require 'berkeley_library/logging' require 'berkeley_library/marc' require 'berkeley_library/util/uris' require 'berkeley_library/alma/constants' module BerkeleyLibrary module Alma # Encapsulates an ID that can be used to look up records in Alma via SRU. module RecordId include BerkeleyLibrary::Logging include BerkeleyLibrary::Util include Comparable include Constants # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Class methods class << self include Constants # Parses a string record ID and returns a {RecordId} object. For convenience, # also accepts a {RecordId} and simply returns it, so it can be used in # situations where it may not be clear whether the ID has already been parsed. # # @param id [String, RecordId] the ID to parse # @return [RecordId, nil] an {MMSID} or {BibNumber}, depending on the type of ID, # or `nil` if the specified `id` is neither an MMS ID nor a bib number # @raise [ArgumentError] if the specified string is a correctly formatted Millennium # bib number, but has an incorrect check digit def parse(id) # noinspection RubyMismatchedReturnType return id if id.is_a?(RecordId) return if ALMA_RECORD_RE =~ id return if MILLENNIUM_RECORD_RE =~ id end end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Instance methods # Returns a URI for retrieving MARCXML from this record via SRU. # Requires {Config#alma_sru_base_uri} to be set. # # @return [URI] the MARC URI def marc_uri query_string = URI.encode_www_form( 'version' => '1.2', 'operation' => 'searchRetrieve', 'query' => sru_query_value ) URIs.append(Config.alma_sru_base_uri, '?', query_string) end # Makes an SRU query for this record and returns a MARC record, or nil if the # record is not found. # # Note that in the event the SRU query finds multiple records, only the first # record is returned. # # @return [MARC::Record, nil] the MARC record # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName def get_marc_record marc_xml = get_marc_xml logger.warn("GET #{marc_uri} did not return a MARC record") unless (marc_record = parse_marc_xml(marc_xml)) marc_record end # rubocop:enable Naming/AccessorMethodName # Makes an SRU query for this record and returns the XML query response # as a string. # # @return [String, nil] the SRU query response body, or nil in the event of an error. # rubocop:disable Naming/AccessorMethodName def get_marc_xml URIs.get(marc_uri, headers: { user_agent: DEFAULT_USER_AGENT }) rescue RestClient::Exception => e logger.warn("GET #{marc_uri} failed", e) nil end # rubocop:enable Naming/AccessorMethodName # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Comparable # Compares this {RecordId} with another based on their string representations. # # @see Comparable#<=> # @return [Integer, nil] def <=>(other) return 0 if equal?(other) return unless other return unless other.is_a?(RecordId) to_s <=> other.to_s end # ------------------------------------------------------------ # Private methods private def parse_marc_xml(xml) return unless xml input = reader = reader.first end end end end