# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: # activerecord: # attributes: # user: # email: "Email" # password: "Password" # password_confirmation: "Confirm password" # current_password: "Current password" # errors: # messages: # not_found: "not found" flash: janus: passwords: create: email_sent: "Instructions to reset your password were sent to your email account." user_not_found: "Error: no such user." update: password_updated: "Your password was successfully resetted." invalid_token: "Error: invalid token." janus: mailer: hello: "Hello," reset_password_instructions: subject: "Instructions to change your password" infos: "Somebody requested to change your password. To do so just click the following link:" change_password_link: "Change my password" please_ignore_your_password_wont_change: "If you didn't make this request, please delete this email immediately. Your password won't change until you click the link and change your password." confirmation_instructions: subject: "Confirm your account" confirm: "You may confirm your registration by clicking the following link:" confirm_my_account: "Confirm my account" sessions: new: sign_in: "Sign in" sign_in_btn: "Sign in" registrations: new: sign_up: "Sign up" sign_up_btn: "Sign up" edit: my_account: "My account" save_changes_btn: "Save changes" confirmations: new: resend_confirmation_instructions: "Resend confirmation instructions" send_instructions_btn: "Send instructions" passwords: new: forgot_password: "Forgot your password?" send_instructions_btn: "Send instructions" edit: change_password: "Change your password" change_password_btn: "Change my password"