## ## 2023-02-26 _vp_ Let's go ## 2023-03-02 _vp_ Continue ## 2023-03-07 _vp_ Continue ## ## class name: EIJ ## class Ishapi::EmailMessageIntakeJob < Ishapi::ApplicationJob # include Sidekiq::Worker ## From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59114063/sidekiq-options-giving-sidekiqworker-cannot-be-included-in-an-activejob-for queue_as :default ## For recursive parts of type `related`. ## Content Types: # "text/html; charset=utf-8" # "application/pdf; name=\"Securities Forward Agreement -- HaulHub Inc -- Victor Pudeyev -- 2021-10-26.docx.pdf\"" # "image/jpeg; name=TX_DL_2.jpg" # "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" def churn_subpart message, part if part.content_type.include?("multipart/related") || part.content_type.include?("multipart/alternative") part.parts.each do |subpart| churn_subpart( message, subpart ) end elsif part.content_type.include?('text/html') message.part_html = part.decoded elsif part.content_type.include?("text/plain") message.part_txt = part.decoded else ## @TODO: attachments ! puts! part.content_type, '444 No action for a part with this content_type' end return nil end def perform id stub = ::Office::EmailMessageStub.find id if !Rails.env.test? puts "Performing EmailMessageIntakeJob for object_key #{stub.object_key}" end if stub.state != ::Office::EmailMessageStub::STATE_PENDING raise "This stub has already been processed: #{stub.id.to_s}." return end client = Aws::S3::Client.new({ region: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:region], access_key_id: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:access_key_id], secret_access_key: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:secret_access_key] }) _mail = client.get_object( bucket: ::S3_CREDENTIALS[:bucket_ses], key: stub.object_key ).body.read the_mail = Mail.new(_mail) message_id = the_mail.header['message-id'].decoded in_reply_to_id = the_mail.header['in-reply-to']&.to_s email_inbox_tag_id = WpTag.emailtag(WpTag::INBOX).id @message = ::Office::EmailMessage.where( message_id: message_id ).first @message ||= ::Office::EmailMessage.new @message.assign_attributes({ raw: _mail, message_id: message_id, in_reply_to_id: in_reply_to_id, object_key: stub.object_key, # object_path: stub.object_path, subject: the_mail.subject, date: the_mail.date, from: the_mail.from[0], froms: the_mail.from, to: the_mail.to[0], tos: the_mail.to, ccs: the_mail.cc, bccs: the_mail.bcc, }) the_mail.parts.each do |part| churn_subpart( @message, part ) end if the_mail.parts.length == 0 body = the_mail.body.decoded.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?') if the_mail.content_type.include?('text/html') @message.part_html = body elsif the_mail.content_type.include?('text/plain') @message.part_txt = body else throw "mail body of unknown type: #{the_mail.content_type}" end end ## Conversation if in_reply_to_id in_reply_to_msg = ::Office::EmailMessage.where({ message_id: in_reply_to_id }).first if !in_reply_to_msg conv = ::Office::EmailConversation.find_or_create_by({ subject: the_mail.subject, }) in_reply_to_msg = ::Office::EmailMessage.find_or_create_by({ message_id: in_reply_to_id, email_conversation_id: conv.id, }) end conv = in_reply_to_msg.email_conversation else conv = ::Office::EmailConversation.find_or_create_by({ subject: the_mail.subject, }) end @message.email_conversation_id = conv.id conv.update_attributes({ state: Conv::STATE_UNREAD, latest_at: the_mail.date || Time.now.to_datetime, wp_term_ids: ( [ email_inbox_tag_id ] + conv.wp_term_ids + stub.wp_term_ids ).uniq, }) ## Leadset domain = @message.from.split('@')[1] leadset = Leadset.find_or_create_by( company_url: domain ) ## Lead lead = Lead.find_or_create_by( email: @message.from, m3_leadset_id: leadset.id ) conv.lead_ids = conv.lead_ids.push( lead.id ).uniq ## Actions & Filters email_filters = Office::EmailFilter.active email_filters.each do |filter| if @message.from.match( filter.from_regex ) # || @message.part_html.match( filter.body_regex ) ) # || MiaTagger.analyze( @message.part_html, :is_spammy_recruite ).score > .5 @message.apply_filter( filter ) end end ## Save to exit flag = @message.save if flag puts! @message.message_id, 'Saved this message' else puts! @message.errors.full_messages.join(', '), 'Cannot save email_message' end conv.save stub.update_attributes({ state: ::Office::EmailMessageStub::STATE_PROCESSED }) ## Notification if conv.wp_term_ids.include?( email_inbox_tag_id ) ::Ishapi::ApplicationMailer.forwarder_notify( @message.id.to_s ).deliver_later end end end EIJ = Ishapi::EmailMessageIntakeJob