# Validator module is used to validate if the user input is correct module Validator def balanced_brackets?(token) strim = token.gsub(/[^\[\]\(\)\{\}]/, '') return true if strim.empty? return false if strim.size.odd? loop do s = strim.gsub('()', '').gsub('[]', '').gsub('{}', '') return true if s.empty? return false if s == strim strim = s end end def balanced_quotes?(token) token.count('"').even? end def valid_var_name(var) symbols = %r{[<|<=|=|>|>=|*|\/|+|-|&|^|#|@|]} !var.match(/[[:alpha:]]/).nil? || !var.match(symbols).nil? end def valid_var(var) (valid_literals var) || (valid_objects var) end def valid_function(fn) idx = fn[0] == '(' ? (find_bracket_idx fn, 0) : 0 f = if idx.zero? predefined_method_caller [fn[idx]] else calc_input_val fn[0..idx] end valid_function? f, fn, idx [f, fn[idx + 1..-1]] end private def valid_literals(var) number = check_for_num var string = check_for_string var boolean = check_for_bool var symbol = check_for_symbol var quote = check_for_quote var number || string || boolean || symbol || quote end def valid_objects(var) var.list? || var.pair? end def valid_function?(f, fn, idx) idx = find_bracket_idx fn, 1 if fn[idx] == '\'' raise no_procedure_build fn[0..idx].join if f.nil? && (!f.is_a? Proc) end end