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pagination = $(this); visibleSpace = pagination.outerWidth() - pagination.children('li.prev').outerWidth() - pagination.children('li.next').outerWidth(); totalItemsWidth = 0; pagination.children('li').each(function() { return totalItemsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(); }); pagination.children('li').not('.prev, .next, .active').hide(); visibleItemsWidth = 0; pagination.children('li:visible').each(function() { return visibleItemsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(); }); _results = []; while ((visibleItemsWidth + 29) < visibleSpace && (visibleItemsWidth + 29) < totalItemsWidth) { pagination.children('li:visible').not('.next').last().next().show(); visibleItemsWidth = 0; pagination.children('li:visible').each(function() { return visibleItemsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(); }); if ((visibleItemsWidth + 29) <= visibleSpace) { pagination.children('li:visible').not('.prev').first().prev().show(); visibleItemsWidth = 0; pagination.children('li:visible').each(function() { return visibleItemsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(); 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All rights reserved. * */ (function($) { var elems, modals; if ($('div#iframeModal').length < 1) { $('body').append('
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All rights reserved. * */ (function($) { return $.fn.popover = function(options) { var closePopover, defaults, delayAdjust, delayHide, getElementPosition, popover, resetPopover, setPosition, showPopover, trigger; defaults = { hover: false, click: true, resize: true, scroll: true, topOffset: 0, delay: 500, speed: 100 }; options = $.extend(defaults, options); popover = $('#popover'); delayHide = ''; delayAdjust = ''; trigger = ''; getElementPosition = function(el) { var bottom, left, offset, right, top, win; offset = el.offset(); win = $(window); return { top: top = offset.top - win.scrollTop(), left: left = offset.left - win.scrollLeft(), bottom: bottom = win.height() - top - el.outerHeight(), right: right = win.width() - left - el.outerWidth() }; }; resetPopover = function(resize) { popover.css({ top: 'auto', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', left: 'auto' }); if (resize) { popover.css({ width: 'auto' }); } popover.removeClass('top'); popover.removeClass('right'); popover.removeClass('bottom'); return popover.removeClass('left'); }; setPosition = function(trigger, skipAnimation, resize) { var attrs, coords, height, width; if (trigger) { if (resize) { resetPopover(true); } else { resetPopover(); } coords = getElementPosition(trigger); if (popover.outerWidth() > ($(window).width() - 20)) { popover.css('width', $(window).width() - 20); } popover.css('max-width', Math.min($(window).width() - parseInt($('body').css('padding-left')) - parseInt($('body').css('padding-right')), parseInt(popover.css('max-width')))); width = popover.outerWidth(); height = popover.outerHeight(); attrs = {}; if (coords.left <= coords.right) { popover.addClass('left'); attrs.left = coords.left; } else { popover.addClass('right'); attrs.right = coords.right; } if ((coords.top - options.topOffset) > (height + 20)) { popover.addClass('top'); attrs.top = trigger.offset().top - height - 20; } else { popover.addClass('bottom'); attrs.top = trigger.offset().top + 15; } popover.css(attrs); if (skipAnimation) { return popover.css({ top: '+=10' }); } } }; closePopover = function() { $('.popover-trigger').removeClass('popover-trigger'); return popover.removeClass('sticky').remove(); }; showPopover = function(e) { var tip; trigger = $(e.target); if (!trigger.hasClass('popover-trigger')) { closePopover(); trigger.addClass('popover-trigger'); } tip = $('#' + trigger.attr('data-content')).html(); popover = $(""); if (!tip || tip === "") { return false; } trigger.removeAttr("title"); popover.css("opacity", 0).html(tip).appendTo("body"); setPosition(trigger); popover.animate({ top: "+=10", opacity: 1 }, options.speed); popover.bind("click", function(e) { if (e.target.tagName !== 'a') { popover.addClass('sticky'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); popover.find('.close').bind("click", function(e) { $('.popover-trigger').removeClass('popover-trigger'); popover.removeClass('sticky').remove(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); return popover.bind({ mouseenter: function() { return clearTimeout(delayHide); }, mouseleave: function() { if (!popover.hasClass('sticky')) { return delayHide = setTimeout((function() { $('.popover-trigger').removeClass('popover-trigger'); return popover.removeClass('sticky').remove(); }), 500); } } }); }; return this.each(function() { var $this; $this = $(this); if (options.hover) { $this.bind({ mouseenter: function(e) { trigger = $(e.target); clearTimeout(delayHide); if (!$this.hasClass('popover-trigger') && !popover.hasClass('sticky')) { return showPopover(e); } }, mouseleave: function() { if (!popover.hasClass('sticky')) { return delayHide = setTimeout(function() { return closePopover(); }, options.delay); } } }); } if (options.click) { $this.bind("click", function(e) { trigger = $(e.target); if (!trigger.hasClass('popover-trigger')) { closePopover(); showPopover(e); } popover.addClass('sticky'); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } if (options.resize) { $(window).resize(function() { clearTimeout(delayAdjust); return delayAdjust = setTimeout(function() { return setPosition(trigger, true, true); }, 100); }); } if (options.scroll) { $(window).scroll(function() { return setPosition(trigger, true); }); } return $('html, body').bind("click", function(e) { $('.popover-trigger').removeClass('popover-trigger'); return popover.removeClass('sticky').remove(); }); }); }; })(jQuery); /* * * jQuery ResponsiveTables by Gary Hepting - https://github.com/ghepting/responsiveTables * * Open source under the MIT License. * * Copyright © 2013 Gary Hepting. All rights reserved. * */ (function($) { var elems; elems = []; $.fn.responsiveTable = function(options) { var settings; settings = { compressor: options.compressor || 10, minSize: options.minSize || Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxSize: options.maxSize || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, padding: 2, height: "auto", adjust_parents: true }; return this.each(function() { var columns, elem, fontSize, rows; elem = $(this); elem.attr('data-compression', settings.compressor); elem.attr('data-min', settings.minSize); elem.attr('data-max', settings.maxSize); elem.attr('data-padding', settings.padding); columns = $("tr", elem).first().children("th, td").length; rows = $("tr", elem).length; if (settings.height !== "auto") { $this.css("height", settings.height); if (settings.adjust_parents) { $this.parents().each(function() { return $(this).css("height", "100%"); }); } } $("tr th, tr td", elem).css("width", Math.floor(100 / columns) + "%"); $("tr th, tr td", elem).css("height", Math.floor(100 / rows) + "%"); fontSize = Math.floor(Math.max(Math.min(elem.width() / settings.compressor, parseFloat(settings.maxSize)), parseFloat(settings.minSize))); $("tr th, tr td", elem).css("font-size", fontSize + "px"); return elems.push(elem); }); }; return $(window).on("resize", function() { return $(elems).each(function() { var elem, fontSize; elem = $(this); fontSize = Math.floor(Math.max(Math.min(elem.width() / (elem.attr('data-compression')), parseFloat(elem.attr('data-max'))), parseFloat(elem.attr('data-min')))); return $("tr th, tr td", elem).css("font-size", fontSize + "px"); }); }); })(jQuery); /* * * jQuery ResponsiveText by Gary Hepting - https://github.com/ghepting/responsiveText * * Open source under the MIT License. * * Copyright © 2013 Gary Hepting. All rights reserved. * */ (function($) { var elems; elems = []; $.fn.responsiveText = function(options) { var settings; settings = { compressor: options.compressor || 10, minSize: options.minSize || Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxSize: options.maxSize || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; return this.each(function() { var elem; elem = $(this); elem.attr('data-compression', settings.compressor); elem.attr('data-min', settings.minSize); elem.attr('data-max', settings.maxSize); elem.css("font-size", Math.floor(Math.max(Math.min(elem.width() / settings.compressor, parseFloat(settings.maxSize)), parseFloat(settings.minSize)))); return elems.push(elem); }); }; return $(window).on("resize", function() { return $(elems).each(function() { var elem; elem = $(this); return elem.css("font-size", Math.floor(Math.max(Math.min(elem.width() / (elem.attr('data-compression')), parseFloat(elem.attr('data-max'))), parseFloat(elem.attr('data-min'))))); }); }); })(jQuery); /* * * jQuery Tooltips by Gary Hepting - https://github.com/ghepting/jquery-tooltips * * Open source under the MIT License. * * Copyright © 2013 Gary Hepting. All rights reserved. * */ (function($) { return $.fn.tooltip = function(options) { var closetooltip, defaults, delayShow, getElementPosition, resettooltip, setPosition, showtooltip, tooltip, trigger; defaults = { topOffset: 0, delay: 100, speed: 100 }; options = $.extend(defaults, options); tooltip = $('#tooltip'); delayShow = ''; trigger = ''; if ($('#tooltip').length !== 1) { tooltip = $(""); tooltip.appendTo("body").hide(); } getElementPosition = function(el) { var bottom, left, offset, right, top, win; offset = el.offset(); win = $(window); return { top: top = offset.top - win.scrollTop(), left: left = offset.left - win.scrollLeft(), bottom: bottom = win.height() - top - el.outerHeight(), right: right = win.width() - left - el.outerWidth() }; }; setPosition = function(trigger) { var attrs, coords, height, width; coords = getElementPosition(trigger); if (tooltip.outerWidth() > ($(window).width() - 20)) { tooltip.css('width', $(window).width() - 20); } attrs = {}; tooltip.css('max-width', Math.min($(window).width() - parseInt($('body').css('padding-left')) - parseInt($('body').css('padding-right')), parseInt(tooltip.css('max-width')))); width = tooltip.outerWidth(); height = tooltip.outerHeight(); if (coords.left <= coords.right) { tooltip.addClass('left'); attrs.left = coords.left; } else { tooltip.addClass('right'); attrs.right = coords.right; } if ((coords.top - options.topOffset) > (height + 20)) { tooltip.addClass('top'); attrs.top = (trigger.offset().top - height) - 20; } else { tooltip.addClass('bottom'); attrs.top = trigger.offset().top + trigger.outerHeight() - 4; } return tooltip.css(attrs); }; resettooltip = function() { return tooltip.text('').removeClass().css({ left: 'auto', right: 'auto', top: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', width: 'auto', 'padding-left': 'auto', 'padding-right': 'auto' }); }; closetooltip = function() { tooltip.stop().hide(); resettooltip(); return $('[role=tooltip]').removeClass('on'); }; showtooltip = function(trigger) { clearTimeout(delayShow); return delayShow = setTimeout(function() { tooltip.css({ "opacity": 0, "display": "block" }).text(trigger.attr('data-title')); $.each(['disabled', 'info', 'alert', 'warning', 'error', 'success', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red', 'asphalt'], function(index, value) { if (trigger.hasClass(value)) { return tooltip.addClass(value); } }); setPosition(trigger); trigger.addClass('on'); return tooltip.animate({ top: "+=10", opacity: 1 }, options.speed); }, options.delay); }; this.each(function() { var $this; $this = $(this); $this.attr('role', 'tooltip').attr('data-title', $this.attr('title')); return $this.removeAttr("title"); }); $('body').on('focus', '[role=tooltip]', function() { return showtooltip($(this)); }).on('blur', '[role=tooltip]', function() { clearTimeout(delayShow); return closetooltip(); }).on('mouseenter', '[role=tooltip]:not(input,select,textarea)', function() { return showtooltip($(this)); }).on('mouseleave', '[role=tooltip]:not(input,select,textarea)', function() { clearTimeout(delayShow); return closetooltip(); }); return $(window).on({ scroll: function() { trigger = $('[role=tooltip].on'); if (trigger.length) { setPosition(trigger); return $('#tooltip').css({ top: "+=10" }); } } }); }; })(jQuery); }).call(this);