module JdbcSpec module MsSQL module Column def simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /int|bigint|smallint|tinyint/i then :integer when /float|double|decimal|money|numeric|real|smallmoney/i then @scale == 0 ? :integer : :float when /datetime|smalldatetime/i then :datetime when /timestamp/i then :timestamp when /time/i then :time when /text|ntext/i then :text when /binary|image|varbinary/i then :binary when /char|nchar|nvarchar|string|varchar/i then :string when /bit/i then :boolean when /uniqueidentifier/i then :string end end def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? || value =~ /^\s*null\s*$/i case type when :string then value when :integer then value == true || value == false ? value == true ? 1 : 0 : value.to_i when :primary_key then value == true || value == false ? value == true ? 1 : 0 : value.to_i when :float then value.to_f when :datetime then cast_to_datetime(value) when :timestamp then cast_to_time(value) when :time then cast_to_time(value) when :date then cast_to_datetime(value) when :boolean then value == true or (value =~ /^t(rue)?$/i) == 0 or value.to_s == '1' else value end end def cast_to_time(value) return value if value.is_a?(Time) time_array = ParseDate.parsedate(value) time_array[0] ||= 2000 time_array[1] ||= 1 time_array[2] ||= 1 Time.send(ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone, *time_array) rescue nil end def cast_to_datetime(value) if value.is_a?(Time) if value.year != 0 and value.month != 0 and != 0 return value else return Time.mktime(2000, 1, 1, value.hour, value.min, value.sec) rescue nil end end return cast_to_time(value) if value.is_a?(Date) or value.is_a?(String) rescue nil value end # These methods will only allow the adapter to insert binary data with a length of 7K or less # because of a SQL Server statement length policy. def self.string_to_binary(value) value.gsub(/(\r|\n|\0|\x1a)/) do case $1 when "\r" then "%00" when "\n" then "%01" when "\0" then "%02" when "\x1a" then "%03" end end end def self.binary_to_string(value) value.gsub(/(%00|%01|%02|%03)/) do case $1 when "%00" then "\r" when "%01" then "\n" when "%02\0" then "\0" when "%03" then "\x1a" end end end end def modify_types(tp) tp[:primary_key] = "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY" tp[:integer][:limit] = nil tp[:boolean][:limit] = nil tp[:binary] = { :name => "image"} tp end def quote(value, column = nil) if column && column.type == :primary_key return value.to_s end case value when String if column && column.type == :binary && column.class.respond_to?(:string_to_binary) val = quote_string(column.class.string_to_binary(value)) "'#{val}'" else "'#{quote_string(value)}'" end when NilClass then "NULL" when TrueClass then '1' when FalseClass then '0' when Float, Fixnum, Bignum then value.to_s when Date then "'#{value.to_s}'" when Time, DateTime then "'#{value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'" else "'#{quote_string(value.to_yaml)}'" end end def quote_string(string) string.gsub(/\'/, "''") end def quoted_true "1" end def quoted_false "0" end def quote_column_name(name) "[#{name}]" end def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) if options[:limit] and options[:offset] total_rows = @connection.select_all("SELECT count(*) as TotalRows from (#{sql.gsub(/\bSELECT\b/i, "SELECT TOP 1000000000")}) tally")[0][:TotalRows].to_i if (options[:limit] + options[:offset]) >= total_rows options[:limit] = (total_rows - options[:offset] >= 0) ? (total_rows - options[:offset]) : 0 end sql.sub!(/^\s*SELECT/i, "SELECT * FROM (SELECT TOP #{options[:limit]} * FROM (SELECT TOP #{options[:limit] + options[:offset]} ") sql << ") AS tmp1" if options[:order] options[:order] = options[:order].split(',').map do |field| parts = field.split(" ") tc = parts[0] if sql =~ /\.\[/ and tc =~ /\./ # if column quoting used in query tc.gsub!(/\./, '\\.\\[') tc << '\\]' end if sql =~ /#{tc} AS (t\d_r\d\d?)/ parts[0] = $1 end parts.join(' ') end.join(', ') sql << " ORDER BY #{change_order_direction(options[:order])}) AS tmp2 ORDER BY #{options[:order]}" else sql << " ) AS tmp2" end elsif sql !~ /^\s*SELECT (@@|COUNT\()/i sql.sub!(/^\s*SELECT([\s]*distinct)?/i) do "SELECT#{$1} TOP #{options[:limit]}" end unless options[:limit].nil? end end def recreate_database(name) drop_database(name) create_database(name) end def drop_database(name) execute "DROP DATABASE #{name}" end def create_database(name) execute "CREATE DATABASE #{name}" end def rename_table(name, new_name) execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{name}', '#{new_name}'" end def rename_column(table, column, new_column_name) execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{table}.#{column}', '#{new_column_name}'" end def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc: sql_commands = ["ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{column_name} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit])}"] if options[:default] remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) sql_commands << "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD CONSTRAINT DF_#{table_name}_#{column_name} DEFAULT #{options[:default]} FOR #{column_name}" end sql_commands.each {|c| execute(c) } end def remove_column(table_name, column_name) remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN #{column_name}" end def remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) defaults = select "select from sysobjects def, syscolumns col, sysobjects tab where col.cdefault = and = '#{column_name}' and = '#{table_name}' and =" defaults.each {|constraint| execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{constraint["name"]}" } end def remove_index(table_name, options = {}) execute "DROP INDEX #{table_name}.#{index_name(table_name, options)}" end end end