require 'spec_helper' describe 'Migration' do supported_by :postgres, :mysql, :sqlite do before do @adapter = mock('adapter', :class => DataMapper::Spec.adapter.class) @repo = mock('DataMapper.repository', :adapter => @adapter) DataMapper.stub!(:repository).and_return(@repo) @m =, :do_nothing, {}) {} @m.stub!(:write) # silence any output end [:position, :name, :database, :adapter].each do |meth| it "should respond to ##{meth}" do @m.should respond_to(meth) end end describe 'initialization' do it 'should set @position from the given position' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@position).should == 1 end it 'should set @name from the given name' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@name).should == :do_nothing end it 'should set @options from the options hash' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@options).should == {} end it 'should set @database from the default repository if no :database option is given' do DataMapper.should_receive(:repository).with(:default).and_return(@repo), :do_nothing, {}) {} end it 'should set @database to the repository specified with the :database option' do DataMapper.should_receive(:repository).with(:foobar).and_return(@repo), :do_nothing, :database => :foobar) {} end it 'should determine the class of the adapter to be extended' do @adapter.should_receive(:class).and_return(DataMapper::Spec.adapter.class), :do_nothing, {}) {} end it 'should extend the adapter with the right module' do @adapter.should_receive(:extend).with(SQL.const_get(DataMapper::Spec.adapter_name.capitalize)), :do_nothing, {}) {} end it 'should raise "Unsupported adapter" on an unknown adapter' do @adapter.should_receive(:class).any_number_of_times.and_return("InvalidAdapter") lambda {, :do_nothing, {}) {} }.should raise_error end it 'should set @verbose from the options hash' do m =, :do_nothing, :verbose => false) {} m.instance_variable_get(:@verbose).should be_false end it 'should set @verbose to true by default' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@verbose).should be_true end it 'should set the @up_action to an empty block' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@up_action).should be_kind_of(Proc) end it 'should set the @down_action to an empty block' do @m.instance_variable_get(:@down_action).should be_kind_of(Proc) end it 'should evaluate the given block' end it 'should set the @up_action when #up is called with a block' do action = lambda {} @m.up(&action) @m.instance_variable_get(:@up_action).should == action end it 'should set the @up_action when #up is called with a block' do action = lambda {} @m.down(&action) @m.instance_variable_get(:@down_action).should == action end describe 'perform_up' do before do @up_action = mock('proc', :call => true) @m.instance_variable_set(:@up_action, @up_action) @m.stub!(:needs_up?).and_return(true) @m.stub!(:update_migration_info) end it 'should call the action assigned to @up_action and return the result' do @up_action.should_receive(:call).and_return(:result) @m.perform_up.should == :result end it 'should output a status message with the position and name of the migration' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/Performing Up Migration #1: do_nothing/) @m.perform_up end it 'should not run if it doesnt need to be' do @m.should_receive(:needs_up?).and_return(false) @up_action.should_not_receive(:call) @m.perform_up end it 'should update the migration info table' do @m.should_receive(:update_migration_info).with(:up) @m.perform_up end it 'should not update the migration info table if the migration does not need run' do @m.should_receive(:needs_up?).and_return(false) @m.should_not_receive(:update_migration_info) @m.perform_up end end describe 'perform_down' do before do @down_action = mock('proc', :call => true) @m.instance_variable_set(:@down_action, @down_action) @m.stub!(:needs_down?).and_return(true) @m.stub!(:update_migration_info) end it 'should call the action assigned to @down_action and return the result' do @down_action.should_receive(:call).and_return(:result) @m.perform_down.should == :result end it 'should output a status message with the position and name of the migration' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/Performing Down Migration #1: do_nothing/) @m.perform_down end it 'should not run if it doesnt need to be' do @m.should_receive(:needs_down?).and_return(false) @down_action.should_not_receive(:call) @m.perform_down end it 'should update the migration info table' do @m.should_receive(:update_migration_info).with(:down) @m.perform_down end it 'should not update the migration info table if the migration does not need run' do @m.should_receive(:needs_down?).and_return(false) @m.should_not_receive(:update_migration_info) @m.perform_down end end describe 'methods used in the action blocks' do describe '#execute' do before do @adapter.stub!(:execute) end it 'should send the SQL it its executing to the adapter execute method' do @adapter.should_receive(:execute).with('SELECT SOME SQL') @m.execute('SELECT SOME SQL') end it 'should output the SQL it is executing' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/SELECT SOME SQL/) @m.execute('SELECT SOME SQL') end end describe 'helpers' do before do @m.stub!(:execute) # don't actually run anything end describe '#create_table' do before do @tc = mock('TableCreator', :to_sql => 'CREATE TABLE') SQL::TableCreator.stub!(:new).and_return(@tc) end it 'should create a new TableCreator object' do SQL::TableCreator.should_receive(:new).with(@adapter, :users, {}).and_return(@tc) @m.create_table(:users) { } end it 'should convert the TableCreator object to an sql statement' do @tc.should_receive(:to_sql).and_return('CREATE TABLE') @m.create_table(:users) { } end it 'should execute the create table sql' do @m.should_receive(:execute).with('CREATE TABLE') @m.create_table(:users) { } end end describe '#drop_table' do it 'should quote the table name' do @adapter.should_receive(:quote_name).with('users') @m.drop_table :users end it 'should execute the DROP TABLE sql for the table' do @adapter.stub!(:quote_name).and_return("'users'") @m.should_receive(:execute).with(%{DROP TABLE 'users'}) @m.drop_table :users end end describe '#modify_table' do before do @tm = mock('TableModifier', :statements => []) SQL::TableModifier.stub!(:new).and_return(@tm) end it 'should create a new TableModifier object' do SQL::TableModifier.should_receive(:new).with(@adapter, :users, {}).and_return(@tm) @m.modify_table(:users){ } end it 'should get the statements from the TableModifier object' do @tm.should_receive(:statements).and_return([]) @m.modify_table(:users){ } end it 'should iterate over the statements and execute each one' do @tm.should_receive(:statements).and_return(['SELECT 1', 'SELECT 2']) @m.should_receive(:execute).with('SELECT 1') @m.should_receive(:execute).with('SELECT 2') @m.modify_table(:users){ } end end describe 'sorting' do it 'should order things by position' do m1 =, :do_nothing){} m2 =, :do_nothing_else){} (m1 <=> m2).should == -1 end it 'should order things by name when they have the same position' do m1 =, :do_nothing_a){} m2 =, :do_nothing_b){} (m1 <=> m2).should == -1 end end describe 'formatting output' do describe '#say' do it 'should output the message' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/Paul/) @m.say("Paul") end it 'should indent the message with 4 spaces by default' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/^\s{4}/) @m.say("Paul") end it 'should indext the message with a given number of spaces' do @m.should_receive(:write).with(/^\s{3}/) @m.say("Paul", 3) end end describe '#say_with_time' do before do @m.stub!(:say) end it 'should say the message with an indent of 2' do @m.should_receive(:say).with("Paul", 2) @m.say_with_time("Paul"){} end it 'should output the time it took' do @m.should_receive(:say).with(/\d+/, 2) @m.say_with_time("Paul"){} end end describe '#write' do before do # need a new migration object, because the main one had #write stubbed to silence output @m =, :do_nothing) {} end it 'should puts the message' do @m.should_receive(:puts).with("Paul") @m.write("Paul") end it 'should not puts the message if @verbose is false' do @m.instance_variable_set(:@verbose, false) @m.should_not_receive(:puts) @m.write("Paul") end end end describe 'working with the migration_info table' do before do @adapter.stub!(:storage_exists?).and_return(true) # --- Please remove stubs --- @adapter.stub!(:quote_name).and_return { |name| "'#{name}'" } end describe '#update_migration_info' do it 'should add a record of the migration' do @m.should_receive(:execute).with( %Q{INSERT INTO 'migration_info' ('migration_name') VALUES ('do_nothing')} ) @m.update_migration_info(:up) end it 'should remove the record of the migration' do @m.should_receive(:execute).with( %Q{DELETE FROM 'migration_info' WHERE 'migration_name' = 'do_nothing'} ) @m.update_migration_info(:down) end it 'should try to create the migration_info table' do @m.should_receive(:create_migration_info_table_if_needed) @m.update_migration_info(:up) end end describe '#create_migration_info_table_if_needed' do it 'should create the migration info table' do @m.should_receive(:migration_info_table_exists?).and_return(false) @m.should_receive(:execute).with( %Q{CREATE TABLE 'migration_info' ('migration_name' VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE)} ) @m.create_migration_info_table_if_needed end it 'should not try to create the migration info table if it already exists' do @m.should_receive(:migration_info_table_exists?).and_return(true) @m.should_not_receive(:execute) @m.create_migration_info_table_if_needed end end it 'should quote the name of the migration for use in sql' do @m.quoted_name.should == %{'do_nothing'} end it 'should query the adapter to see if the migration_info table exists' do @adapter.should_receive(:storage_exists?).with('migration_info').and_return(true) @m.migration_info_table_exists?.should == true end describe '#migration_record' do it 'should query for the migration' do @adapter.should_receive(:select).with( %Q{SELECT 'migration_name' FROM 'migration_info' WHERE 'migration_name' = 'do_nothing'} ) @m.migration_record end it 'should not try to query if the table does not exist' do @m.stub!(:migration_info_table_exists?).and_return(false) @adapter.should_not_receive(:select) @m.migration_record end end describe '#needs_up?' do it 'should be true if there is no record' do @m.should_receive(:migration_record).and_return([]) @m.needs_up?.should == true end it 'should be false if the record exists' do @m.should_receive(:migration_record).and_return([:not_empty]) @m.needs_up?.should == false end it 'should be true if there is no migration_info table' do @m.should_receive(:migration_info_table_exists?).and_return(false) @m.needs_up?.should == true end end describe '#needs_down?' do it 'should be false if there is no record' do @m.should_receive(:migration_record).and_return([]) @m.needs_down?.should == false end it 'should be true if the record exists' do @m.should_receive(:migration_record).and_return([:not_empty]) @m.needs_down?.should == true end it 'should be false if there is no migration_info table' do @m.should_receive(:migration_info_table_exists?).and_return(false) @m.needs_down?.should == false end end it 'should have the adapter quote the migration_info table' do @adapter.should_receive(:quote_name).with('migration_info').and_return("'migration_info'") @m.migration_info_table.should == "'migration_info'" end it 'should have a quoted migration_name_column' do @adapter.should_receive(:quote_name).with('migration_name').and_return("'migration_name'") @m.migration_name_column.should == "'migration_name'" end end end end end end