# ActsAsWizard # Works alongside wicked gem to build a wizard # https://github.com/zombocom/wicked # acts_as_wizard(start: 'Start Step', select: 'Select Step', finish: 'Finished') module ActsAsWizard extend ActiveSupport::Concern module Base def acts_as_wizard(steps) raise 'acts_as_wizard expected a Hash of steps' unless steps.kind_of?(Hash) unless steps.all? { |k, v| k.kind_of?(Symbol) && v.kind_of?(String) } raise 'acts_as_wizard expected a Hash of symbol => String steps' end @acts_as_wizard_options = {steps: steps} include ::ActsAsWizard end end included do acts_as_wizard_options = @acts_as_wizard_options attr_accessor :current_step attr_accessor :current_user if Rails.env.test? # So our tests can override the required_steps method cattr_accessor :test_required_steps end const_set(:WIZARD_STEPS, acts_as_wizard_options[:steps]) effective_resource do wizard_steps :text, permitted: false end serialize :wizard_steps, Hash before_save(if: -> { current_step.present? }) do wizard_steps[current_step.to_sym] ||= Time.zone.now end def can_visit_step?(step) can_revisit_completed_steps(step) end def required_steps return self.class.test_required_steps if Rails.env.test? && self.class.test_required_steps.present? self.class.const_get(:WIZARD_STEPS).keys end def first_completed_step required_steps.find { |step| has_completed_step?(step) } end def last_completed_step required_steps.reverse.find { |step| has_completed_step?(step) } end def first_uncompleted_step required_steps.find { |step| has_completed_step?(step) == false } end def has_completed_step?(step) (errors.present? ? wizard_steps_was : wizard_steps)[step].present? end def next_step required_steps.reverse.find { |step| can_visit_step?(step) } || required_steps.first end def previous_step(step) index = required_steps.index(step) required_steps[index-1] unless index == 0 || index.nil? end def has_completed_previous_step?(step) previous = previous_step(step) previous.blank? || has_completed_step?(previous) end def has_completed_last_step? has_completed_step?(required_steps.last) end private def can_revisit_completed_steps(step) return (step == required_steps.last) if has_completed_last_step? has_completed_previous_step?(step) end def cannot_revisit_completed_steps(step) return (step == required_steps.last) if has_completed_last_step? has_completed_previous_step?(step) && !has_completed_step?(step) end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_wizard?; true; end end end