 header_row = row.fields else rows << row.fields end end return [header_row, rows] end end