module VER class MiniBuffer < Text HISTORY ={|h,k| h[k] = } # NOTE: # {Text#dump} on a peer text widget causes segfault, I've reported the # issue to the tk maintainers and they are working on it. # All tcl/tk versions are affected AFAIK, take care. class Peer < MiniBuffer attr_reader :buffer def initialize(text, parent, buffer, options = {}) @tk_parent = parent @buffer = buffer @tk_pathname = Tk.register_object(parent, self) Tk.execute(text.tk_pathname, 'peer', 'create', @tk_pathname, options) setup_common end end def self.answer_from(text) line = text.get('current linestart', 'current lineend') minibuf = VER.minibuf minibuf.answer = line minibuf.complete_small end include Keymapped attr_accessor :messages_expire, :char_width, :ask_stack, :at_insert, :completion_buffer attr_reader :asking, :messages, :messages_pending, :buffer def initialize(*args) super setup end def peer_create(parent, buffer, *args), parent, buffer, *args) end def setup setup_common @info.configure(foreground: '#fff') @warn.configure(foreground: '#f00') @highlight.configure(background: '#330') # Now to the difficult part. # When i talk about "tag", i mean the prompt and answer tags. # # If the "tag" contents are deleted, we will get errors in all places # where it's used. # To avoid that, we add extra tags called "tag"_keeper. # These are elided and contain only one character, their priority is # higher than "tag" to sure they never show. # The character within is also tagged with "tag". # When doing modifications, we just have to make sure that the # "tag"_keeper tag stays around. # To simplify referencing, we add a mark called "tag" with left gravity. # When getting contents of "tag", get only non-elided part. @prompt_keeper = tag(:prompt_keeper) insert('1.0', 'p', @prompt_keeper) @prompt_mark = mark(:prompt, '1.1', :left) @prompt_tag = tag(:prompt, '1.0', '1.1') @prompt_keeper.configure(elide: true) tag_lower(@prompt_tag, @prompt_keeper) @answer_keeper = tag(:answer_keeper) insert('1.1', 'a', :answer_keeper) @answer_mark = mark(:answer, '1.2', :left) @answer_tag = tag(:answer, '1.1', '1.2') @answer_keeper.configure(elide: true) tag_lower(@answer_tag, @answer_keeper) bind(''){ pack_forget } end def setup_common configure( autoseparators: true, background: '#000', blockcursor: false, borderwidth: 0, exportselection: true, font: VER.options.font, foreground: '#fff', highlightbackground: '#000', # this specifies the colors highlightcolor: '#fff', # that are used when the widget highlightthickness: 1, # has input focus. insertbackground: '#fff', insertofftime: 0, setgrid: false, # wtf? undo: true, wrap: :word ) self.major_mode = :MiniBuffer self.messages_expire = false @messages_pending = @messages = self.char_width = VER.options.font.measure('0') self.ask_stack = [] self.at_insert = mark(:insert) self.completion_buffer = @old_grid_info = nil [ :info, :warn, :highlight, :prompt, :answer ].each do |name| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", tag(name)) end bind('', &method(:adjust_size)) bind('', &method(:on_destroy)) end def on_destroy(event) @lock = true end def type(string) major_mode.fake(string) end def history HISTORY[@prompt.get] end def adjust_size(event = nil) if get_displaychars('1.0', 'end').strip.empty? if (info = grid_info) && !info.empty? @old_grid_info = info grid_forget end else height = count('1.0', 'end', 'displaylines') || 1 grid_configure(@old_grid_info) if @old_grid_info configure(height: height) end # a generous 25ms to make sure the display is updated. # Might need longer, lemme know if that's the case.{ buffer.see(:insert) } if buffer rescue => ex VER.error(ex) end def prompt=(value) replace('prompt', 'prompt.last', value, 'prompt') end def prompt get_displaychars('prompt', 'prompt.last') end def answer=(value) replace('answer', 'answer.last', value, 'answer') end def answer get_displaychars('answer', 'answer.last') end def warn(object) case object when Exception message("#{object.class}: #{object}", 'warn') when Symbol, String message(object.to_s, 'warn') else message(object.to_str, 'warn') end end def message(string, tag = 'info') insert = at_insert.index begin replace("#{tag}.first", "#{tag}.last", " #{string}", tag) # mark(tag, "#{tag}.first", :left) rescue begin insert(tag, " #{string}", tag) rescue insert('1.0 lineend', " #{string}", tag) end end if string.to_s.strip != '' messages << string message_expire(tag) # if messages_expire # message_notify(tag) end adjust_size self.insert = insert see "#{tag}.first" end def message_notify(tag, timeout = 500) tag_add('highlight', "#{tag}.first", "#{tag}.last") timeout.to_int do begin tag_remove('highlight', "#{tag}.first", "#{tag}.last") rescue end end end def message_expire(tag, timeout = 5000) self.messages_pending[tag] += 1 timeout.to_int do self.messages_pending[tag] -= 1 if messages_pending[tag] == 0 delete("#{tag}.first", "#{tag}.last") rescue nil adjust_size end end end def claim_focus bind(''){ focus; Tk.callback_break } focus end def release_focus bind(''){ } end def ask(prompt, options = {}, action = nil, &block) action ||= block if @asking ask_stack << [prompt, options, action] else @asking = true @action = action || options[:action] @caller = options.fetch(:caller) self.prompt = prompt self.answer = options[:value] self.insert = 'answer.last' message '' warn '' self.messages_expire = true # Make sure display is ready. Tk.update focus end end def abort(event = nil) self.prompt = '' self.answer = '' completion_buffer.place_forget rescue nil @asking = false if ask_stack.empty? self.messages_expire = false @caller.focus else ask(*ask_stack.shift) end end def attempt(event = nil) HISTORY[@prompt.get] << answer invoke(:attempt) end def show_completions(completions) buffer = completion_buffer buffer.delete('1.0', 'end') completions.each do |completion| buffer.insert('end', completion, 'ver.minibuf.completion') buffer.insert('end', "\n") end relx: 0.0, rely: 0.9, anchor: :sw, relheight: 0.9 end def complete_small(event = nil) if choices = invoke(:complete) case choices.size when 0 when 1 self.answer = choices.first else self.answer = common_subchoice(choices) end end end def complete_large(event = nil) if choices = invoke(:complete) case choices.size when 0 when 1 self.answer = choices.first else self.answer = common_subchoice(choices) show_completions(choices) end end end def common_subchoice(choices) longest = choices.max_by{|choice| choice.size } common = '' longest.each_char do |char| current = common + char if choices.all?{|choice| choice.start_with?(current) } common << char else break end end common end def invoke(action, *args) Tk::Event.generate(self, "<<#{action.capitalize}>>") result =, action, *args) result == :abort ? abort : result end def events major_mode.event_history end def insert_string case string = events.last.unicode when /^[^\n\r[:cntrl:]]+$/ insert(:insert, string, 'answer') invoke(:modified) else l insert_string: string end end def insert_selection(event = nil) insert(:insert, Tk::Selection.get(type: 'UTF8_STRING'), 'answer') invoke(:modified) end def insert_tab(event = nil) insert(:insert, "\t", 'answer') invoke(:modified) end def end_of_line(event = nil) mark_set('insert', 'answer.last') invoke(:movement) end def kill_end_of_line(event = nil) content = get_displaychars('insert', 'answer.last') copy(content) if content =~ /\S/ delete('insert', 'answer.last') invoke(:modified) end def delete_next_char(event = nil) return unless line = get_displaychars('insert', 'answer.last') delete('insert') unless line == '' invoke(:modified) end def delete_next_word(event = nil) line = get_displaychars('insert', 'answer.last') return unless word = line[/^\s*(?:\w+|[^\w\s]+)\s*/] delete('insert', "insert + #{word.size} chars") invoke(:modified) end def delete_prev_char(event = nil) return unless compare('insert', '>', 'answer') delete('insert - 1 display chars') invoke(:modified) end def delete_prev_word(event = nil) line = get_displaychars('answer', 'insert').reverse return unless word = line[/^\s*(?:\w+|[^\w\s]+)\s*/] delete("insert - #{word.size} display chars", 'insert') invoke(:modified) end def next_char(event = nil) return if compare('insert', '>=', 'answer.last') mark_set('insert', 'insert + 1 chars') invoke(:movement) end def prev_char(event = nil) return if compare('insert', '<=', 'answer') mark_set('insert', 'insert - 1 chars') invoke(:movement) end def start_of_line(event = nil) mark_set('insert', 'answer') invoke(:movement) end def transpose_chars(event = nil) insert = index('insert') line = get_displaychars('insert', 'answer.last') line[0, 2] = line[0, 2].reverse replace('insert', 'answer.last', line, 'answer') mark_set('insert', insert) invoke(:modified) end def copy(string) Clipboard.dwim = string end def paste(event = nil) return unless content = Clipboard.dwim insert(:insert, content, 'answer') invoke(:modified) end def prev_history history = HISTORY[@prompt.get] l prev_history: history end def next_history history = HISTORY[@prompt.get] l next_history: history end end end