# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLsp class Document extend T::Sig PositionShape = T.type_alias { { line: Integer, character: Integer } } RangeShape = T.type_alias { { start: PositionShape, end: PositionShape } } EditShape = T.type_alias { { range: RangeShape, text: String } } sig { returns(T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node)) } attr_reader :tree sig { returns(String) } attr_reader :source sig { returns(Integer) } attr_reader :version sig { returns(String) } attr_reader :uri sig { params(source: String, version: Integer, uri: String, encoding: String).void } def initialize(source:, version:, uri:, encoding: Constant::PositionEncodingKind::UTF8) @cache = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, T.untyped]) @encoding = T.let(encoding, String) @source = T.let(source, String) @version = T.let(version, Integer) @uri = T.let(uri, String) @unparsed_edits = T.let([], T::Array[EditShape]) @syntax_error = T.let(false, T::Boolean) @tree = T.let(SyntaxTree.parse(@source), T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node)) rescue SyntaxTree::Parser::ParseError @syntax_error = true end sig { params(other: Document).returns(T::Boolean) } def ==(other) @source == other.source end # TODO: remove this method once all nonpositional requests have been migrated to the listener pattern sig do type_parameters(:T) .params( request_name: String, block: T.proc.params(document: Document).returns(T.type_parameter(:T)), ).returns(T.type_parameter(:T)) end def cache_fetch(request_name, &block) cached = @cache[request_name] return cached if cached result = block.call(self) @cache[request_name] = result result end sig { type_parameters(:T).params(request_name: String, value: T.type_parameter(:T)).returns(T.type_parameter(:T)) } def cache_set(request_name, value) @cache[request_name] = value end sig { params(request_name: String).returns(T.untyped) } def cache_get(request_name) @cache[request_name] end sig { params(edits: T::Array[EditShape], version: Integer).void } def push_edits(edits, version:) edits.each do |edit| range = edit[:range] scanner = create_scanner start_position = scanner.find_char_position(range[:start]) end_position = scanner.find_char_position(range[:end]) @source[start_position...end_position] = edit[:text] end @version = version @unparsed_edits.concat(edits) @cache.clear end sig { void } def parse return if @unparsed_edits.empty? @unparsed_edits.clear @tree = SyntaxTree.parse(@source) @syntax_error = false rescue SyntaxTree::Parser::ParseError @syntax_error = true end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def syntax_error? @syntax_error end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def parsed? !@tree.nil? end sig { returns(Scanner) } def create_scanner Scanner.new(@source, @encoding) end sig do params( position: PositionShape, node_types: T::Array[T.class_of(SyntaxTree::Node)], ).returns([T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node), T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node), T::Array[String]]) end def locate_node(position, node_types: []) return [nil, nil, []] unless parsed? locate(T.must(@tree), create_scanner.find_char_position(position), node_types: node_types) end sig do params( node: SyntaxTree::Node, char_position: Integer, node_types: T::Array[T.class_of(SyntaxTree::Node)], ).returns([T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node), T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node), T::Array[String]]) end def locate(node, char_position, node_types: []) queue = T.let(node.child_nodes.compact, T::Array[T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node)]) closest = node parent = T.let(nil, T.nilable(SyntaxTree::Node)) nesting = T.let([], T::Array[T.any(SyntaxTree::ClassDeclaration, SyntaxTree::ModuleDeclaration)]) until queue.empty? candidate = queue.shift # Skip nil child nodes next if candidate.nil? # Add the next child_nodes to the queue to be processed. The order here is important! We want to move in the # same order as the visiting mechanism, which means searching the child nodes before moving on to the next # sibling queue.unshift(*candidate.child_nodes) # Skip if the current node doesn't cover the desired position loc = candidate.location next unless (loc.start_char...loc.end_char).cover?(char_position) # If the node's start character is already past the position, then we should've found the closest node # already break if char_position < loc.start_char # If the candidate starts after the end of the previous nesting level, then we've exited that nesting level and # need to pop the stack previous_level = nesting.last nesting.pop if previous_level && candidate.start_char > previous_level.end_char # Keep track of the nesting where we found the target. This is used to determine the fully qualified name of the # target when it is a constant if candidate.is_a?(SyntaxTree::ClassDeclaration) || candidate.is_a?(SyntaxTree::ModuleDeclaration) nesting << candidate end # If there are node types to filter by, and the current node is not one of those types, then skip it next if node_types.any? && node_types.none? { |type| candidate.class == type } # If the current node is narrower than or equal to the previous closest node, then it is more precise closest_loc = closest.location if loc.end_char - loc.start_char <= closest_loc.end_char - closest_loc.start_char parent = closest closest = candidate end end [closest, parent, nesting.map { |n| n.constant.constant.value }] end class Scanner extend T::Sig LINE_BREAK = T.let(0x0A, Integer) # After character 0xFFFF, UTF-16 considers characters to have length 2 and we have to account for that SURROGATE_PAIR_START = T.let(0xFFFF, Integer) sig { params(source: String, encoding: String).void } def initialize(source, encoding) @current_line = T.let(0, Integer) @pos = T.let(0, Integer) @source = T.let(source.codepoints, T::Array[Integer]) @encoding = encoding end # Finds the character index inside the source string for a given line and column sig { params(position: PositionShape).returns(Integer) } def find_char_position(position) # Find the character index for the beginning of the requested line until @current_line == position[:line] @pos += 1 until LINE_BREAK == @source[@pos] @pos += 1 @current_line += 1 end # The final position is the beginning of the line plus the requested column. If the encoding is UTF-16, we also # need to adjust for surrogate pairs requested_position = @pos + position[:character] if @encoding == Constant::PositionEncodingKind::UTF16 requested_position -= utf_16_character_position_correction(@pos, requested_position) end requested_position end # Subtract 1 for each character after 0xFFFF in the current line from the column position, so that we hit the # right character in the UTF-8 representation sig { params(current_position: Integer, requested_position: Integer).returns(Integer) } def utf_16_character_position_correction(current_position, requested_position) utf16_unicode_correction = 0 until current_position == requested_position codepoint = @source[current_position] utf16_unicode_correction += 1 if codepoint && codepoint > SURROGATE_PAIR_START current_position += 1 end utf16_unicode_correction end end end end