# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt require 'cosmos' require 'cosmos/gui/qt' module Cosmos # Implements the targets tab in the Command and Telemetry Server GUI class TargetsTab def initialize(tab_widget) @widget = nil reset() @scroll = Qt::ScrollArea.new tab_widget.addTab(@scroll, "Targets") end def reset Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) do @widget.destroy if @widget @widget = nil end end # Create the targets tab and add it to the tab_widget def populate reset() num_targets = System.targets.length if num_targets > 0 @widget = Qt::Widget.new layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new(@widget) # Since the layout will be inside a scroll area make sure it respects the sizes we set layout.setSizeConstraint(Qt::Layout::SetMinAndMaxSize) @targets_table = Qt::TableWidget.new() @targets_table.verticalHeader.hide() @targets_table.setRowCount(num_targets) @targets_table.setColumnCount(4) @targets_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["Target Name", "Interface", "Command Count", "Telemetry Count"]) populate_targets_table() @targets_table.displayFullSize layout.addWidget(@targets_table) @scroll.setWidget(@widget) end end # Update the targets tab gui def update row = 0 System.targets.sort.each do |target_name, target| @targets_table.item(row,2).setText(target.cmd_cnt.to_s) @targets_table.item(row,3).setText(target.tlm_cnt.to_s) row += 1 end end private def populate_targets_table row = 0 System.targets.sort.each do |target_name, target| target_name_widget = Qt::TableWidgetItem.new(target_name) target_name_widget.setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) @targets_table.setItem(row, 0, target_name_widget) if target.interface interface_name_widget = Qt::TableWidgetItem.new(target.interface.name.to_s) else interface_name_widget = Qt::TableWidgetItem.new('') end interface_name_widget.setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) @targets_table.setItem(row, 1, interface_name_widget) cmd_cnt = Qt::TableWidgetItem.new(target.cmd_cnt.to_s) cmd_cnt.setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) @targets_table.setItem(row, 2, cmd_cnt) tlm_cnt = Qt::TableWidgetItem.new(target.tlm_cnt.to_s) tlm_cnt.setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter) @targets_table.setItem(row, 3, tlm_cnt) row += 1 end end end end