require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'test_helper') class TemplateRendererUtilTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "initializing" do should "set the template to the given argument" do r ="foo") assert_equal "foo", r.template end should "set any additional variables" do r ="foo", {:bar => :baz}) assert_equal :baz, end end context "rendering" do setup do @template = "foo" @r = @r.stubs(:full_template_path).returns(@template + "!") @contents = "bar" @file = mock("file") @file.stubs(:read).returns(@contents) File.stubs(:open).yields(@file) end should "open the template file for reading" do File.expects(:open).with(@r.full_template_path, 'r').once @r.render end should "set the template to the file contents, render, then set it back" do result = "bar" template_seq = sequence("template_seq") @r.expects(:template=).with( @r.expects(:render_string).returns(result).in_sequence(template_seq) @r.expects(:template=).with(@template).in_sequence(template_seq) assert_equal result, @r.render end should "render the ERB file in the context of the renderer" do result = "bar" template = "<%= foo %>" = result @file.expects(:read).returns(template) assert_equal result, @r.render end end context "rendering as string" do setup do @result = "foo" @erb = mock("erb") @erb.stubs(:result).returns(@result) @r ="foo") end should "simply render the template as a string" do ERB.expects(:new).with(@r.template).returns(@erb) assert_equal @result, @r.render_string end end context "the full template path" do setup do @template = "foo" @r = end should "be the ERB file in the templates directory" do result = File.join(PROJECT_ROOT, "templates", "#{@template}.erb") assert_equal result, @r.full_template_path end end context "class methods" do context "render_with method" do setup do @template = "foo" @r = @r.stubs(:render) @method = :rawr Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.stubs(:new).with(@template, {}).returns(@r) end should "use the second argument as the template" do Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:new).with(@template, {}).returns(@r) Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_with(@method, @template) end should "send in additional argument to the renderer" do data = {:hey => :foo} Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:new).with(@template, data).returns(@r) Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_with(@method, @template, data) end should "yield a block if given with the renderer as the argument" do @r.expects(:yielded=).with(true).once Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_with(@method, @template) do |r| r.yielded = true end end should "render the result using the given method" do result = mock('result') @r.expects(@method).returns(result) assert_equal result, Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_with(@method, @template) end should "convert the given method to a sym prior to calling" do @r.expects(@method.to_sym).returns(nil) Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_with(@method.to_s, @template) end end context "render method" do should "call render_with the render! method" do args = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:render_with).with(:render, *args) Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render(*args) end end context "render_string method" do should "call render_with the render! method" do args = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.expects(:render_with).with(:render_string, *args) Vagrant::Util::TemplateRenderer.render_string(*args) end end end end