#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'abbrev' require 'columnize' require 'diff/lcs' require 'digest/sha1' require 'irb' require 'logger' require 'open3' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'pathname' require 'readline' require 'shellwords' require 'tempfile' require 'terminfo' require 'termios' require 'uri' require 'yaml' require 'treequel' require 'treequel/mixins' require 'treequel/constants' ### Monkeypatch for resetting an OpenStruct's state. class OpenStruct ### Clear all defined fields and values. def clear @table.clear end end ### IRb.start_session, courtesy of Joel VanderWerf in [ruby-talk:42437]. require 'irb' require 'irb/completion' module IRB # :nodoc: def self.start_session( obj ) unless @__initialized args = ARGV ARGV.replace( ARGV.dup ) IRB.setup( nil ) ARGV.replace( args ) @__initialized = true end workspace = WorkSpace.new( obj ) irb = Irb.new( workspace ) @CONF[:IRB_RC].call( irb.context ) if @CONF[:IRB_RC] @CONF[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context begin prevhandler = Signal.trap( 'INT' ) do irb.signal_handle end catch( :IRB_EXIT ) do irb.eval_input end ensure Signal.trap( 'INT', prevhandler ) end end end # The Treequel shell. class Treequel::Shell include Readline, Treequel::Loggable, Treequel::ANSIColorUtilities, Treequel::Constants::Patterns, Treequel::HashUtilities extend Treequel::ANSIColorUtilities # Prompt text for #prompt_for_multiple_values MULTILINE_PROMPT = <<-'EOF' Enter one or more values for '%s'. A blank line finishes input. EOF # Some ANSI codes for fancier stuff CLEAR_TO_EOL = "\e[K" CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE = "\e[2K" # Valid connect-type arguments VALID_CONNECT_TYPES = %w[tls ssl plain] # Command option parsers @@option_parsers = {} # Path to the default history file HISTORY_FILE = Pathname( "~/.treequel.history" ) # Number of items to store in history by default DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE = 100 ################################################################# ### C L A S S M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Run the shell. def self::run( args ) Treequel.logger.formatter = Treequel::ColorLogFormatter.new( Treequel.logger ) bind_as, uri = self.parse_options( args ) directory = if uri Treequel.directory( uri ) else Treequel.directory_from_config end Treequel::Shell.new( directory ).run( bind_as ) end ### Parse command-line options for shell startup and return an options struct and ### the LDAP URI. def self::parse_options( argv ) progname = File.basename( $0 ) loglevels = Treequel::LOG_LEVELS. sort_by {|_,lvl| lvl }. collect {|name,lvl| name.to_s }. join(', ') bind_as = nil oparser = OptionParser.new( "Usage: #{progname} [OPTIONS] [LDAPURL]" ) do |oparser| oparser.separator ' ' oparser.on( '--binddn=DN', '-b DN', String, "Bind as DN" ) do |dn| bind_as = dn end oparser.on( '--loglevel=LEVEL', '-l LEVEL', Treequel::LOG_LEVELS.keys, "Set the logging level. Should be one of:", loglevels ) do |lvl| Treequel.logger.level = Treequel::LOG_LEVELS[ lvl ] or raise "Invalid logging level %p" % [ lvl ] end oparser.on( '--debug', '-d', FalseClass, "Turn debugging on" ) do $DEBUG = true $trace = true Treequel.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG end oparser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") do $stderr.puts( oparser ) exit! end end remaining_args = oparser.parse( argv ) return bind_as, *remaining_args end ### Create an option parser from the specified +block+ for the given +command+ and register ### it. Many thanks to apeiros and dominikh on #Ruby-Pro for the ideas behind this. def self::set_options( command, &block ) options = OpenStruct.new oparser = OptionParser.new( "Help for #{command}" ) do |o| yield( o, options ) end oparser.default_argv = [] @@option_parsers[command.to_sym] = [oparser, options] end ################################################################# ### I N S T A N C E M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Create a new shell for the specified +directory+. ### @param [Treequel::Directory] directory the LDAP directory to navigate def initialize( directory ) @dir = directory @uri = directory.uri @quit = false @currbranch = @dir @columns = TermInfo.screen_width @rows = TermInfo.screen_height @commands = self.find_commands @completions = @commands.abbrev @command_table = make_command_table( @commands ) end ###### public ###### # The number of columns in the current terminal attr_reader :columns # The number of rows in the current terminal attr_reader :rows # The flag which causes the shell to exit after the current loop attr_accessor :quit ### The command loop: run the shell until the user wants to quit ### @param [String] bind_as The DN of the user to bind as. If none is ### specified, the shell will bind anonymously. def run( bind_as=nil ) @original_tty_settings = IO.read( '|-' ) or exec 'stty', '-g' message "Connected to %s" % [ @uri ] # Set up the completion callback self.setup_completion # Load saved command-line history self.read_history # If the user said to bind as someone on the command line, invoke a # 'bind' command before dropping into the command line if bind_as options = OpenStruct.new # dummy options object self.bind_command( options, bind_as ) end # Run until something sets the quit flag until @quit $stderr.puts prompt = make_prompt_string( @currbranch.dn + '> ' ) input = Readline.readline( prompt, true ) self.log.debug "Input is: %p" % [ input ] # EOL makes the shell quit if input.nil? self.log.debug "EOL: setting quit flag" @quit = true # Blank input -- just reprompt elsif input == '' self.log.debug "No command. Re-displaying the prompt." # Parse everything else into command + args else self.log.debug "Dispatching input: %p" % [ input ] self.dispatch_cmd( input ) end end message "\nSaving history...\n" self.save_history message "done." rescue => err error_message( err.class.name, err.message ) err.backtrace.each do |frame| self.log.debug " " + frame end ensure system( 'stty', @original_tty_settings.chomp ) end ### Parse the specified +input+ into a command, options, and arguments and dispatch them ### to the appropriate command method. def dispatch_cmd( input ) command, *args = Shellwords.shellwords( input ) # If it's a valid command, run it if meth = @command_table[ command ] full_command = @completions[ command ].to_sym # If there's a registered optionparser for the command, use it to # split out options and arguments, then pass those to the command. if @@option_parsers.key?( full_command ) oparser, options = @@option_parsers[ full_command ] self.log.debug "Got an option-parser for #{full_command}." cmdargs = oparser.parse( args ) self.log.debug " options=%p, args=%p" % [ options, cmdargs ] meth.call( options, *cmdargs ) options.clear # ...otherwise just call it with all the args. else self.log.warn " no options defined for '%s' command" % [ command ] meth.call( *args ) end # ...otherwise call the fallback handler else self.handle_missing_cmd( command ) end rescue LDAP::ResultError => err case err.message when /can't contact ldap server/i if @dir.connected? error_message( "LDAP connection went away." ) else error_message( "Couldn't connect to the server." ) end ask_for_confirmation( "Attempt to reconnect?" ) do @dir.reconnect end retry when /invalid credentials/i error_message( "Authentication failed." ) else raise # Re-raise if it's something else end end ######### protected ######### ### Fetch a Treequel::Directory object for the directory at the given +uri+, or ### quit with an error if unable to do so. def get_ldap_directory( uri, options ) if uri.port == LDAP::LDAP_PORT if options.try_tls return Treequel.directory( uri, :connect_type => :tls ) else return Treequel.directory( uri, :connect_type => :plain ) end else return Treequel.directory( uri, :connect_type => :ssl ) end end ### Set up Readline completion def setup_completion Readline.completion_proc = self.method( :completion_callback ).to_proc Readline.completer_word_break_characters = '' Readline.basic_word_break_characters = '' end ### Read command line history from HISTORY_FILE def read_history histfile = HISTORY_FILE.expand_path if histfile.exist? lines = histfile.readlines.collect {|line| line.chomp } self.log.debug "Read %d saved history commands from %s." % [ lines.length, histfile ] Readline::HISTORY.push( *lines ) else self.log.debug "History file '%s' was empty or non-existant." % [ histfile ] end end ### Save command line history to HISTORY_FILE def save_history histfile = HISTORY_FILE.expand_path lines = Readline::HISTORY.to_a.reverse.uniq.reverse lines = lines[ -DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE, DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE ] if lines.length > DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE self.log.debug "Saving %d history lines to %s." % [ lines.length, histfile ] histfile.open( File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC ) do |ofh| ofh.puts( *lines ) end end ### Handle completion requests from Readline. def completion_callback( input ) self.log.debug "Input completion: %p" % [ input ] parts = Shellwords.shellwords( input ) # If there aren't any arguments, it's command completion if parts.empty? possible_completions = @commands.sort self.log.debug " possible completions: %p" % [ possible_completions ] return possible_completions elsif parts.length == 1 # One completion means it's an unambiguous match, so just complete it. possible_completions = @commands.grep( /^#{Regexp.quote(input)}/ ).sort self.log.debug " possible completions: %p" % [ possible_completions ] return possible_completions else incomplete = parts.pop self.log.debug " the incomplete bit is: %p" % [ incomplete ] possible_completions = @currbranch.children. collect {|br| br.rdn }.grep( /^#{Regexp.quote(incomplete)}/i ).sort possible_completions.map! do |lastpart| parts.join( ' ' ) + ' ' + lastpart end self.log.debug " possible (argument) completions: %p" % [ possible_completions ] return possible_completions end end ################################################################# ### C O M M A N D S ################################################################# ### Show the completions hash def show_completions_command message "Completions:", @completions.inspect end ### Show help text for the specified command, or a list of all available commands ### if none is specified. def help_command( options, *args ) if args.empty? $stderr.puts message colorize( "Available commands", :bold, :white ), *columnize(@commands) else cmd = args.shift.to_sym if @@option_parsers.key?( cmd ) oparser, _ = @@option_parsers[ cmd ] self.log.debug "Setting summary width to: %p" % [ @columns ] oparser.summary_width = @columns output = oparser.to_s.sub( /^(.*?)\n/ ) do |match| colorize( :bold, :white ) { match } end $stderr.puts message( output ) else error_message( "No help for '#{cmd.inspect}'" ) end end end set_options :help do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "help [COMMAND]" oparser.separator 'Display general help, or help for a specific COMMAND.' end ### Quit the shell. def quit_command( options, *args ) message "Okay, exiting." self.quit = true end set_options :help do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "quit" oparser.separator 'Exit the shell.' end ### Set the logging level (if invoked with an argument) or display the current ### level (with no argument). def log_command( options, *args ) newlevel = args.shift if newlevel if Treequel::LOG_LEVELS.key?( newlevel ) Treequel.logger.level = Treequel::LOG_LEVELS[ newlevel ] message "Set log level to: %s" % [ newlevel ] else levelnames = Treequel::LOG_LEVEL_NAMES.keys.sort.join(', ') raise "Invalid log level %p: valid values are:\n %s" % [ newlevel, levelnames ] end else message "Log level is currently: %s" % [ Treequel::LOG_LEVEL_NAMES[Treequel.logger.level] ] end end set_options :log do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "log [LEVEL]" oparser.separator 'Set the logging level, or display the current level if no level ' + "is given. Valid log levels are: %s" % Treequel::LOG_LEVEL_NAMES.keys.sort.join(', ') end ### Display LDIF for the specified RDNs. def cat_command( options, *args ) args.each do |rdn| extended = rdn.chomp!( '+' ) branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) branch.include_operational_attrs = true if extended if branch.exists? ldifstring = branch.to_ldif( self.columns - 2 ) self.log.debug "LDIF: #{ldifstring.dump}" message( format_ldif(ldifstring) ) else error_message( "No such entry %s" % [branch.dn] ) end end end set_options :cat do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "cat [RDN]+" oparser.separator 'Display the entries specified by RDN as LDIF.' end ### Display YAML for the specified RDNs. def yaml_command( options, *args ) args.each do |rdn| branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) message( branch_as_yaml(branch) ) end end set_options :yaml do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "yaml [RDN]+" oparser.separator 'Display the entries specified by RDN as YAML.' end ### List the children of the branch specified by the given +rdn+, or the current branch if none ### are specified. def ls_command( options, *args ) targets = [] # No argument, just use the current branch if args.empty? targets << @currbranch # Otherwise, list each one specified else args.each do |rdn| if branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) targets << branch else error_message( "cannot access #{rdn}: no such entry" ) end end end # Fetch each branch's children, sort them, format them in columns, and highlight them targets.each do |branch| if options.longform message self.make_longform_ls_output( branch, options ) else message self.make_shortform_ls_output( branch, options ) end end end set_options :ls do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "ls [OPTIONS] [DN]+" oparser.separator 'List the entries specified, or the current entry if none are specified.' oparser.separator '' oparser.on( "-l", "--long", FalseClass, "List in long format." ) do options.longform = true end oparser.on( "-t", "--timesort", FalseClass, "Sort by time modified (most recently modified first)." ) do options.timesort = true end oparser.on( "-d", "--dirsort", FalseClass, "Sort entries with subordinate entries before those without." ) do options.dirsort = true end oparser.on( "-r", "--reverse", FalseClass, "Reverse the entry sort functions." ) do options.reversesort = true end end ### Generate long-form output lines for the 'ls' command for the given +branch+. def make_longform_ls_output( branch, options ) children = branch.children header = colorize( :underscore, :cyan ) { "total %d" % [children.length] } # Calcuate column widths oclen = children.map do |subbranch| subbranch.include_operational_attrs = true subbranch[:structuralObjectClass] ? subbranch[:structuralObjectClass].length : 0 end.max # Set up sorting by collecting all the requested sort criteria as Proc objects which # will be applied sortfuncs = [] sortfuncs << lambda {|subbranch| subbranch[:hasSubordinates] ? 0 : 1 } if options.dirsort sortfuncs << lambda {|subbranch| subbranch[:modifyTimestamp] } if options.timesort sortfuncs << lambda {|subbranch| subbranch.rdn.downcase } rows = children. sort_by {|subbranch| sortfuncs.collect {|func| func.call(subbranch) } }. collect {|subbranch| self.format_description(subbranch, oclen) } return [ header ] + (options.reversesort ? rows.reverse : rows) end ### Generate short-form 'ls' output for the given +branch+ and return it. def make_shortform_ls_output( branch, options ) branch.include_operational_attrs = true entries = branch.children. collect {|b| b.rdn + (b[:hasSubordinates] ? '/' : '') }. sort_by {|rdn| rdn.downcase } self.log.debug "Displaying %d entries in short form." % [ entries.length ] return columnize( entries ).gsub( /#{ATTRIBUTE_TYPE}=\s*\S+/ ) do |rdn| format_rdn( rdn ) end end ### Change the current working DN to +rdn+. def cdn_command( options, rdn=nil, *args ) if rdn.nil? @currbranch = @dir.base return end return self.parent_command( options ) if rdn == '..' raise "invalid RDN %p" % [ rdn ] unless RELATIVE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME.match( rdn ) pairs = rdn.split( /\s*,\s*/ ) pairs.each do |dnpair| self.log.debug " cd to %p" % [ dnpair ] attribute, value = dnpair.split( /=/, 2 ) self.log.debug " changing to %s( %p )" % [ attribute.downcase, value ] @currbranch = @currbranch.send( attribute.downcase, value ) end end set_options :cdn do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "cdn " oparser.separator 'Change the current entry to .' end ### Change the current working DN to the current entry's parent. def parent_command( options, *args ) parent = @currbranch.parent or raise "%s is the root DN" % [ @currbranch.dn ] self.log.debug " changing to %s" % [ parent.dn ] @currbranch = parent end set_options :parent do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "parent" oparser.separator "Change to the current entry's parent." end # ### Create the entry specified by +rdn+. def create_command( options, rdn ) branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) raise "#{branch.dn}: already exists." if branch.exists? create_new_entry( branch ) end set_options :create do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "create " oparser.separator "Create a new entry at ." end ### Edit the entry specified by +rdn+. def edit_command( options, rdn ) branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) raise "#{branch.dn}: no such entry. Did you mean to 'create' it instead? " unless branch.exists? if entryhash = edit_in_yaml( branch ) branch.merge( entryhash ) end message "Saved #{rdn}." end set_options :edit do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "edit " oparser.separator "Edit the entry at RDN as YAML." end ### Change the DN of an entry def mv_command( options, rdn, newdn ) branch = @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) raise "#{branch.dn}: no such entry" unless branch.exists? olddn = branch.dn branch.move( newdn ) message " %s -> %s: success" % [ olddn, branch.dn ] end set_options :mv do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "mv " oparser.separator "Move the entry at RDN to NEWRDN" end ### Copy an entry def cp_command( options, rdn, newrdn ) base_dn = @currbranch.directory.base_dn # If the RDN includes the base, it's a DN branch = if rdn =~ /,#{base_dn}$/i Treequel::Branch.new( @currbranch.directory, rdn ) else @currbranch.get_child( rdn ) end # The source should already exist raise "#{branch.dn}: no such entry" unless branch.exists? # Same for the other RDN... newbranch = if newrdn =~ /,#{base_dn}$/i Treequel::Branch.new( @currbranch.directory, newrdn ) else @currbranch.get_child( newrdn ) end # But it *shouldn't* exist already raise "#{newbranch.dn}: already exists" if newbranch.exists? attributes = branch.entry.merge( :dn => newbranch.dn ) newbranch.create( attributes ) message " %s -> %s: success" % [ rdn, branch.dn ] end set_options :cp do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "cp " oparser.separator "Copy the entry at RDN to a new entry at NEWRDN" end ### Remove the entry specified by +rdn+. def rm_command( options, *rdns ) branchsets = self.convert_to_branchsets( *rdns ) coll = Treequel::BranchCollection.new( *branchsets ) branches = coll.all msg = "About to delete the following entries:\n" + columnize( branches.collect {|br| br.dn } ) if options.force branches.each do |br| br.directory.delete( br ) message " delete %s: success" % [ br.dn ] end else ask_for_confirmation( msg ) do branches.each do |br| br.directory.delete( br ) message " delete %s: success" % [ br.dn ] end end end end set_options :rm do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "rm +" oparser.separator 'Remove the entries at the given RDNs.' oparser.on( '-f', '--force', TrueClass, "Force -- remove without confirmation." ) do options.force = true end end ### Find entries that match the given filter_clauses. def grep_command( options, *filter_clauses ) branchset = filter_clauses.inject( @currbranch ) do |branch, clause| branch.filter( clause ) end message "Searching for entries that match '#{branchset.to_s}'" entries = branchset.all output = columnize( entries ).gsub( /#{ATTRIBUTE_TYPE}=\s*\S+/ ) do |rdn| format_rdn( rdn ) end message( output ) end set_options :grep do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "grep [OPTIONS] " oparser.separator 'Search for children of the current entry that match the given FILTER' oparser.on( '-r', '--recursive', TrueClass, "Search recursively." ) do options.force = true end end ### Show who the shell is currently bound as. def whoami_command( options, *args ) if user = @dir.bound_user message "Bound as #{user}" else message "Bound anonymously" end end set_options :whoami do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "whoami" oparser.separator 'Display the DN of the user the shell is bound as.' end ### Bind as a user. def bind_command( options, *args ) binddn = (args.first || prompt( "Bind DN/UID" )) or raise "Cancelled." password = prompt_for_password() # Try to turn a non-DN into a DN user = nil if binddn.index( '=' ) user = Treequel::Branch.new( @dir, binddn ) else user = @dir.filter( :uid => binddn ).first end @dir.bind( user, password ) message "Bound as #{user}" end set_options :bind do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "bind [BIND_DN or UID]" oparser.separator "Bind as BIND_DN or UID" oparser.separator "If you don't specify a BIND_DN, you will be prompted for it." end ### Start an IRB session on either the current branchset, if invoked with no arguments, or ### on a branchset for the specified +rdn+ if one is given. def irb_command( options, *args ) branch = nil if args.empty? branch = @currbranch else branch = @currbranch.get_child( args.first ) end self.log.debug "Setting up IRb shell" IRB.start_session( branch ) end set_options :irb do |oparser, options| oparser.banner = "irb [RDN]" oparser.separator "Start an IRb shell with either the current branch (if none is " + "specified) or a branch for the entry specified by the given RDN." end ### Handle a command from the user that doesn't exist. def handle_missing_cmd( *args ) command = args.shift || '(testing?)' message "Unknown command %p" % [ command ] message "Known commands: ", ' ' + @commands.join(', ') end ### Find methods that implement commands and return them in a sorted Array. def find_commands return self.methods. collect {|mname| mname.to_s }. grep( /^(\w+)_command$/ ). collect {|mname| mname[/^(\w+)_command$/, 1] }. sort end ### Convert the given +patterns+ to branchsets relative to the current branch and return ### them. This is used to map shell arguments like 'cn=*', 'Hosts', 'cn=dav*' into ### branchsets that will find matching entries. def convert_to_branchsets( *patterns ) self.log.debug "Turning %d patterns into branchsets." % [ patterns.length ] return patterns.collect do |pat| key, val = pat.split( /\s*=\s*/, 2 ) self.log.debug " making a filter out of %p => %p" % [ key, val ] @currbranch.filter( key => val ) end end ################################################################# ### U T I L I T Y M E T H O D S ################################################################# ### Return the description of the specified +branch+ suitable for displaying in ### the directory listing. ### @param [Treequel::Branch] branch the branch to be described ### @param [Fixnum] oclen the length of the largest objectclass that ### will be displayed; used to calculate the ### width of the objectclass column. def format_description( branch, oclen=40 ) rdn = format_rdn( branch.rdn ) metadatalen = oclen + 16 + 6 # oc + timestamp + whitespace maxdesclen = self.columns - metadatalen - rdn.length - 5 modtime = branch[:modifyTimestamp] || branch[:createTimestamp] return "%#{oclen}s %s %s%s %s" % [ branch[:structuralObjectClass] || '', modtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), rdn, branch[:hasSubordinates] ? '/' : '', single_line_description( branch, maxdesclen ) ] end ### Generate a single-line description from the specified +branch+ def single_line_description( branch, maxlen=80 ) return '' unless branch[:description] && branch[:description].first desc = branch[:description].join('; ').gsub( /\n+/, '' ) desc[ maxlen..desc.length ] = '...' if desc.length > maxlen return '(' + desc + ')' end ### Create a new entry in the directory for the specified +branch+. def create_new_entry( branch ) raise "#{branch.dn} already exists." if branch.exists? # Prompt for the list of included objectClasses and build the appropriate # blank entry with them in mind. completions = branch.directory.schema.object_classes.keys.collect {|oid| oid.to_s } self.log.debug "Prompting for new entry object classes with %d completions." % [ completions.length ] object_classes = prompt_for_multiple_values( "Entry objectClasses:", nil, completions ). collect {|arg| arg.strip }.compact self.log.debug " user wants %d objectclasses: %p" % [ object_classes.length, object_classes ] # Edit the entry if newhash = edit_in_yaml( branch, object_classes ) branch.create( newhash ) message "Saved #{branch.dn}." else error_message "#{branch.dn} not saved." end end ### Dump the specified +object+ to a file as YAML, invoke an editor on it, then undump the ### result. If the file has changed, return the updated object, else returns +nil+. def edit_in_yaml( object, object_classes=[] ) yaml = branch_as_yaml( object, false, object_classes ) filename = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( yaml ) tempfile = Tempfile.new( filename ) self.log.debug "Object as YAML is: %p" % [ yaml ] tempfile.print( yaml ) tempfile.close new_yaml = edit( tempfile.path ) if new_yaml == yaml message "Unchanged." return nil else return YAML.load( new_yaml ) end end ### Return the specified Treequel::Branch object as YAML. If +include_operational+ is true, ### include the entry's operational attributes. If +extra_objectclasses+ contains ### one or more objectClass OIDs, include their MUST and MAY attributes when building the ### YAML representation of the branch. def branch_as_yaml( object, include_operational=false, extra_objectclasses=[] ) object.include_operational_attrs = include_operational # Make sure the displayed entry has the MUST attributes entryhash = stringify_keys( object.must_attributes_hash(*extra_objectclasses) ) entryhash.merge!( object.entry || {} ) entryhash.merge!( object.rdn_attributes ) entryhash['objectClass'] ||= [] entryhash['objectClass'] |= extra_objectclasses entryhash.delete( 'dn' ) # Special attribute, can't be edited yaml = entryhash.to_yaml yaml[ 5, 0 ] = "# #{object.dn}\n" # Make comments out of MAY attributes that are unset mayhash = stringify_keys( object.may_attributes_hash(*extra_objectclasses) ) self.log.debug "MAY hash is: %p" % [ mayhash ] mayhash.delete_if {|attrname,val| entryhash.key?(attrname) } yaml << mayhash.to_yaml[5..-1].gsub( /\n\n/, "\n" ).gsub( /^/, '# ' ) return yaml end ### Create a command table that maps command abbreviations to the Method object that ### implements it. def make_command_table( commands ) table = commands.abbrev table.keys.each do |abbrev| mname = table.delete( abbrev ) table[ abbrev ] = self.method( mname + '_command' ) end return table end ### Output the specified message +parts+. def message( *parts ) $stderr.puts( *parts ) end ### Output the specified msg as an ANSI-colored error message ### (white on red). def error_message( msg, details='' ) $stderr.puts colorize( 'bold', 'white', 'on_red' ) { msg } + ' ' + details end alias :error :error_message ### Highlight and embed a prompt control character in the given +string+ and return it. def make_prompt_string( string ) return CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE + colorize( 'bold', 'yellow' ) { string + ' ' } end ### Output the specified prompt_string as a prompt (in green) and ### return the user's input with leading and trailing spaces removed. If a ### test is provided, the prompt will repeat until the test returns true. ### An optional failure message can also be passed in. def prompt( prompt_string, failure_msg="Try again." ) # :yields: response prompt_string.chomp! prompt_string << ":" unless /\W$/.match( prompt_string ) response = nil begin prompt = make_prompt_string( prompt_string ) response = readline( prompt ) || '' response.strip! if block_given? && ! yield( response ) error_message( failure_msg + "\n\n" ) response = nil end end while response.nil? return response end ### Prompt the user with the given prompt_string via #prompt, ### substituting the given default if the user doesn't input ### anything. If a test is provided, the prompt will repeat until the test ### returns true. An optional failure message can also be passed in. def prompt_with_default( prompt_string, default, failure_msg="Try again." ) response = nil begin default ||= '~' response = prompt( "%s [%s]" % [ prompt_string, default ] ) response = default.to_s if !response.nil? && response.empty? self.log.debug "Validating response %p" % [ response ] # the block is a validator. We need to make sure that the user didn't # enter '~', because if they did, it's nil and we should move on. If # they didn't, then call the block. if block_given? && response != '~' && ! yield( response ) error_message( failure_msg + "\n\n" ) response = nil end end while response.nil? return nil if response == '~' return response end ### Prompt for an array of values def prompt_for_multiple_values( label, default=nil, completions=[] ) old_completion_proc = nil message( MULTILINE_PROMPT % [label] ) if default message "Enter a single blank line to keep the default:\n %p" % [ default ] end results = [] result = nil if !completions.empty? self.log.debug "Prompting with %d completions." % [ completions.length ] old_completion_proc = Readline.completion_proc Readline.completion_proc = Proc.new do |input| completions.flatten.grep( /^#{Regexp.quote(input)}/i ).sort end end begin result = readline( make_prompt_string("> ") ) if result.nil? || result.empty? results << default if default && results.empty? else results << result end end until result.nil? || result.empty? return results.flatten ensure Readline.completion_proc = old_completion_proc if old_completion_proc end ### Turn echo and masking of input on/off. def noecho( masked=false ) rval = nil term = Termios.getattr( $stdin ) begin newt = term.dup newt.c_lflag &= ~Termios::ECHO newt.c_lflag &= ~Termios::ICANON if masked Termios.tcsetattr( $stdin, Termios::TCSANOW, newt ) rval = yield ensure Termios.tcsetattr( $stdin, Termios::TCSANOW, term ) end return rval end ### Prompt the user for her password, turning off echo if the 'termios' module is ### available. def prompt_for_password( prompt="Password: " ) rval = nil noecho( true ) do $stderr.print( prompt ) rval = ($stdin.gets || '').chomp end $stderr.puts return rval end ### Display a description of a potentially-dangerous task, and prompt ### for confirmation. If the user answers with anything that begins ### with 'y', yield to the block. If +abort_on_decline+ is +true+, ### any non-'y' answer will fail with an error message. def ask_for_confirmation( description, abort_on_decline=true ) puts description answer = prompt_with_default( "Continue?", 'n' ) do |input| input =~ /^[yn]/i end if answer =~ /^y/i return yield elsif abort_on_decline error "Aborted." fail end return false end alias :prompt_for_confirmation :ask_for_confirmation ### Invoke the user's editor on the given +filename+ and return the exit code ### from doing so. def edit( filename ) editor = ENV['EDITOR'] || ENV['VISUAL'] || DEFAULT_EDITOR system editor, filename.to_s unless $?.success? || editor =~ /vim/i raise "Editor exited with an error status (%d)" % [ $?.exitstatus ] end return File.read( filename ) end ### Make an easily-comparable version vector out of +ver+ and return it. def vvec( ver ) return ver.split('.').collect {|char| char.to_i }.pack('N*') end ### Return an ANSI-colored version of the given +rdn+ string. def format_rdn( rdn ) rdn.split( /,/ ).collect do |rdn_part| key, val = rdn_part.split( /\s*=\s*/, 2 ) colorize( :white ) { key } + colorize( :bold, :black ) { '=' } + colorize( :bold, :white ) { val } end.join( colorize(',', :green) ) end ### Highlight LDIF and return it. def format_ldif( ldif ) self.log.debug "Formatting LDIF: %p" % [ ldif ] return ldif.gsub( LDIF_ATTRVAL_SPEC ) do key, val = $1, $2.strip self.log.debug " formatting attribute: [ %p, %p ], remainder: %p" % [ key, val, $POSTMATCH ] case val # Base64-encoded value when /^:/ val = val[1..-1].strip key + colorize( :dark, :green ) { ':: ' } + colorize( :green ) { val } + "\n" # URL when /^