"use strict"; const cssom = require("cssom"); const whatwgEncoding = require("whatwg-encoding"); const whatwgURL = require("whatwg-url"); // TODO: this should really implement https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#link-type-stylesheet // It (and the things it calls) is nowhere close right now. exports.fetchStylesheet = (elementImpl, urlString) => { const parsedURL = whatwgURL.parseURL(urlString); return fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, urlString, parsedURL); }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#remove-a-css-style-sheet exports.removeStylesheet = (sheet, elementImpl) => { const { styleSheets } = elementImpl._ownerDocument; styleSheets._remove(sheet); // Remove the association explicitly; in the spec it's implicit so this step doesn't exist. elementImpl.sheet = null; // TODO: "Set the CSS style sheet’s parent CSS style sheet, owner node and owner CSS rule to null." // Probably when we have a real CSSOM implementation. }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#create-a-css-style-sheet kinda: // - Parsing failures are not handled gracefully like they should be // - The import rules stuff seems out of place, and probably should affect the load event... exports.createStylesheet = (sheetText, elementImpl, baseURL) => { let sheet; try { sheet = cssom.parse(sheetText); } catch (e) { if (elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView) { const error = new Error("Could not parse CSS stylesheet"); error.detail = sheetText; error.type = "css parsing"; elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", error); } return; } scanForImportRules(elementImpl, sheet.cssRules, baseURL); addStylesheet(sheet, elementImpl); }; // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#add-a-css-style-sheet function addStylesheet(sheet, elementImpl) { elementImpl._ownerDocument.styleSheets._add(sheet); // Set the association explicitly; in the spec it's implicit. elementImpl.sheet = sheet; // TODO: title and disabled stuff } function fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, urlString, parsedURL) { const document = elementImpl._ownerDocument; let defaultEncoding = document._encoding; const resourceLoader = document._resourceLoader; if (elementImpl.localName === "link" && elementImpl.hasAttributeNS(null, "charset")) { defaultEncoding = whatwgEncoding.labelToName(elementImpl.getAttributeNS(null, "charset")); } function onStylesheetLoad(data) { const css = whatwgEncoding.decode(data, defaultEncoding); // TODO: MIME type checking? if (elementImpl.sheet) { exports.removeStylesheet(elementImpl.sheet, elementImpl); } exports.createStylesheet(css, elementImpl, parsedURL); } resourceLoader.fetch(urlString, { element: elementImpl, onLoad: onStylesheetLoad }); } // TODO this is actually really messed up and overwrites the sheet on elementImpl // Tracking in https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom/issues/2124 function scanForImportRules(elementImpl, cssRules, baseURL) { if (!cssRules) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; ++i) { if (cssRules[i].cssRules) { // @media rule: keep searching inside it. scanForImportRules(elementImpl, cssRules[i].cssRules, baseURL); } else if (cssRules[i].href) { // @import rule: fetch the resource and evaluate it. // See http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom/#css-import-rule // If loading of the style sheet fails its cssRules list is simply // empty. I.e. an @import rule always has an associated style sheet. const parsed = whatwgURL.parseURL(cssRules[i].href, { baseURL }); if (parsed === null) { const window = elementImpl._ownerDocument._defaultView; if (window) { const error = new Error(`Could not parse CSS @import URL ${cssRules[i].href} relative to base URL ` + `"${whatwgURL.serializeURL(baseURL)}"`); error.type = "css @import URL parsing"; window._virtualConsole.emit("jsdomError", error); } } else { fetchStylesheetInternal(elementImpl, whatwgURL.serializeURL(parsed), parsed); } } } }