require 'slop' require 'traject' require 'traject/indexer' module Traject # The class that executes for the Traject command line utility. # # Warning, does do things like exit entire program on error at present. # You probably don't want to use this class for anything but an actual # shell command line, if you want to execute indexing directly, just # use the Traject::Indexer directly. # # A CommandLine object has a single persistent Indexer object it uses class CommandLine # orig_argv is original one passed in, remaining_argv is after destructive # processing by slop, still has file args in it etc. attr_accessor :orig_argv, :remaining_argv attr_accessor :slop, :options attr_accessor :indexer attr_accessor :console def initialize(argv=ARGV) self.console = $stderr self.orig_argv = argv.dup self.remaining_argv = argv self.slop = create_slop! self.options = parse_options(self.remaining_argv) end # Returns true on success or false on failure; may also raise exceptions; # may also exit program directly itself (yeah, could use some normalization) def execute if options[:version] self.console.puts "traject version #{Traject::VERSION}" return end if options[:help] self.console.puts return end (options[:load_path] || []).each do |path| $LOAD_PATH << path unless $LOAD_PATH.include? path end arg_check! self.indexer = initialize_indexer! ###### # SAFE TO LOG to indexer.logger starting here, after indexer is set up from conf files # with logging config. #####"traject (#{Traject::VERSION}) executing with: `#{orig_argv.join(' ')}`") # Okay, actual command process! All command_ methods should return true # on success, or false on failure. result = case options[:command] when "process" (io, filename) = get_input_io(self.remaining_argv) indexer.settings['command_line.filename'] = filename if filename indexer.process(io) when "marcout" (io, filename) = get_input_io(self.remaining_argv) indexer.settings['command_line.filename'] = filename if filename command_marcout!(io) when "commit" command_commit! else raise"Unrecognized traject command: #{options[:command]}") end return result rescue Exception => e # Try to log unexpected exceptions if possible indexer && indexer.logger && indexer.logger.fatal("Traject::CommandLine: Unexpected exception, terminating execution: #{e.inspect}") rescue nil raise e end def command_commit! require 'open-uri' raise"No solr.url setting provided") if indexer.settings['solr.url'].to_s.empty? url = "#{indexer.settings['solr.url']}/update?commit=true""Sending commit to: #{url}") open(url).read ) return true end def command_marcout!(io) require 'marc' output_type = indexer.settings["marcout.type"].to_s output_type = "binary" if output_type.empty? output_arg = unless indexer.settings["output_file"].to_s.empty? indexer.settings["output_file"] else $stdout end" marcout writing type:#{output_type} to file:#{output_arg}") case output_type when "binary" writer = allow_oversized = indexer.settings["marcout.allow_oversized"] if allow_oversized allow_oversized = (allow_oversized.to_s == "true") writer.allow_oversized = allow_oversized end when "xml" writer = when "human" writer = output_arg.kind_of?(String) ?, "w:binary") : output_arg else raise"traject marcout unrecognized marcout.type: #{output_type}") end reader = indexer.reader!(io) reader.each do |record| writer.write record end writer.close return true end def get_input_io(argv) # ARGF might be perfect for this, but problems with it include: # * jruby is broken, no way to set it's encoding, leads to encoding errors reading non-ascii # # * It's apparently not enough like an IO object for at least one of the ruby-marc XML # readers: # NoMethodError: undefined method `to_inputstream' for ARGF:Object # init at /Users/jrochkind/.gem/jruby/1.9.3/gems/marc-0.5.1/lib/marc/xml_parsers.rb:369 # # * It INSISTS on reading from ARGFV, making it hard to test, or use when you want to give # it a list of files on something other than ARGV. # # So for now we do just one file, or stdin if specified. Sorry! filename = nil if options[:stdin]"Reading from standard input") io = $stdin elsif argv.length > 1 self.console.puts "Sorry, traject can only handle one input file at a time right now. `#{argv}` Exiting..." exit 1 elsif argv.length == 0 io =, 'r')"Warning, no file input given. Use command-line argument '--stdin' to use standard input ") else io =, 'r') filename = argv.first "Reading from #{filename}" end return io, filename end def load_configuration_files!(my_indexer, conf_files) conf_files.each do |conf_path| begin file_io = rescue Errno::ENOENT => e self.console.puts "Could not find configuration file '#{conf_path}', exiting..." exit 2 end begin my_indexer.instance_eval(, conf_path) rescue Exception => e if (conf_trace = e.backtrace.find {|l| l.start_with? conf_path}) && (conf_trace =~ /\A.*\:(\d+)\:in/) line_number = $1 end self.console.puts "Error processing configuration file '#{conf_path}' at line #{line_number}" self.console.puts " #{e.class}: #{e.message}" if e.backtrace.first =~ /\A(.*)\:in/ self.console.puts " from #{$1}" end exit 3 end end end def arg_check! if options[:command] == "process" && (options[:conf].nil? || options[:conf].length == 0) self.console.puts "Error: Missing required configuration file" self.console.puts "Exiting..." self.console.puts self.console.puts exit 2 end end def assemble_settings_hash(options) settings = {} # `-s key=value` command line (options[:setting] || []).each do |setting_pair| if setting_pair =~ /\A([^=]+)\=(.*)\Z/ key, value = $1, $2 settings[key] = value else self.console.puts "Unrecognized setting argument '#{setting_pair}':" self.console.puts "Should be of format -s key=value" exit 3 end end # other command line shortcuts for settings if options[:debug] settings["log.level"] = "debug" end if options[:'debug-mode'] require 'traject/debug_writer' settings["writer_class_name"] = "Traject::DebugWriter" settings["log.level"] = "debug" settings["processing_thread_pool"] = 0 end if options[:writer] settings["writer_class_name"] = options[:writer] end if options[:reader] settings["reader_class_name"] = options[:reader] end if options[:solr] settings["solr.url"] = options[:solr] end if options[:marc_type] settings["marc_source.type"] = options[:marc_type] end if options[:output_file] settings["output_file"] = options[:output_file] end return settings end def create_slop! return => true) do banner "traject [options] -c configuration.rb [-c config2.rb] file.mrc" on 'v', 'version', "print version information to stderr" on 'd', 'debug', "Include debug log, -s log.level=debug" on 'h', 'help', "print usage information to stderr" on 'c', 'conf', 'configuration file path (repeatable)', :argument => true, :as => Array on :s, :setting, "settings: `-s key=value` (repeatable)", :argument => true, :as => Array on :r, :reader, "Set reader class, shortcut for -s reader_class_name=", :argument => true on :o, "output_file", "output file for Writer classes that write to files", :argument => true on :w, :writer, "Set writer class, shortcut for -s writer_class_name=", :argument => true on :u, :solr, "Set solr url, shortcut for -s solr.url=", :argument => true on :t, :marc_type, "xml, json or binary. shortcut for -s marc_source.type=", :argument => true on :I, "load_path", "append paths to ruby $LOAD_PATH", :argument => true, :as => Array, :delimiter => ":" on :x, "command", "alternate traject command: process (default); marcout; commit", :argument => true, :default => "process" on "stdin", "read input from stdin" on "debug-mode", "debug logging, single threaded, output human readable hashes" end end def initialize_indexer! indexer = self.assemble_settings_hash(self.options) load_configuration_files!(indexer, options[:conf]) return indexer end def parse_options(argv) begin self.slop.parse!(argv) rescue Slop::Error => e self.console.puts "Error: #{e.message}" self.console.puts "Exiting..." self.console.puts self.console.puts exit 1 end return self.slop.to_hash end end end