# Wx::SF - Sample3 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands require 'wx/shapes' class StarShape < Wx::SF::PolygonShape # star shape vertices STAR = [Wx::RealPoint.new(0, -50), Wx::RealPoint.new(15, -10), Wx::RealPoint.new(50, -10), Wx::RealPoint.new(22, 10), Wx::RealPoint.new(40, 50), Wx::RealPoint.new(0, 20), Wx::RealPoint.new(-40, 50), Wx::RealPoint.new(-22, 10), Wx::RealPoint.new(-50, -10), Wx::RealPoint.new(-15, -10)] # regular property property :description # component shape property (this specifies that this item should be serialized as a property of this class and # not from any reference elsewhere like it's parents child shapes list) component :title # disable serialization of polygon vertices for this PolygonShape derivative, # because they are always set in constructor for this class excludes :vertices # @overload initialize() # Default constructor. # @overload initialize(pos, size, diagram) # User constructor. # @param [Wx::RealPoint] pos Initial position # @param [Wx::SF::Diagram] diagram parent diagram def initialize(*args) if args.empty? super() set_vertices(STAR) else pos, diagram = args super(STAR, pos, diagram) end init end protected def get_description @description end def set_description(desc) @description = desc end def get_title @text end private def set_title(txt) @text = txt end def init # initialize custom data members... @description = "Insert some shape's description text here..." # polygon-based shapes can be connected either to the vertices or to the # nearest border point (default value is true). set_connect_to_vertex(false) # set accepted connections for the new shape accept_connection(Wx::SF::ACCEPT_ALL) accept_src_neighbour(StarShape) accept_trg_neighbour(StarShape) # create associated shape(s) @text = Wx::SF::EditTextShape.new # set some properties if @text # set text @text.set_text('Hello!') # set alignment @text.set_v_align(Wx::SF::Shape::VALIGN::MIDDLE) @text.set_h_align(Wx::SF::Shape::HALIGN::CENTER) # set required shape style(s) @text.set_style(STYLE::ALWAYS_INSIDE | STYLE::HOVERING | STYLE::PROCESS_DEL | STYLE::PROPAGATE_DRAGGING | STYLE::PROPAGATE_SELECTION | STYLE::PROPAGATE_INTERACTIVE_CONNECTION) # you can also force displaying of the shapes handles even if the interactive # size change is not allowed: #@text.add_style(STYLE::SHOW_HANDLES) # we use #set_parent_shape and not #add_child_shape as we do not want it checked against the acceptance list # (which is empty and we want to keep it like that) and we already know it's not yet on the diagram so does # not need to be removed as toplevel shape @text.set_parent_shape(self) # component will/should be added as child shape but will not be serialized as such # instead the 'component :title' declaration above makes sure it will be serialized # as a dedicated property of instances of this class end end end class SFSample3Frame < Wx::Frame module ID MenuQuit = 1000 MenuOpen = 1001 MenuSave = 1002 MenuAbout = 1003 end def initialize(title) super(nil, Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, title, size: [800,600]) self.icon = Wx::Icon(:logo) if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_MENUS) # create a menu bar mbar = Wx::MenuBar.new file_menu = Wx::Menu.new file_menu.append(ID::MenuOpen, "&Open\tCtrl-O", 'Open diagram from XML file') file_menu.append(ID::MenuSave, "&Save\tCtrl-S", 'Save diagram to XML file') file_menu.append_separator file_menu.append(ID::MenuQuit, "&Quit\tAlt-F4", "Quit the application") mbar.append(file_menu, "&File") help_menu = Wx::Menu.new help_menu.append(ID::MenuAbout, "&About\tF1", "Show info about this application") mbar.append(help_menu, "&Help") self.menu_bar = mbar evt_menu(ID::MenuOpen, :on_open) evt_menu(ID::MenuSave, :on_save) evt_menu(ID::MenuQuit, :on_quit) evt_menu(ID::MenuAbout, :on_about) end # wxUSE_MENUS @diagram = Wx::SF::Diagram.new # set some diagram manager properties if necessary... # set accepted shapes (accept only Wx::SF::RectShape) @diagram.clear_accepted_shapes @diagram.accept_shape(StarShape) @diagram.accept_shape(Wx::SF::TextShape) @diagram.accept_shape(Wx::SF::LineShape) # create shape canvas and associate it with shape manager @canvas = Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas.new(@diagram, self) # set some shape canvas properties if necessary... @canvas.add_style(Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas::STYLE::GRID_SHOW) @canvas.add_style(Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas::STYLE::GRID_USE) evt_close :on_close # connect (some) shape canvas events @canvas.evt_left_down { |evt| self.on_left_click_canvas(evt) } @canvas.evt_right_down { |evt| self.on_right_click_canvas(evt) } # connect (some) shape events (for full list of available shape/shape canvas events see Wx::SF reference documentation). @canvas.evt_sf_line_done { |evt| self.on_line_done(evt) } @canvas.evt_sf_text_change { |evt| self.on_text_change(evt) } if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_STATUSBAR) # create a status bar with some information about the used wxWidgets version create_status_bar(2) set_status_text('Hello wxRuby ShapeFramework user!',0) set_status_text("wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM} (wxWidgets #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})", 1) end # wxUSE_STATUSBAR center end # Window event handlers def on_close(_event) destroy end def on_quit(_event) destroy end def on_about(_event) msg = "wxRuby ShapeFramework #{Wx::SF::VERSION}\n(wxRuby #{Wx::WXRUBY_VERSION} #{Wx::PLATFORM}; #{Wx::WXWIDGETS_VERSION})\n\n" msg += "Welcome to wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample3 (c) Martin Corino, 2023\n" msg += "(ported from wxSFShapeFramework original (c) Michal Bliznak, 2007 - 2013)\n\n" msg += "Sample demonstrates basic Wx::SF functionality.\n" msg += " - New custom 'composite' shape is created.\n" msg += " - Shapes can be joined together by lines.\n\n" msg += "Usage:\n" msg += " - Left mouse click operates with inserted shapes\n" msg += " - Right mouse click inserts a custom shape to the canvas or starts\n" msg += " interactive connection line's creation process\n" msg += " - You can modify the star's text (double click it by the left mouse button)\n" msg += " - DEL key removes selected shape\n" Wx.message_box(msg, "wxRuby ShapeFramework Sample 3") end # event handlers for shape canvas def on_left_click_canvas(event) # HINT: perform your user actions here... # ... and then process standard canvas operations event.skip end def on_right_click_canvas(event) # find out whether some shape has been clicked if @canvas.get_shape_at_position(@canvas.dp2lp(event.get_position)) # start interactive connection creation @canvas.start_interactive_connection(Wx::SF::LineShape, event.get_position) else # create new composite shape @diagram.add_shape(s = StarShape.new, nil, event.get_position, Wx::SF::INITIALIZE, Wx::SF::DONT_SAVE_STATE) # ... and process standard canvas operations event.skip end end # event handlers for shapes # Event handler called when the interactive line creation process is finished. # Alternatively you can override virtual function Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas#on_connection_finished. def on_line_done(event) # get new line shape (if created) line = event.get_shape if line.is_a?(Wx::SF::LineShape) # assign target arrow to the line shape (also source arrow can be created) line.set_trg_arrow(Wx::SF::SolidArrow) end end # Event handler called when a text inside the star was changed. # Alternatively you can override virtual function Wx::SF::ShapeCanvas#on_text_change. def on_text_change(event) # get changed text shape text = event.get_shape if text.is_a?(Wx::SF::TextShape) # update the text shape and its parent(s) text.update # display some info... Wx.log_message("New text of the star with ID #{text.get_parent_shape.object_id} is : '#{event.text}'") end end def on_open(_event) Wx::FileDialog(self, 'Load diagram from file...', Dir.getwd, '', "JSON Files (*.json)|*.json", Wx::FD_OPEN) do |dlg| if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK File.open(dlg.get_path, 'r') do |f| @canvas.set_diagram(FIRM::Serializable.deserialize(f)) @canvas.clear_canvas_history @canvas.save_canvas_state end @diagram = @canvas.get_diagram @canvas.refresh(false) end end end def on_save(_event) Wx::FileDialog(self, 'Save diagram to XML...', Dir.getwd, '', 'JSON Files (*.json)|*.json', Wx::FD_SAVE) do |dlg| if dlg.show_modal == Wx::ID_OK # save diagram to file File.open(dlg.get_path, 'w+') do |f| @diagram.serialize(f, pretty: true) end Wx.message_box("The diagram has been saved to '#{dlg.get_path}'.", 'wxRuby ShapeFramework') end end end end Wx::App.run do SFSample3Frame.new('wxShapeFramework Sample 3').show end