require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' describe Dockly::Rpm do describe '#create_package!' do subject do do package_name 'my-sweet-rpm' version '77.0' release '8' pre_install "ls" post_install "rd /s /q C:\*" build_dir 'build' end end let(:filename) { "build/rpm/my-sweet-rpm_77.0.8_x86_64.rpm" } #after { FileUtils.rm_rf(filename) } [:package_name, :version, :release, :arch, :build_dir].each do |ivar| context "when the #{ivar} is nil" do before { subject.instance_variable_set(:"@#{ivar}", nil) } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.create_package }.to raise_error end end end context 'when it has a foreman export' do before do subject.foreman do name 'foreman' init_dir '/etc/systemd/system' build_dir 'build/foreman' procfile File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'fixtures', 'Procfile') user 'root' type 'systemd' prefix '/bin/sh' end end it 'export the foreman to the rpm' do subject.create_package! `rpm -qpl #{filename}` .lines.grep(/foreman/).should_not be_empty end end context 'when it has a docker', :docker do before do subject.docker do name 'rpm_test' import '' git_archive '.' build 'RUN touch /rpm_worked' build_dir 'build/docker' end end after do image = ::Docker::Image.all.find do |image|['RepoTags'].include?('rpm_test:latest') end image.remove if image end it 'builds the docker image and adds it to the rpm' do subject.create_package! `rpm -qpl #{filename}` .lines.grep(/rpm_test-image\.tgz/).should_not be_empty end end context 'when it has a docker with registry', :docker do before do subject.docker do name 'rpm_test' import '' git_archive '.' build 'RUN touch /rpm_worked' build_dir 'build/docker' registry :test_docker_registry do auth_config_file '/etc/docker/.dockercfg' username ENV['DOCKER_USER'] email ENV['DOCKER_EMAIL'] password ENV['DOCKER_PASS'] end end end after do image = ::Docker::Image.all.find do |image|['RepoTags'].include?("#{ENV['DOCKER_USER']}/rpm_test:latest") end image.remove if image end it 'builds the docker image and adds it to the rpm' do subject.create_package! `rpm -qpl #{filename}` .lines.grep(/.dockercfg/).should_not be_empty end end context 'when it has files' do let(:file1) {'files') } let(:file2) {'files') } let(:contents) { `rpm -qpl #{filename}` } before do subject.file file1.path, '/etc/file1' subject.file file2.path, '/etc/file2' subject.file './lib/dockly/.', '/etc/deploys' subject.file './lib/foreman/', '/etc/foreman' subject.file './spec', '/etc/specs' end after do file1.close file1.unlink file2.close file2.unlink end it 'adds the file to rpm' do subject.create_package! expect(contents.lines.grep(/\/etc\/file1/)).to_not be_empty expect(contents.lines.grep(/\/etc\/file2/)).to_not be_empty expect(contents.lines.grep(/\/etc\/deploys\/rpm.rb/)).to_not be_empty expect(contents.lines.grep(/\/etc\/foreman\/foreman\/cli_fix.rb/)).to_not be_empty expect(contents.lines.grep(/\/etc\/specs\/spec\/dockly_spec.rb/)).to_not be_empty end end context 'when there is no docker or foreman export' do let(:output) { `rpm -qpl #{filename}` } it 'does nothing with docker or foreman' do subject.foreman.should_not_receive(:create!) subject.create_package! expect(output).to_not include("rpm_test-image.tgz") expect(output).to_not include("/etc/systemd") expect(output).to_not include("/etc/init") end it 'creates a rpm package' do subject.create_package! File.exist?(subject.build_path).should be_true end end it "places a startup script in the package" do subject.create_package! expect(`rpm -qpl #{filename}`).to include("") end context 'when package_startup_script is false' do before { subject.package_startup_script(false) } it 'does not place a startup script in the package' do subject.create_package! expect(`rpm -qpl #{filename}`).to_not include("") end end end describe '#exists?' do subject do do package_name 'rpm-4-u-buddy' version '77.0' release '8' pre_install "ls" post_install "rd /s /q C:\*" build_dir 'build/rpm/s3' end end context 'when the object does exist' do before do Dockly::AWS.s3.stub(:head_object).and_return {} end it 'is true' do expect(subject.exists?).to be_true end end context 'when the object does not exist' do before do Dockly::AWS.s3.stub(:head_object).and_raise( "NotFound") end it 'is true' do expect(subject.exists?).to be_false end end end describe '#upload_to_s3' do subject do do package_name 'rpm-4-u-buddy' version '77.0' release '8' pre_install "ls" post_install "rd /s /q C:\*" build_dir 'build/rpm/s3' end end context 'when the s3_bucket is nil' do it 'does nothing' do Dockly::AWS.should_not_receive(:s3) subject.upload_to_s3 end end context 'when the s3_bucket is present' do let(:bucket_name) { 'swerve_bucket' } before { subject.s3_bucket(bucket_name) } context 'when the package has yet to be created' do before { FileUtils.rm(subject.build_path) rescue nil } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.upload_to_s3 }.to raise_error end end context 'when the package has been created' do before { subject.create_package! } it 'creates the s3 bucket' do subject.upload_to_s3 Dockly::AWS.s3.get_bucket(bucket_name).body.should_not be_nil end it 'inserts the rpm package into that bucket' do subject.upload_to_s3 Dockly::AWS.s3.get_bucket(bucket_name, subject.s3_object_name).body.should_not be_nil end end end end describe "#file" do subject do do package_name 'my-sweet-rpm' version '77.0' release '8' pre_install "ls" post_install "rd /s /q C:\*" build_dir 'build/rpm' end end before do subject.files [] end it 'adds a hash of source and destination to the files list' do subject.file('nginx.conf', '/etc/nginx.conf') expect(subject.files).to eq([ { :source => 'nginx.conf', :destination => '/etc/nginx.conf' } ]) end end describe '#build' do subject do do package_name 'my-sweet-rpm' version '77.0' release '8' pre_install "ls" post_install "rd /s /q C:\*" build_dir 'build/rpm' end end it 'calls create_package! and upload_to_s3' do subject.should_receive(:create_package!) subject.should_receive(:upload_to_s3) end end end