namespace :load do task :defaults do set :nginx_unit_roles, -> { :app } set :nginx_unit_control_sock, -> { "/var/run/control.unit.sock" } set :nginx_unit_listen, -> { "*:3000" } set :nginx_unit_app_name, -> { fetch(:application) } set :nginx_unit_processes, -> { nil } set :nginx_unit_user, -> { nil } set :nginx_unit_group, -> { nil } set :nginx_unit_working_dir, -> { nil } set :nginx_unit_script, -> { "" } set :nginx_unit_environment, -> { {} } end end namespace :nginx_unit do # NOTE: Should we detach listener and application before stopping? [:start, :stop].each do |cmd| desc "#{cmd.to_s.capitalize} NGINX Unit process" task cmd do on release_roles(fetch(:nginx_unit_roles)) do if test(:which, :systemctl) sudo :systemctl, cmd, :unit else sudo :service, :unit, cmd end end end end # If you want to apply new code when deployed, # please invoke this task after deploy:published desc "Attach listener and application configuration to NGINX Unit" task :attach do invoke "nginx_unit:start" invoke "nginx_unit:attach_app" invoke "nginx_unit:attach_listener" end desc "Attach listener configuration to NGINX Unit" task :attach_listener do on release_roles(fetch(:nginx_unit_roles)) do listener_json = JSON.generate("application" => fetch(:application)) control_nginx_unit(:put, path: "/listeners/#{fetch(:nginx_unit_listen)}", json: listener_json) end end desc "Attach application configuration to NGINX Unit" task :attach_app do on release_roles(fetch(:nginx_unit_roles)) do released_dir = capture(:readlink, "-f", current_path) raise "Doesn't exist released dir: #{released_dir}" unless test("[ -d #{released_dir} ]") app_json = JSON.generate({ type: "ruby", processes: fetch(:nginx_unit_processes), user: fetch(:nginx_unit_user), group: fetch(:nginx_unit_group), working_directory: fetch(:nginx_unit_working_dir) || released_dir, script: File.join(released_dir, fetch(:nginx_unit_script)), environment: fetch(:nginx_unit_environment) }.reject { |_, v| v.respond_to?(:empty?) ? v.empty? : v.nil? }) control_nginx_unit(:put, path: "/applications/#{fetch(:nginx_unit_app_name)}", json: app_json) end end desc "Detach listener and application configuration from NGINX Unit" task :detach do invoke "nginx_unit:detach_listener" invoke "nginx_unit:detach_app" end desc "Detach listener configuration from NGINX Unit" task :detach_listener do on release_roles(fetch(:nginx_unit_roles)) do listen = fetch(:nginx_unit_listen) if nginx_unit_conf["listeners"][listen] control_nginx_unit(:delete, path: "/listeners/#{listen}") else info "Listener \"#{listen}\" is already detached" end end end desc "Detach application configuration from NGINX Unit" task :detach_app do on release_roles(fetch(:nginx_unit_roles)) do app_name = fetch(:nginx_unit_app_name) if nginx_unit_conf["applications"][app_name] control_nginx_unit(:delete, path: "/applications/#{app_name}") else info "Application \"#{app_name}\" is already detached" end end end # Send request to NGINX Unit control socket def control_nginx_unit(method, path: "", json: nil) args = [ "-s", "-X #{method.to_s.upcase}", "--unix-socket #{fetch(:nginx_unit_control_sock)}", "'http://localhost/#{path}'" ] args << "-d '#{json}'" if json res = JSON.parse(capture(:sudo, :curl, *args)) if res["error"] error res.inspect raise "NGINX Unit: #{res["error"]}" else info res.inspect end end # Get current configuration def nginx_unit_conf JSON.parse(capture( :sudo, :curl, "--unix-socket #{fetch(:nginx_unit_control_sock)}", "http://localhost/" )) end end