#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Util do include PuppetSpec::Files if Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? def set_mode(mode, file) Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.set_mode(mode, file) end def get_mode(file) Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_mode(file) & 07777 end else def set_mode(mode, file) File.chmod(mode, file) end def get_mode(file) File.lstat(file).mode & 07777 end end describe "#withenv" do before :each do @original_path = ENV["PATH"] @new_env = {:PATH => "/some/bogus/path"} end it "should change environment variables within the block then reset environment variables to their original values" do Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["PATH"].should == "/some/bogus/path" end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should reset environment variables to their original values even if the block fails" do begin Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["PATH"].should == "/some/bogus/path" raise "This is a failure" end rescue end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should reset environment variables even when they are set twice" do # Setting Path & Environment parameters in Exec type can cause weirdness @new_env["PATH"] = "/someother/bogus/path" Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do # When assigning duplicate keys, can't guarantee order of evaluation ENV["PATH"].should =~ /\/some.*\/bogus\/path/ end ENV["PATH"].should == @original_path end it "should remove any new environment variables after the block ends" do @new_env[:FOO] = "bar" Puppet::Util.withenv @new_env do ENV["FOO"].should == "bar" end ENV["FOO"].should == nil end end describe "#absolute_path?" do describe "on posix systems", :as_platform => :posix do it "should default to the platform of the local system" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('C:/foo') end end describe "on windows", :as_platform => :windows do it "should default to the platform of the local system" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path('C:/foo') Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path('/foo') end end describe "when using platform :posix" do %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar //foo //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\Server/Foo /foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end %w[. ./foo \foo C:/foo \\Server\Foo\Bar \\?\C:\foo\bar \/?/foo\bar \/Server/foo foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :posix) end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do %w[C:/foo C:\foo \\\\Server\Foo\Bar \\\\?\C:\foo\bar //Server/Foo/Bar //?/C:/foo/bar /\?\C:/foo\bar \/Server\Foo/Bar c:/foo//bar//baz].each do |path| it "should return true for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end %w[/ . ./foo \foo /foo /foo/../bar //foo C:foo/bar foo//bar/baz].each do |path| it "should return false for #{path}" do Puppet::Util.should_not be_absolute_path(path, :windows) end end end end describe "#path_to_uri" do %w[. .. foo foo/bar foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should reject relative path: #{path}" do lambda { Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path) }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end it "should perform URI escaping" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("/foo bar").path.should == "/foo%20bar" end describe "when using platform :posix" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end %w[/ /foo /foo/../bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == path end end end describe "when using platform :windows" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end it "should normalize backslashes" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri('c:\\foo\\bar\\baz').path.should == '/' + 'c:/foo/bar/baz' end %w[C:/ C:/foo/bar].each do |path| it "should convert #{path} to absolute URI" do Puppet::Util.path_to_uri(path).path.should == '/' + path end end %w[share C$].each do |path| it "should convert UNC #{path} to absolute URI" do uri = Puppet::Util.path_to_uri("\\\\server\\#{path}") uri.host.should == 'server' uri.path.should == '/' + path end end end end describe ".uri_to_path" do require 'uri' it "should strip host component" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar')).should == '/bar' end it "should accept puppet URLs" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('puppet:///modules/foo')).should == '/modules/foo' end it "should return unencoded path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('http://foo/bar%20baz')).should == '/bar baz' end it "should be nil-safe" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(nil).should be_nil end describe "when using platform :posix",:if => Puppet.features.posix? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/')).should == '/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///foo/bar')).should == '/foo/bar' end end describe "when using platform :windows", :if => Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do it "should accept root" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/')).should == 'C:/' end it "should accept single slash" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:/C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept triple slashes" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file:///C:/foo/bar')).should == 'C:/foo/bar' end it "should accept file scheme with double slashes as a UNC path" do Puppet::Util.uri_to_path(URI.parse('file://host/share/file')).should == '//host/share/file' end end end describe "safe_posix_fork" do let(:pid) { 5501 } before :each do # Most of the things this method does are bad to do during specs. :/ Kernel.stubs(:fork).returns(pid).yields $stdin.stubs(:reopen) $stdout.stubs(:reopen) $stderr.stubs(:reopen) end it "should close all open file descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr" do # This is ugly, but I can't really think of a better way to do it without # letting it actually close fds, which seems risky (0..2).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).never} (3..256).each {|n| IO.expects(:new).with(n).returns mock('io', :close) } Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork end it "should fork a child process to execute the block" do Kernel.expects(:fork).returns(pid).yields Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork do message = "Fork this!" end end it "should return the pid of the child process" do Puppet::Util.safe_posix_fork.should == pid end end describe "#which" do let(:base) { File.expand_path('/bin') } let(:path) { File.join(base, 'foo') } before :each do FileTest.stubs(:file?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(path).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).returns false FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(path).returns true end it "should accept absolute paths" do Puppet::Util.which(path).should == path end it "should return nil if no executable found" do Puppet::Util.which('doesnotexist').should be_nil end it "should warn if the user's HOME is not set but their PATH contains a ~" do env_path = %w[~/bin /usr/bin /bin].join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) Puppet::Util.withenv({:HOME => nil, :PATH => env_path}) do Puppet::Util::Warnings.expects(:warnonce).once Puppet::Util.which('foo') end end it "should reject directories" do Puppet::Util.which(base).should be_nil end it "should ignore ~user directories if the user doesn't exist" do # Windows treats *any* user as a "user that doesn't exist", which means # that this will work correctly across all our platforms, and should # behave consistently. If they ever implement it correctly (eg: to do # the lookup for real) it should just work transparently. baduser = 'if_this_user_exists_I_will_eat_my_hat' Puppet::Util.withenv("PATH" => "~#{baduser}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{base}") do Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end end describe "on POSIX systems" do before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns true Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns false end it "should walk the search PATH returning the first executable" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(File.expand_path('/bin')) Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end end describe "on Windows systems" do let(:path) { File.expand_path(File.join(base, 'foo.CMD')) } before :each do Puppet.features.stubs(:posix?).returns false Puppet.features.stubs(:microsoft_windows?).returns true end describe "when a file extension is specified" do it "should walk each directory in PATH ignoring PATHEXT" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(%w[/bar /bin].map{|dir| File.expand_path(dir)}.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) FileTest.expects(:file?).with(File.join(File.expand_path('/bar'), 'foo.CMD')).returns false ENV.expects(:[]).with('PATHEXT').never Puppet::Util.which('foo.CMD').should == path end end describe "when a file extension is not specified" do it "should walk each extension in PATHEXT until an executable is found" do bar = File.expand_path('/bar') ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns("#{bar}#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}#{base}") ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE#{File::PATH_SEPARATOR}.CMD") exts = sequence('extensions') FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(bar, 'foo.CMD')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should walk the default extension path if the environment variable is not defined" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(nil) exts = sequence('extensions') %w[.COM .EXE .BAT].each do |ext| FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(File.join(base, "foo#{ext}")).returns false end FileTest.expects(:file?).in_sequence(exts).with(path).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == path end it "should fall back if no extension matches" do ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATH').returns(base) ENV.stubs(:[]).with('PATHEXT').returns(".EXE") FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo.EXE')).returns false FileTest.stubs(:file?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true FileTest.stubs(:executable?).with(File.join(base, 'foo')).returns true Puppet::Util.which('foo').should == File.join(base, 'foo') end end end end describe "#binread" do let(:contents) { "foo\r\nbar" } it "should preserve line endings" do path = tmpfile('util_binread') File.open(path, 'wb') { |f| f.print contents } Puppet::Util.binread(path).should == contents end it "should raise an error if the file doesn't exist" do expect { Puppet::Util.binread('/path/does/not/exist') }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end end describe "hash symbolizing functions" do let (:myhash) { { "foo" => "bar", :baz => "bam" } } let (:resulthash) { { :foo => "bar", :baz => "bam" } } describe "#symbolizehash" do it "should return a symbolized hash" do newhash = Puppet::Util.symbolizehash(myhash) newhash.should == resulthash end end end context "#replace_file" do subject { Puppet::Util } it { should respond_to :replace_file } let :target do target = Tempfile.new("puppet-util-replace-file") target.puts("hello, world") target.flush # make sure content is on disk. target.fsync rescue nil target.close target end it "should fail if no block is given" do expect { subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) }.to raise_error /block/ end it "should replace a file when invoked" do # Check that our file has the expected content. File.read(target.path).should == "hello, world\n" # Replace the file. subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| fh.puts "I am the passenger..." end # ...and check the replacement was complete. File.read(target.path).should == "I am the passenger...\n" end # When running with the same user and group sid, which is the default, # Windows collapses the owner and group modes into a single ACE, resulting # in set(0600) => get(0660) and so forth. --daniel 2012-03-30 modes = [0555, 0660, 0770] modes += [0600, 0700] unless Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? modes.each do |mode| it "should copy 0#{mode.to_s(8)} permissions from the target file by default" do set_mode(mode, target.path) get_mode(target.path).should == mode subject.replace_file(target.path, 0000) {|fh| fh.puts "bazam" } get_mode(target.path).should == mode File.read(target.path).should == "bazam\n" end end it "should copy the permissions of the source file before yielding on Unix", :if => !Puppet.features.microsoft_windows? do set_mode(0555, target.path) inode = File.stat(target.path).ino yielded = false subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| get_mode(fh.path).should == 0555 yielded = true end yielded.should be_true File.stat(target.path).ino.should_not == inode get_mode(target.path).should == 0555 end it "should use the default permissions if the source file doesn't exist" do new_target = target.path + '.foo' File.should_not be_exist(new_target) begin subject.replace_file(new_target, 0555) {|fh| fh.puts "foo" } get_mode(new_target).should == 0555 ensure File.unlink(new_target) if File.exists?(new_target) end end it "should not replace the file if an exception is thrown in the block" do yielded = false threw = false begin subject.replace_file(target.path, 0600) do |fh| yielded = true fh.puts "different content written, then..." raise "...throw some random failure" end rescue Exception => e if e.to_s =~ /some random failure/ threw = true else raise end end yielded.should be_true threw.should be_true # ...and check the replacement was complete. File.read(target.path).should == "hello, world\n" end end describe "#pretty_backtrace" do it "should include lines that don't match the standard backtrace pattern" do line = "non-standard line\n" trace = caller[0..2] + [line] + caller[3..-1] Puppet::Util.pretty_backtrace(trace).should =~ /#{line}/ end it "should include function names" do Puppet::Util.pretty_backtrace.should =~ /:in `\w+'/ end it "should work with Windows paths" do Puppet::Util.pretty_backtrace(["C:/work/puppet/c.rb:12:in `foo'\n"]). should == "C:/work/puppet/c.rb:12:in `foo'" end end describe "#execute" do let(:command) { 'mycommand' } it "should pass arguments through" do arguments = 'myarg' Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(command, arguments) subject.execute(command, arguments) end it "should not supply default arguments" do Puppet::Util::Execution.expects(:execute).with(command) subject.execute(command) end end end