# vim: syntax=ruby require 'rake/clean' require 'digest' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # If you want to Develop on this project just run 'rake develop' and you'll # have all you need to get going. If you want to use bundler for development, # then run 'rake develop:using_bundler' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace :develop do # Install all the development and runtime dependencies of this gem using the # gemspec. task :default => 'Gemfile' do require 'rubygems/dependency_installer' installer = ::Gem::DependencyInstaller.new puts "Installing bundler..." installer.install 'bundler' sh 'bundle install' puts "\n\nNow run 'rake test'" end # Create a Gemfile that just references the gemspec file 'Gemfile' => :gemspec do File.open( "Gemfile", "w+" ) do |f| f.puts "# DO NOT EDIT - This file is automatically generated" f.puts "# Make changes to Manifest.txt and/or Rakefile and regenerate" f.puts 'source "https://rubygems.org"' f.puts 'gemspec' end end end desc "Bootstrap development" task :develop => "develop:default" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # RSpec - standard TestTask #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin require 'rspec/core/rake_task' RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :test ) do |t| t.ruby_opts = %w[ -w ] t.rspec_opts = %w[ --color --format documentation --format RspecJunitFormatter --out tmp/report.xml ] end task :test_requirements task :test => :test_requirements task :default => :test rescue LoadError This.task_warning( 'test' ) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # RDoc - standard rdoc rake task, although we must make sure to use a more # recent version of rdoc since it is the one that has 'tomdoc' markup #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin gem 'rdoc' # otherwise we get the wrong task from stdlib require 'rdoc/task' RDoc::Task.new do |t| t.markup = 'tomdoc' t.rdoc_dir = 'doc' t.main = 'README.md' t.title = "#{This.name} #{This.version}" t.rdoc_files.include( FileList['*.{rdoc,md,txt}'], FileList['ext/**/*.c'], FileList['lib/**/*.rb'] ) end rescue StandardError, LoadError This.task_warning( 'rdoc' ) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Coverage - optional code coverage, rcov for 1.8 and simplecov for 1.9, so # for the moment only rcov is listed. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin require 'simplecov' desc 'Run tests with code coverage' task :coverage do ENV['COVERAGE'] = 'true' Rake::Task[:test].execute end CLOBBER << 'coverage' if File.directory?( 'coverage' ) rescue LoadError This.task_warning( 'simplecov' ) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Manifest - We want an explicit list of thos files that are to be packaged in # the gem. Most of this is from Hoe. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace 'manifest' do desc "Check the manifest" task :check => :clean do files = FileList["**/*", ".*"].exclude( This.exclude_from_manifest ).to_a.sort files = files.select{ |f| File.file?( f ) } tmp = "Manifest.tmp" File.open( tmp, 'w' ) do |f| f.puts files.join("\n") end begin sh "diff -du Manifest.txt #{tmp}" ensure rm tmp end puts "Manifest looks good" end desc "Generate the manifest" task :generate => :clean do files = %x[ git ls-files ].split("\n").sort files.reject! { |f| f =~ This.exclude_from_manifest } File.open( "Manifest.txt", "w" ) do |f| f.puts files.join("\n") end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fixme - look for fixmes and report them #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace :fixme do task :default => 'manifest:check' do This.manifest.each do |file| next if file == __FILE__ next unless file =~ %r/(txt|rb|md|rdoc|css|html|xml|css)\Z/ puts "FIXME: Rename #{file}" if file =~ /fixme/i IO.readlines( file ).each_with_index do |line, idx| prefix = "FIXME: #{file}:#{idx+1}".ljust(42) puts "#{prefix} => #{line.strip}" if line =~ /fixme/i end end end def fixme_project_root This.project_path( '../fixme' ) end def fixme_project_path( subtree ) fixme_project_root.join( subtree ) end def local_fixme_files This.manifest.select { |p| p =~ %r|^tasks/| } end def outdated_fixme_files local_fixme_files.select do |local| upstream = fixme_project_path( local ) upstream.exist? && ( Digest::SHA256.file( local ) != Digest::SHA256.file( upstream ) ) end end def fixme_up_to_date? outdated_fixme_files.empty? end desc "See if the fixme tools are outdated" task :outdated do if fixme_up_to_date? then puts "Fixme files are up to date." else outdated_fixme_files.each do |f| puts "#{f} is outdated" end end end desc "Update outdated fixme files" task :update do if fixme_up_to_date? then puts "Fixme files are already up to date." else puts "Updating fixme files:" outdated_fixme_files.each do |local| upstream = fixme_project_path( local ) puts " * #{local}" FileUtils.cp( upstream, local ) end puts "Use your git commands as appropriate." end end end desc "Look for fixmes and report them" task :fixme => "fixme:default" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Gem Specification #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Really this is only here to support those who use bundler desc "Build the #{This.name}.gemspec file" task :gemspec do File.open( This.gemspec_file, "wb+" ) do |f| f.puts "# DO NOT EDIT - This file is automatically generated" f.puts "# Make changes to Manifest.txt and/or Rakefile and regenerate" f.write This.platform_gemspec.to_ruby end end # .rbc files from ruby 2.0 CLOBBER << "**/*.rbc" # The standard gem packaging task, everyone has it. require 'rubygems/package_task' ::Gem::PackageTask.new( This.platform_gemspec ) do # nothing end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Release - the steps we go through to do a final release, this is pulled from # a compbination of mojombo's rakegem, hoe and hoe-git # # 1) make sure we are on the main branch # 2) make sure there are no uncommitted items # 3) check the manifest and make sure all looks good # 4) build the gem # 5) do an empty commit to have the commit message of the version # 6) tag that commit as the version # 7) push main # 8) push the tag # 7) pus the gem #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ task :release_check do unless `git branch` =~ /^\* main/ abort "You must be on the main branch to release!" end unless `git status` =~ /^nothing to commit/m abort "Nope, sorry, you have unfinished business" end end desc "Create tag v#{This.version}, build and push #{This.platform_gemspec.full_name} to rubygems.org" task :release => [ :release_check, 'manifest:check', :gem ] do sh "git commit --allow-empty -a -m 'Release #{This.version}'" sh "git tag -a -m 'v#{This.version}' v#{This.version}" sh "git push origin main" sh "git push origin v#{This.version}" sh "gem push pkg/#{This.platform_gemspec.full_name}.gem" end