require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe Validation do before(:each) do @validation = FactoryGirl.create(:validation) end it "should be valid" do @validation.should be_valid end it "should be invalid without a rule" do @validation.rule = nil @validation.should have(2).errors_on(:rule) @validation.rule = " " @validation.should have(1).errors_on(:rule) end # this causes issues with building and saving # it "should be invalid without a answer_id" do # @validation.answer_id = nil # @validation.should have(1).error_on(:answer_id) # end it "should be invalid unless rule composed of only references and operators" do @validation.rule = "foo" @validation.should have(1).error_on(:rule) @validation.rule = "1 to 2" @validation.should have(1).error_on(:rule) @validation.rule = "a and b" @validation.should have(1).error_on(:rule) end end describe Validation, "reporting its status" do def test_var(vhash, vchashes, ahash, rhash) a = FactoryGirl.create(:answer, ahash) v = FactoryGirl.create(:validation, {:answer => a, :rule => "A"}.merge(vhash)) vchashes.each do |vchash| FactoryGirl.create(:validation_condition, {:validation => v, :rule_key => "A"}.merge(vchash)) end rs = FactoryGirl.create(:response_set) r = FactoryGirl.create(:response, {:answer => a, :question => a.question}.merge(rhash)) rs.responses << r return v.is_valid?(rs) end it "should validate a response by integer comparison" do test_var({:rule => "A and B"}, [{:operator => ">=", :integer_value => 0}, {:rule_key => "B", :operator => "<=", :integer_value => 120}], {:response_class => "integer"}, {:integer_value => 48}).should be_true end it "should validate a response by regexp" do test_var({}, [{:operator => "=~", :regexp => '/^[a-z]{1,6}$/'}], {:response_class => "string"}, {:string_value => ""}).should be_false end end describe Validation, "with conditions" do it "should destroy conditions when destroyed" do @validation = FactoryGirl.create(:validation) FactoryGirl.create(:validation_condition, :validation => @validation, :rule_key => "A") FactoryGirl.create(:validation_condition, :validation => @validation, :rule_key => "B") FactoryGirl.create(:validation_condition, :validation => @validation, :rule_key => "C") v_ids = @validation.destroy v_ids.each{|id| DependencyCondition.find_by_id(id).should == nil} end end