%{ /* * BSD 3-Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, plures * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "bpgrammar.h" #include "bplexer.h" void yyerror(YYLTYPE *loc, yyscan_t scanner, ndt_t **ast, ndt_context_t *ctx, const char *msg) { (void)scanner; (void)ast; ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ParseError, "%d:%d: %s\n", loc->first_line, loc->first_column, msg); } int yylex(YYSTYPE *val, YYLTYPE *loc, yyscan_t scanner, ndt_context_t *ctx) { return ndt_bplexfunc(val, loc, scanner, ctx); } static uint16_t add_uint16(uint16_t a, uint16_t b, ndt_context_t *ctx) { bool overflow = 0; uint16_t c = ADDu16(a, b, &overflow); if (overflow) { ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "overflow while adding uint16"); return UINT16_MAX; } return c; } static ndt_t * primitive_native(char dtype, ndt_context_t *ctx) { switch (dtype) { case '?': return ndt_primitive(Bool, 0, ctx); case 'c': return ndt_char(Ascii, ctx); case 'b': return ndt_primitive(Int8, 0, ctx); case 'B': return ndt_primitive(Uint8, 0, ctx); case 'h': return ndt_signed(sizeof(short), 0, ctx); case 'i': return ndt_signed(sizeof(int), 0, ctx); case 'l': return ndt_signed(sizeof(long), 0, ctx); case 'q': return ndt_signed(sizeof(long long), 0, ctx); case 'n': return ndt_signed(sizeof(size_t), 0, ctx); case 'H': return ndt_unsigned(sizeof(unsigned short), 0, ctx); case 'I': return ndt_unsigned(sizeof(unsigned int), 0, ctx); case 'L': return ndt_unsigned(sizeof(unsigned long), 0, ctx); case 'Q': return ndt_unsigned(sizeof(unsigned long long), 0, ctx); case 'N': return ndt_unsigned(sizeof(size_t), 0, ctx); case 'e': return ndt_primitive(Float16, 0, ctx); case 'f': return ndt_primitive(Float32, 0, ctx); case 'd': return ndt_primitive(Float64, 0, ctx); case 'E': return ndt_primitive(Complex32, 0, ctx); case 'F': return ndt_primitive(Complex64, 0, ctx); case 'D': return ndt_primitive(Complex128, 0, ctx); default: ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "invalid or unsupported dtype '%c'", dtype); return NULL; } } static ndt_t * primitive_fixed(char dtype, uint32_t flags, ndt_context_t *ctx) { switch (dtype) { case '?': return ndt_primitive(Bool, flags, ctx); case 'c': return ndt_char(Ascii, ctx); case 'b': return ndt_primitive(Int8, flags, ctx); case 'B': return ndt_primitive(Uint8, flags, ctx); case 'h': return ndt_primitive(Int16, flags, ctx); case 'i': return ndt_primitive(Int32, flags, ctx); case 'l': return ndt_primitive(Int32, flags, ctx); case 'q': return ndt_primitive(Int64, flags, ctx); case 'H': return ndt_primitive(Uint16, flags, ctx); case 'I': return ndt_primitive(Uint32, flags, ctx); case 'L': return ndt_primitive(Uint32, flags, ctx); case 'Q': return ndt_primitive(Uint64, flags, ctx); case 'e': return ndt_primitive(Float16, flags, ctx); case 'f': return ndt_primitive(Float32, flags, ctx); case 'd': return ndt_primitive(Float64, flags, ctx); case 'E': return ndt_primitive(Complex32, flags, ctx); case 'F': return ndt_primitive(Complex64, flags, ctx); case 'D': return ndt_primitive(Complex128, flags, ctx); default: ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "invalid or unsupported dtype '%c'", dtype); return NULL; } } static ndt_t * make_dtype(char modifier, char dtype, ndt_context_t *ctx) { switch (modifier) { case '@': return primitive_native(dtype, ctx); case '=': return primitive_fixed(dtype, 0, ctx); case '<': return primitive_fixed(dtype, NDT_LITTLE_ENDIAN, ctx); case '>': return primitive_fixed(dtype, NDT_BIG_ENDIAN, ctx); case '!': return primitive_fixed(dtype, NDT_BIG_ENDIAN, ctx); default: ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_RuntimeError, "invalid modifier '%c'", modifier); return NULL; } } static ndt_t * make_fixed_bytes(char *v, ndt_context_t *ctx) { uint16_opt_t align = {None, 0}; int64_t datasize = 1; if (v != NULL) { datasize = ndt_strtoll(v, 0, INT64_MAX, ctx); ndt_free(v); if (ndt_err_occurred(ctx)) { return NULL; } } if (datasize < 1) { ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "fixed bytes datasize must be greater than 0"); return NULL; } return ndt_fixed_bytes(datasize, align, ctx); } static ndt_t * make_dimensions(ndt_string_seq_t *seq, ndt_t *type, ndt_context_t *ctx) { ndt_t *t; int64_t shape; int64_t i; if (seq->len < 1 || seq->len > NDT_MAX_DIM) { ndt_err_format(ctx, NDT_ValueError, "number of dimensions must be between 1 and %d", NDT_MAX_DIM); ndt_string_seq_del(seq); ndt_del(type); return NULL; } for (i=seq->len-1, t=type; i>=0; i--, type=t) { shape = ndt_strtoll(seq->ptr[i], 0, INT_MAX, ctx); if (ndt_err_occurred(ctx)) { ndt_string_seq_del(seq); return NULL; } t = ndt_fixed_dim(type, shape, INT64_MAX, ctx); if (t == NULL) { ndt_string_seq_del(seq); return NULL; } } ndt_string_seq_del(seq); return t; } static ndt_field_t * make_field(char *name, ndt_t *type, uint16_t padding, ndt_context_t *ctx) { uint16_opt_t align = {None, 0}; uint16_opt_t pack = {None, 0}; uint16_opt_t pad = {Some, 0}; pad.Some = padding; return ndt_field(name, type, align, pack, pad, ctx); } static ndt_t * make_record(ndt_field_seq_t *fields, ndt_context_t *ctx) { uint16_opt_t align = {None, 0}; uint16_opt_t pack = {None, 0}; ndt_t *t; int64_t i; fields = ndt_field_seq_finalize(fields); if (fields == NULL) { return ndt_record(Nonvariadic, NULL, 0, align, pack, ctx); } assert(fields->len >= 1); fields->ptr[0].Concrete.align = 1; fields->ptr[0].Concrete.explicit_align = true; for (i = 1; i < fields->len; i++) { uint16_t a = 1; if (fields->ptr[i-1].Concrete.pad != 0) { a = fields->ptr[i-1].type->align + fields->ptr[i-1].Concrete.pad; } fields->ptr[i].Concrete.align = a; fields->ptr[i].Concrete.explicit_align = true; } t = ndt_record(Nonvariadic, fields->ptr, fields->len, align, pack, ctx); ndt_free(fields); return t; } static ndt_type_seq_t * broadcast_seq_new(ndt_t *type, ndt_context_t *ctx) { ndt_t *t; t = ndt_ellipsis_dim(NULL, type, ctx); if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } return ndt_type_seq_new(t, ctx); } static ndt_type_seq_t * broadcast_seq_append(ndt_type_seq_t *seq, ndt_t *type, ndt_context_t *ctx) { ndt_t *t; t = ndt_ellipsis_dim(NULL, type, ctx); if (t == NULL) { ndt_type_seq_del(seq); return NULL; } return ndt_type_seq_append(seq, t, ctx); } %} %code requires { #include #include #include "ndtypes.h" #include "parsefuncs.h" #include "seq.h" #include "overflow.h" #define YY_TYPEDEF_YY_SCANNER_T typedef void * yyscan_t; } %code provides { #define YY_DECL extern int ndt_bplexfunc(YYSTYPE *yylval_param, YYLTYPE *yylloc_param, yyscan_t yyscanner, ndt_context_t *ctx) extern int ndt_bplexfunc(YYSTYPE *, YYLTYPE *, yyscan_t, ndt_context_t *); void yyerror(YYLTYPE *loc, yyscan_t scanner, ndt_t **ast, ndt_context_t *ctx, const char *msg); } %pure-parser %error-verbose %locations %initial-action { @$.first_line = 1; @$.first_column = 1; @$.last_line = 1; @$.last_column = 1; } %lex-param {yyscan_t scanner} {ndt_context_t *ctx} %parse-param {yyscan_t scanner} {ndt_t **ast} {ndt_context_t *ctx} %union { ndt_t *ndt; ndt_field_t *field; ndt_field_seq_t *field_seq; ndt_string_seq_t *string_seq; ndt_type_seq_t *type_seq; char *string; unsigned char uchar; uint16_t uint16; } %start input %type input %type datatype %type record %type field %type field_seq %type dtype %type dtype_seq %type dimensions %type repeat %type function %type modifier %type padding %token BYTES RECORD PAD AT EQUAL LESS GREATER BANG COMMA COLON LPAREN RPAREN LBRACE RBRACE RARROW ERRTOKEN %token DTYPE %token INTEGER NAME %token ENDMARKER 0 "end of file" %destructor { ndt_del($$); } %destructor { ndt_field_del($$); } %destructor { ndt_field_seq_del($$); } %destructor { ndt_string_seq_del($$); } %destructor { ndt_type_seq_del($$); } %destructor { ndt_free($$); } %% input: datatype ENDMARKER { $$ = $1; *ast = $$; YYACCEPT; } datatype: LPAREN dimensions RPAREN dtype { $$ = make_dimensions($2, $4, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | dtype { $$ = $1; } | function { $$ = $1; } dimensions: INTEGER { $$ = ndt_string_seq_new($1, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | dimensions COMMA INTEGER { $$ = ndt_string_seq_append($1, $3, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } dtype: modifier DTYPE { $$ = make_dtype($1, $2, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | repeat BYTES { $$ = make_fixed_bytes($1, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | record { $$ = $1; } record: RECORD LBRACE field_seq RBRACE { $$ = make_record($3, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } field_seq: field { $$ = ndt_field_seq_new($1, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | field_seq field { $$ = ndt_field_seq_append($1, $2, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } field: datatype COLON NAME COLON padding { $$ = make_field($3, $1, $5, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } function: dtype_seq RARROW dtype_seq { $$ = mk_function($1, $3, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } dtype_seq: dtype { $$ = broadcast_seq_new($1, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } | dtype_seq dtype { $$ = broadcast_seq_append($1, $2, ctx); if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } modifier: %empty { $$ = '@'; } | AT { $$ = '@'; } | EQUAL { $$ = '='; } | LESS { $$ = '<'; } | GREATER { $$ = '>'; } | BANG { $$ = '!'; } repeat: %empty { $$ = NULL; } | INTEGER { $$ = $1; if ($$ == NULL) YYABORT; } padding: %empty { $$ = 0; } | padding PAD { $$ = add_uint16($1, 1, ctx); if (ndt_err_occurred(ctx)) YYABORT; }