#hidden.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden') %p Responsible the hiding and conditional showing of a block-level element. This trump is the logical inverse of #{link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'visible', true)}. %p When accessibility is a concern, use #{link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'visually_hidden', true)} instead. %p without hidden: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden %p with hidden: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden I'm some text that should be hidden #hidden--for-medium.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden__for_medium') %p Hides an element at the medium breakpoint and greater. %p without hidden--for-medium: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden for medium and above %p with hidden--for-medium: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden.hidden--for-medium I'm some text that should be hidden for medium and above #hidden--for-medium-only.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden__for_medium_only') %p Hides an element for medium devices only %p without hidden--for-medium-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden for medium devices only %p with hidden--for-medium-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden.hidden--for-medium-only I'm some text that should be hidden for medium devices only #hidden--for-small-only.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden__for_small_only') %p Hides an element for small devices only %p without hidden--for-small-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden for small devices only %p with hidden--for-small-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden.hidden--for-small-only I'm some text that should be hidden for small devices only #hidden--for-wide.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden__for_wide') %p Hides an element at the wide breakpoint and greater. %p without hidden--for-wide: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden for wide and above %p with hidden--for-wide: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden.hidden--for-wide I'm some text that should be hidden for wide and above #hidden--for-wide-only.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('trumps', 'hidden__for_wide_only') %p Hides an element for wide devices only %p without hidden--for-wide-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p I'm some text that's about to be hidden for wide devices only %p with hidden--for-wide-only: .style-guide__example-block %p I'm some text %p.hidden.hidden--for-wide-only I'm some text that should be hidden for wide devices only