Keytar ====== **1.** A keyboard that is designed to be played standing up, like a guitar. **2.** A crazy simple, flexible ruby library for generating NOSQL keys. Use it with redis, memcache, mongo, or any other key-value store. It Builds Keys -------- ```ruby class User include Keytar define_keys :friends, :favorite_spots, :sweet end user = User.find(22) user.friends_key #=> "users:friends:22" User.friends_key #=> "user:friends" user = User.find(12) user.favorite_spots_key #=> "users:favorite_spots:12" user.favorite_spots_key("some_argument") #=> "users:favorite_spots:12:some_argument" User.favorite_spots_key #=> "user:favorite_spots" user = User.find(9) user.sweet_key #=> "users:sweet:9" user.sweet_key("foo") #=> "users:sweet:9:foo" User.sweet_Key #=> "user:sweet" ``` ___quit___ littering your code with junk like this: ```ruby class User def some_key_for_a_distributed_no_sql_datastore_key "foos:some_key_for_a_distributed_no_sql_datastore_key:#{}" end end ``` Use Keytar instead ^_^ Installation ------------ In your Gemfile add gem 'keytar' then run bundle install drop `include Keytar` in any model you want and you're good to go It's that simple Define Keys ------------- Keys should be pre-defined and configured by calling **define\_keys**: ```ruby class User include Keytar define_keys :friend_ids, :email_subscriptions, :news_feed, :delimiter => "|" end User.friend_ids_key #=> "user|friend_ids" User.find(9).friend_ids_key #=> "users|friend_ids|9" ``` Where the first argument is the key (or keys) to be defined, and the second argument is a hash of configuration options. Global options can also be configured per class by passing in a hash to **key_config**: ```ruby class User include Keytar key_config :delimiter => "/", :suffix => "after" define_keys :ignored_ids end User.ignored_ids_key #=> "user/ignored_ids/after" User.find(9).ignored_ids_key #=> "user/ignored_ids/9/after" ``` But Wait there's more --------------------- Keytar is used to generate keys in my Rails method cache library [JohnnyCache]( Check it out as an easy way to speed up your rails app and make use of Rails.cache. Configuration Options Breakdown ------------------------ Here is a run down of what each does **delimiter** sets the separating argument in keys ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :delimiter => "|" User.favorite_spots_key #=> "user|favorite_spots" ``` **order** sets the location of key parts, if a symbol is omitted, it will not show up in the final key (note the location of "favorite_spots" and "user" is flipped) ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :order => [:name, :base] User.favorite_spots_key #=> "favorite_spots:user" ``` **unique** sets the unique value of the instance that is used to build the key By default all instance keys have an identifying unique element included in the key, specifying `key_unique` allows you to change the field that is used to specify a unique key. (defaults to database backed id, Object#id) ```ruby User.create(:username => "Schneems", :id => 9) User.find(9).favorite_spots_key #=> "users:favorite_spots:9" define_keys :favorite_spots, :unique => "username" User.find(9).favorite_spots_key #=> "users:favorite_spots:schneems" ``` **prefix** adds some text to the beginning of your key for that class ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :prefix => "woot" User.favorite_spots_key #=> "woot:user:favorite_spots" ``` **suffix** adds some text to the end of your key for that class ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :suffix => "pow" User.favorite_spots_key #=> "user:favorite_spots:pow" ``` **pluralize_instances** allows you to toggle pluralizing instance keys (note the 's' in 'users' is not there) ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :pluralize_instances => false User.find(1).favorite_spots_key #=> "user:favorite_spots:1" ``` **plural** allows you to over-ride the default pluralize method with custom spelling ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :plural => "uzerz" User.find(1).favorite_spots_key #=> "uzerz:favorite_spots:1" ``` **case** allows you to specify the case of your key ```ruby define_keys :favorite_spots, :case => :upcase User.favorite_spots_key #=> "USER:REDIS" ``` Since this library is sooooo simple, here is a ASCII keytar for you. Thanks for checking it out. ,,,, ,,:::, ,,,,7::= ,:~?MOZN~ ,,=~ONZDM ,,,~,NMOM+ :,,:~MNOM, ,,,:,,MO8M :,,,,:: NO ,:,~=~+,,:~ ,:::+:I:=::, =?::::I:::: ,~:,+7:::::~ ~,,,,,,+~::: ,,, ,:,,,,,=,,,7~: ,::::, ,:,,:,,?~::=:,+=:,,,,,,,:::::: ::::,,:,,NMZ,=,,+=::,::::+:::: ~:,,,::,88=DNM:,:,:+~:::,MN~,~ ,:,,:,,,+=+MM==8MZ,=::::::?=:~~ ~,,: ,,=,7MN~OMM=?NM::~:$+:~:= ~:,:,:,~7~:==MM?+ZM8~7::I~:+::: ,:,,,,,~,:NM8:=~$MD?+M~::~~~~~~ ~,:,, +,+DO=?MM~,=~NM8:::I+:::~ ,~:,:,=:,:~+MM8=ZMD:~::::+:~::~ ~:,:,:,,?DZ:?~ONM=+MM:+~:I?~:~ ~~,,,~:,ZN=?MN~::~OMO~:NMM:,::~ ,~:,:~,,==+ZM8+8MZ:::~=+8D+,===, ~:,~=,,=,$MD++MM~?MMO::ND8,===~ ,:,:,,:=:~:==MMD=OMO~Z=~=+?:===: ~,:,,,=,:ZM8~=:=NN?+M+::I7+~==: ~:::,,=,+DN=?MM~,=~ZM8:~7~::~~= ,~::,:=,:~~~8MZ+OM8~,~::==::=~:, ~:,: =,,?D$~~~+MN=+NMO::$~~~~~= ~,,~,:,=+=DMZ~~~+NN==$,::?~~::= ,,:~,::=,~NN+IMM$:+=8D,:::~~+~= ~,::,::,=D8?OMZ??NN:~:::?I:~:~ :,:,:,:,,+~=MN+?MDZ+DM::+7::~~= ,::,,,~,:NN~~?~OM8+8MN:::N:~~:=, :~,,:~,,$$+8MM~~~=MN==::=Z~~:~~ ,:,::,,,~,+MN+I8M$~+~Z,:==~~~~~ :,,,,,,=I\~+~DM$=?MN::::::~+~+ ~,::,,,=~=?M\~=~?MN7=O:::$~=:~, :,~,,,=,~NN$+N\ :~:+MI::N:::~= ,:=:,,+,=DZ?DMN+7M\:==,:~::=~= ::::~::,::+MN+?DN7+N\,:~::=:= ::::::,~::,?:DMN+?MN~~ :::~:: :::::::,I:,~:+8NZ=,:=+I::~ ,,:::::+:,,+:=$::$7::~ :,:::,I:,,,:?7=:~~ I:,:::::::$7I,:~ ,::::~:,7::: Contribution ============ Fork away. If you want to chat about a feature idea, or a question you can find me on the twitters [@schneems]( Put any major changes into feature branches. Make sure all tests stay green, and make sure your changes are covered. licensed under MIT License Copyright (c) 2011 Schneems. See LICENSE.txt for further details.