module Nutella # This class implements the pub/sub and request/response nutella protocol # @author Alessandro Gnoli <> module Net # Store the subscriptions and the relative callbacks @subscriptions = [] @callbacks = [] # Subscribe to a channel or to a set of channels if using wildcards # # @param [String] channel the channel we are subscribing to, can be wildcard # @param [Proc] callback a lambda expression that takes as parameters: # - the received message. Messages that are not JSON are discarded. # - the channel the message was received on (in case of wildcard subscription) # - the sender's component_id # - the sender's resource_id (if set by the sender) def Net.subscribe (channel, callback) # Maintain unique subscriptions raise 'You can`t subscribe twice to the same channel`' if @subscriptions.include? channel # Pad the channel new_channel = "#{Nutella.run_id}/#{channel}" # Depending on what type of channel we are subscribing to (wildcard or simple) # register a different kind of callback if Nutella.mqtt.is_channel_wildcard?(channel) mqtt_cb = lambda do |mqtt_message, mqtt_channel| # Make sure the message is JSON, if not drop the message begin mqtt_channel.slice!("#{Nutella.run_id}/") type, payload, component_id, resource_id = extract_fields_from_message mqtt_message, mqtt_channel, component_id, resource_id) if type=='publish' rescue return end end else mqtt_cb = lambda do |message| # Make sure the message is JSON, if not drop the message begin type, payload, component_id, resource_id = extract_fields_from_message message, component_id, resource_id) if type=='publish' rescue return end end end # Subscribe @subscriptions.push channel @callbacks.push mqtt_cb Nutella.mqtt.subscribe(new_channel, mqtt_cb) end # Unsubscribe from a channel def Net.unsubscribe(channel) idx = @subscriptions.index channel # If we are not subscribed to this channel, return (no error is given) return if idx.nil? # Pad the channel mqtt_cb = @callbacks[idx] new_channel = Nutella.run_id + '/' + channel # Unsubscribe @subscriptions.delete_at idx @callbacks.delete_at idx Nutella.mqtt.unsubscribe( new_channel, mqtt_cb ) end # Publishes a message to a channel # Message can be: # empty (equivalent of a GET) # string (the string will be wrapped into a JSON string automatically. Format: {"payload":"<message>"}) # hash (the hash will be converted into a JSON string automatically) # json string (the JSON string will be sent as is) def Net.publish(channel, message=nil) # Pad the channel new_channel = Nutella.run_id + '/' + channel # Publish begin m = Net.prepare_message_for_publish(message) Nutella.mqtt.publish(new_channel, m) rescue STDERR.puts $! end end # Performs a synchronous request # Message can be: # empty (equivalent of a GET) # string (the string will be wrapped into a JSON string automatically. Format: {"payload":"<message>"}) # hash (the hash will be converted into a JSON string automatically) # json string (the JSON string will be sent as is) def Net.sync_req (channel, message=nil) # Pad channel new_channel = "#{Nutella.run_id}/#{channel}" # Prepare message m, id = prepare_message_for_request message # Initialize response response = nil # Prepare callback mqtt_cb = lambda do |mqtt_message| m_id = extract_id_from_message mqtt_message type, payload = extract_fields_from_response mqtt_message if m_id==id && type=='response' response = payload Nutella.mqtt.unsubscribe( new_channel, mqtt_cb ) end end # Subscribe Nutella.mqtt.subscribe( new_channel, mqtt_cb ) # Publish message Nutella.mqtt.publish( new_channel, m ) # Wait for the response to come back sleep(0.1) while response.nil? response end # Performs an asynchronous request # Message can be: # empty (equivalent of a GET) # string (the string will be wrapped into a JSON string automatically. Format: {"payload":"<message>"}) # hash (the hash will be converted into a JSON string automatically) # json string (the JSON string will be sent as is) def Net.async_req (channel, message=nil, callback) # Pad channel new_channel = "#{Nutella.run_id}/#{channel}" # Prepare message m, id = prepare_message_for_request message # Initialize response # Prepare callback mqtt_cb = lambda do |message| m_id = extract_id_from_message message type, payload = extract_fields_from_response message if m_id==id && type=='response' Nutella.mqtt.unsubscribe( new_channel, mqtt_cb ) end end # Subscribe Nutella.mqtt.subscribe( new_channel, mqtt_cb ) # Publish message Nutella.mqtt.publish( new_channel, m ) end # Handle requests def Net.handle_requests( channel, callback) # Pad the channel new_channel = "#{Nutella.run_id}/#{channel}" mqtt_cb = lambda do |request| begin # Extract nutella fields type, payload, component_id, resource_id = extract_fields_from_message request id = extract_id_from_message request # Only handle requests that have proper id set return if type!='request' || id.nil? m = Net.prepare_message_for_response( payload, component_id, resource_id ), id ) Nutella.mqtt.publish( new_channel, m ) # Assemble the response and check that it's proper JSON rescue return end end # Subscribe to the channel Nutella.mqtt.subscribe(new_channel, mqtt_cb) end # Listens for incoming messages def Net.listen begin sleep rescue Interrupt # Simply returns end end private def Net.extract_fields_from_message(message) mh = JSON.parse(message) from = mh['from'].split('/') r_id = from.length==1 ? nil : from[1] return mh['type'], mh['payload'], from[0], r_id end def Net.extract_id_from_message( message ) mh = JSON.parse(message) mh['id'] end def Net.extract_fields_from_response( message ) mh = JSON.parse(message) return mh['type'], mh['payload'] end def Net.prepare_message_for_publish( message ) from = Nutella.resource_id.nil? ? Nutella.component_id : "#{Nutella.component_id}/#{Nutella.resource_id}" if message.nil? return {type: 'publish', from: from}.to_json end {type: 'publish', from: from, payload: message}.to_json end def Net.prepare_message_for_response( message, id ) from = Nutella.resource_id.nil? ? Nutella.component_id : "#{Nutella.component_id}/#{Nutella.resource_id}" if message.nil? return {id: id, type: 'response', from: from}.to_json end {id: id, type: 'response', from: from, payload: message}.to_json end def Net.prepare_message_for_request( message ) from = Nutella.resource_id.nil? ? Nutella.component_id : "#{Nutella.component_id}/#{Nutella.resource_id}" if message.nil? return {id: message.hash, type: 'request', from: from}.to_json, message.hash end return {id: message.hash, type: 'request', from: from, payload: message}.to_json, message.hash end end end