en: netzke: tree: base: actions: add: text: Add edit: text: Edit delete: text: Delete apply: text: Apply search: text: Search grid: base: add_record: "Add %{model}" edit_record: "Edit %{model}" edit_records: "Edit %{models}" confirmation: Confirmation are_you_sure: Are you sure? proceed_with_unapplied_changes: You will lose uncommitted changes - do you want to proceed? actions: add: text: Add edit: text: Edit delete: text: Delete apply: text: Apply search: text: Search form: base: actions: edit: text: Edit tooltip: Edit cancel: text: Cancel tooltip: Cancel editing apply: text: Apply tooltip: Apply changes basepack: cannot_create: "You don't have permissions to create data" cannot_read: "You don't have permissions to read data" cannot_update: "You don't have permissions to update data" cannot_delete: "You don't have permissions to delete data" record_form_window: actions: ok: text: OK cancel: text: Cancel search_window: title: Extended search actions: search: text: Search cancel: text: Cancel search_panel: presets: Presets equals: Equals greater_than: Greater than less_than: Less than contains: Contains matches: Matches date_equals: "On" before: Before after: After on_or_before: On or before on_or_after: On or after paging_form: actions: search: text: Search tooltip: Extended search query_builder: presets: Presets preset_saved: Preset successfully saved preset_deleted: Preset successfully deleted overwrite_confirm: "Are you sure you want to overwrite preset '{0}'?" overwrite_confirm_title: "Overwriting preset" delete_confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete preset '{0}'?" delete_confirm_title: "Deleting preset" actions: clear_all: text: Clear tooltip: Clear all conditions reset: text: Reset tooltip: Reset condition values save_preset: text: Save tooltip: Save preset delete_preset: text: Delete tooltip: Delete preset apply: text: Apply tooltip: Apply updated conditions formats: date: Y-m-d datetime: Y-m-d H:i:s time: H:i:s