module ActsAsHistorical def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # acts_as_historical # # # @option opts [Symbol] :date_column (:snapshot_date) the database column for the date of the record # @option opts [Symbol] :scope (nil) # def acts_as_historical(opts = {}) configuration = { :date_column => "snapshot_date", :scope => nil } configuration.update(opts) if opts.is_a?(Hash) send :include, InstanceMethods send :extend, DynamicClassMethods self.cattr_accessor :historical_date_col, :historical_scope, :only_weekdays self.historical_date_col = 'snapshot_date' #configuration[:date_column] self.historical_scope = configuration[:scope] order_desc = "#{self.historical_date_col_sql} DESC" order_asc = "#{self.historical_date_col_sql} ASC" # named_scopes - sortings named_scope :asc, :order => order_asc named_scope :desc, :order => order_desc named_scope :oldest, :limit => 1, :order => order_asc named_scope :newest, :limit => 1, :order => order_desc named_scope :newest_two, :limit => 2, :order => order_desc # one snapshot per week (every wednesday) named_scope :weekly, :conditions => "DAYOFWEEK(#{self.historical_date_col_sql}) = 2" %w[sundays mondays tuesdays wednesdays thursdays fridays saturdays].each_with_index do |name, day_of_week| named_scope name, :conditions => "DAYOFWEEK(#{self.historical_date_col_sql}) = #{day_of_week+1}" end named_scope :within_month, lambda {{ :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} > ?", - 30] }} named_scope :within_year, lambda {{ :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} > ?", - 364] }} named_scope :same_scope, lambda {|record| if self.historical_scope.nil? {} else {:conditions => {self.historical_scope => record[self.historical_scope]} } end } named_scope :on_date, lambda {|date| { :conditions => { :snapshot_date => date.to_date }, :limit => 1 }} named_scope :between, lambda {|*args| from, to = args range = { :conditions => {self.historical_date_col => range } } } # nearest(date, 1) # nearest(date, (date_from..date_to)) # named_scope :nearest, lambda {|*args| date, tolerance = args range = self.tolerance_to_range(date.to_date, tolerance) { :conditions => {self.historical_date_col => range}, :order => ["ABS(DATEDIFF(#{self.historical_date_col_sql}, '#{date.to_date.to_s(:db)}')) ASC"] } } # Does not include date # named_scope :upto, lambda {|date| raise "passed parameter does not respond_to? to_date" unless date.respond_to?(:to_date) { :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} < ?", date.to_date] } } # Includes date # named_scope :upto_including, lambda {|date| raise "passed parameter does not respond_to? to_date" unless date.respond_to?(:to_date) { :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} <= ?", date.to_date] } } named_scope :from, lambda {|date| raise "passed parameter does not respond_to? to_date" unless date.respond_to?(:to_date) { :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} > ?", date.to_date] } } named_scope :from_including, lambda {|date| raise "passed parameter does not respond_to? to_date" unless date.respond_to?(:to_date) { :conditions => ["#{self.historical_date_col_sql} >= ?", date.to_date] } } named_scope :opt, lambda {|attributes_for_select| {:select => [:snapshot_date, attributes_for_select].flatten.uniq.join(', ') } } # validations validate :valid_date?, :on => :save nil end end module DynamicClassMethods def historical_date_col_sql "`#{self.table_name}`.`#{self.historical_date_col}`" end def tolerance_to_range(date,range) if range.is_a?(Numeric) range = (date - range)..(date + range) elsif range.respond_to?(:to_date_range) range = range.to_date_range elsif range.is_a?(Range) range end end end module InstanceMethods def valid_date? if self.to_date.nil? errors.add_to_base('date missing') return false end if self.to_date >= Date.tomorrow errors.add_to_base('date is in future') return false end true end def previous; find_record_at(to_date - 1); end def next; find_record_at(to_date + 1); end def to_date self.send(self.class.historical_date_col) end private def find_record_at(date) self.class.at_date(date).same_scope(self).find(:first) end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActsAsHistorical