require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' # class Build # include CouchTomato::Persistence # # property :state # property :time # # view :timeline, :key => :time # view :count, :key => :time, :reduce => true # view :minimal_timeline, :key => :time, :properties => [:state], :type => :properties # view :key_array_timeline, :key => [:time, :state] # view :custom_timeline, :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, {state: 'custom_' + doc.state}); }", :type => :custom # view :custom_timeline_returns_docs, :map => "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, null); }", :include_docs => true, :type => :custom # view :raw, :type => :raw, :map => "function(doc) {emit(doc._id, doc.state)}" # view :filtered_raw, :type => :raw, :map => "function(doc) {emit(doc._id, doc.state)}", :results_filter => lambda{|res| res['rows'].map{|row| row['value']}} # view :with_view_options, :group => true, :key => :time # end # # describe 'view' do # before(:each) do # recreate_db # end # # it "should return instances of the class" do # CouchTomato.database.save_document => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01') # results = CouchTomato.database.view(Build.timeline) # == [Build] # end # # it "should pass the view options to the view query" do # query = mock 'query' # CouchTomato::View::ViewQuery.stub!(:new).and_return(query) # query.should_receive(:query_view!).with(hash_including(:key => 1)).and_return('rows' => []) # CouchTomato.database.view Build.timeline(:key => 1) # end # # it "should not return documents that don't have a matching ruby_class" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:time => 'x'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.timeline).should == [] # end # # it "should count documents" do # CouchTomato.database.save_document => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01') # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.count(:reduce => true)).should == 1 # end # # it "should count zero documents" do # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.count(:reduce => true)).should == 0 # end # # describe "properties defined" do # it "should assign the configured properties" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc(:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01', :ruby_class => 'Build') # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.minimal_timeline).first.state.should == 'success' # end # # it "should not assign the properties not configured" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc(:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01', :ruby_class => 'Build') # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.minimal_timeline).first.time.should be_nil # end # # it "should assign the id even if it is not configured" do # id = CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc(:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01', :ruby_class => 'Build')['id'] # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.minimal_timeline).first._id.should == id # end # end # # describe "no properties defined" do # it "should assign all properties to the objects by default" do # id = CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01', :ruby_class => 'Build'})['id'] # result = CouchTomato.database.view(Build.timeline).first # result.state.should == 'success' # result.time.should == '2008-01-01' # result._id.should == id # end # end # # describe "map function given" do # it "should still return instances of the class" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.custom_timeline).map(&:class).should == [Build] # end # # it "should assign the properties from the value" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.custom_timeline).map(&:state).should == ['custom_success'] # end # # it "should leave the other properties blank" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.custom_timeline).map(&:time).should == [nil] # end # # describe "that returns null documents" do # it "should return instances of the class" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.custom_timeline_returns_docs).map(&:class).should == [Build] # end # # it "should assign the properties from the value" do # CouchTomato.couchrest_database.save_doc({:state => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01'}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.custom_timeline_returns_docs).map(&:state).should == ['success'] # end # end # end # # describe "with array as key" do # it "should create a map function with the composite key" do # CouchTomato::View::ViewQuery.should_receive(:new).with(anything, anything, anything, string_matching(/emit\(\[doc\['time'\], doc\['state'\]\]/), anything).and_return(stub('view query').as_null_object) # CouchTomato.database.view Build.key_array_timeline # end # end # # describe "raw view" do # it "should return the raw data" do # CouchTomato.database.save_document => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01') # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.raw)['rows'][0]['value'].should == 'success' # end # # it "should return filtred raw data" do # CouchTomato.database.save_document => 'success', :time => '2008-01-01') # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.filtered_raw).should == ['success'] # end # # it "should pass view options declared in the view declaration to the query" do # view_query = mock 'view_query' # CouchTomato::View::ViewQuery.stub!(:new).and_return(view_query) # view_query.should_receive(:query_view!).with(hash_including(:group => true)).and_return({'rows' => []}) # CouchTomato.database.view(Build.with_view_options) # end # end # # end