require 'parcel_api' # configure the client client = do |config| config.client_id = ENV['CLIENT_ID'] config.client_secret = ENV['CLIENT_SECRET'] config.username = ENV['USERNAME'] config.password = ENV['PASSWORD'] config.address = '' end # Address examples query = '151 vic' address = # search for the query, 3 results results =, 3) puts "Address Search: #{query}" puts "Results:" # dump the results out puts {|r| r.full_address} # get details for the first result puts 'First Address Details:' details = address.details(results.first.address_id) # dump the detail parts out details.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} intl_query = '38 Lap' # search for the query, defult number of results intl_results = address.international_search(intl_query) puts "International Address Search: #{query}" puts "Results:" puts {|r| r.full_address} # get details for the first result puts 'First International Address Details:' intl_details = address.international_details(intl_results.first.address_id) # dump the detail parts out intl_details.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} # Tracking Example tracking = results = tracking.details('8144152543878001AKL002PN') # example tracking output last_event = results.tracking_events.last puts results.carrier puts results.service puts last_event.event_datetime.to_s + ' ' + last_event.event_description # Labelling example labeller = # Label options cp_label_options = { orientation: 'landscape', requests: [ { carrier: 'COURIERPOST', sender_details: { name: 'Glenn Dodd', phone: '0274123456', email: '', reference: '654334', }, pickup_address: { company: 'Glenns Acme Company', city: 'Auckland', floor: 'Floor 2', postcode: '2102', street: '25 Buller Crescent', suburb: 'Manurewa', unit_type: 'Flat', unit_value: '2', }, receiver_details: { name: 'Glenn Dodd', phone: '0274123456', }, delivery_address: { company: 'Acme Company', city: 'Auckland', floor: 'Floor 2', postcode: '2102', street: '151 Victoria Street', suburb: 'Manurewa', unit_type: 'Flat', unit_value: '2', }, return_indicator: 'NORMAL', delivery_instructions: 'Dont feed my dog tonight', service_code: 'CPOLE', add_ons: [], dimensions: { weight: '10', height: '35', width: '45', length: '15', } } ] } # create the label cp = labeller.create(cp_label_options) # get the label details details = labeller.details(cp.label_id) # Print the tracking references {|tr| puts tr} # download the ticket cp_ticket = # Write the ticket out"#{cp.label_id}.pdf", 'w') do |f| f.puts( end # International Labelling Example intl_labeller = # Label options intl_label_options = { requests: [ { sender_details: { name: 'The sender', phone: '091428774', email: '', reference: 'Glqddd 008', signatory: 'Mary Jones', customs_code: 'HGD34373', }, pickup_address: { building: '', company: 'Express Courier Limited', street: '151 Victoria Street West', suburb: 'Auckland Central', city: 'Auckland', country_code: 'NZ', postcode: '1070', }, receiver_details: { name: 'Tom Smith', phone: '051236547', vat_number: 'GB123123123123', }, delivery_address: { building: '', company: 'American Express', street: '23 Broadway Street', suburb: 'Queens', city: 'New York', postcode: '4414', country_code: 'US', state: 'New York', }, delivery_instructions: 'Leave at door', dimensions: { length: 600, width: 100, height: 200 }, undeliverable_instructions: 'RETURN', contents: [ { unit_description: 'Light bulbs', unit_count: 2, unit_value: 5.1, unit_weight: 0.5, }, { unit_description: 'Lego', unit_count: 10, unit_value: 6.1, unit_weight: 0.6, }, { unit_description: 'Hot wheels', unit_count: 13, unit_value: 5.4, unit_weight: 0.8, } ], service_code: 'TIEX', indicia_number: '123456', insurance_required: true, contains_only_documents: true, export_type: 'Documents', harmonised_system_tariff: '12121212', user_reference_code: SecureRandom.hex(1), } ] } # create the label intl = intl_labeller.international_create(intl_label_options) # get the label details intl_details = intl_labeller.details(intl.label_id) # Print the tracking references {|tr| puts tr} # download the ticket intl_ticket = # Write the ticket out"#{intl.label_id}.pdf", 'w') do |f| f.puts( end ## ShippingOptions Example shipping_options = params = { weight: 10, length: 10, width: 10, height: 10, pickup_address_id: 990003, delivery_dpid: 2727895, } domestic_options = shipping_options.get_domestic(params) domestic_options.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} intl_params = { value: 100, length: 10, height: 10, width: 10, weight: 13, country_code: 'AU', } intl_options = shipping_options.get_international(intl_params) intl_options.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} # Pickup Example pickup_params = { carrier: 'CourierPost', caller: 'Test Caller', account_number: '91327067', pickup_address: { site_code: '28979', instructions: 'TEST' }, pickup_date_time: '2015-05-28T17:00:00', quantity: 1 } pickup = # use a custom connection pickup_results = pickup.create(pickup_params) pickup_results.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"} # Notification Example notification_params = { tracking_reference: 'LE123454152NZ', email: '', receiver_first_name: 'John', receiver_last_name: 'Receiver', collection_location_id: '84320', } notification = notification_results = notification.create(notification_params) notification_results.to_h.each {|k, v| puts "#{k}: #{v}"}