# encoding: UTF-8 $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require "java" require 'test/unit' require 'thread' require 'bigdecimal' require 'jrjackson' require 'stringio' require 'time' class JrJacksonTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # def test_serialize_date # # default date format # time_string = "2014-12-18 18:18:18 +0000" # source_time = Time.parse(time_string) # # source_time = Date.today # serialized_output = JrJackson::Json.dump({current_time: source_time}) # assert_equal %Q{{"current_time":"#{time_string}"}}, serialized_output # end # end class ToJsonData attr_reader :one, :two, :six def initialize(a,b,c) @one, @two, @six = a,b,c end def to_h {'one' => one, 'two' => two, 'six' => six} end def to_json_data [one, two, six] end end class CustomToH attr_accessor :one, :two, :six def initialize(a,b,c) @one, @two, @six = a,b,c end def to_h {'one' => one, 'two' => two, 'six' => six} end end class CustomToHash attr_accessor :one, :two, :six def initialize(a,b,c) @one, @two, @six = a,b,c end def to_hash {'one' => one, 'two' => two, 'six' => six} end end class CustomToJson attr_accessor :one, :two, :six def initialize(a,b,c) @one, @two, @six = a,b,c end def to_json %Q|{"one":#{one},"two":#{two},"six":#{six}}| end end class CustomToTime def initialize(tm = Time.now) @now = tm end def to_time @now.to_time end end CustomStruct = Struct.new(:one, :two, :six) class ScHandler attr_accessor :calls def initialize(arr = []) @calls = arr end def hash_start() @calls << [:hash_start] {} end def hash_end() @calls << [:hash_end] end def hash_key(key) @calls << [:hash_key, key] return 'too' if 'two' == key return :symbol if 'symbol' == key key end def array_start() @calls << [:array_start] [] end def array_end() @calls << [:array_end] end def add_value(value) @calls << [:add_value, value] end def hash_set(h, key, value) # h[key] = value @calls << [:hash_set, key, value] end def array_append(a, value) # a.push(value) @calls << [:array_append, value] end end JsonString = %Q|{ "array": [ { "num" : 3, "string": "message", "hash" : { "h2" : { "a" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } } } ], "boolean" : true }| def test_sc_parse array = [] handler = ScHandler.new(array) JrJackson::Json.sc_load(handler, JsonString) assert_equal( [ [:hash_start], [:array_start], [:hash_start], [:hash_key, 'num'], [:hash_set, "num", 3], [:hash_key, 'string'], [:hash_set, "string", "message"], [:hash_start], [:hash_start], [:array_start], [:array_append, 1], [:array_append, 2], [:array_append, 3], [:array_end], [:hash_key, "a"], [:hash_set, "a", []], [:hash_end], [:hash_key, "h2"], [:hash_set, "h2", {}], [:hash_end], [:hash_key, "hash"], [:hash_set, "hash", {}], [:hash_end], [:array_append, {}], [:array_end], [:hash_key, "array"], [:hash_set, "array", []], [:hash_key, 'boolean'], [:hash_set, "boolean", true], [:hash_end], [:add_value, {}] ], handler.calls ) end class SjHandler attr_reader :calls def initialize(arr = []) @calls = arr; end def hash_start(key) @calls << [:hash_start, key]; end def hash_end(key) @calls << [:hash_end, key]; end def array_start(key) @calls << [:array_start, key]; end def array_end(key) @calls << [:array_end, key]; end def add_value(value, key) @calls << [:add_value, value, key]; end def error(message, line, column) @calls << [:error, message, line, column]; end end def test_sj_parse handler = SjHandler.new() JrJackson::Json.sj_load(handler, JsonString) assert_equal( [ [:hash_start, nil], [:array_start, 'array'], [:hash_start, nil], [:add_value, 3, 'num'], [:add_value, 'message', 'string'], [:hash_start, 'hash'], [:hash_start, 'h2'], [:array_start, 'a'], [:add_value, 1, nil], [:add_value, 2, nil], [:add_value, 3, nil], [:array_end, 'a'], [:hash_end, 'h2'], [:hash_end, 'hash'], [:hash_end, nil], [:array_end, 'array'], [:add_value, true, 'boolean'], [:hash_end, nil] ], handler.calls ) end def test_to_json_data object = ToJsonData.new("uno", :two, 6.0) expected = "[1,[\"uno\",\"two\",6.0]]" actual = JrJackson::Json.dump([1, object]) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_datetime h = {datetime: DateTime.parse("2014-01-27T18:24:46+01:00")} expected = '{"datetime":"2014-01-27 17:24:46 +0000"}' actual = JrJackson::Json.dump(h) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_threading q1, q2, q3 = Queue.new, Queue.new, Queue.new s1 = %Q|{"a":2.5, "b":0.214, "c":3.4567, "d":-3.4567}| th1 = Thread.new(s1) do |string| q1 << JrJackson::Json.load(string, {use_bigdecimal: true, raw: true}) end th2 = Thread.new(s1) do |string| q2 << JrJackson::Json.load(string, {use_bigdecimal: true, symbolize_keys: true}) end th3 = Thread.new(s1) do |string| q3 << JrJackson::Json.load(string, {use_bigdecimal: false, symbolize_keys: true}) end a1, a2, a3 = q1.pop, q2.pop, q3.pop assert_equal ["a", "b", "c", "d"], a1.keys assert a1.values.all? {|v| v.is_a?(Java::JavaMath::BigDecimal)}, "Expected all values to be Java::JavaMath::BigDecimal" assert_equal [:a, :b, :c, :d], a2.keys assert a2.values.all? {|v| v.is_a?(BigDecimal)}, "Expected all values to be BigDecimal" assert a3.values.all? {|v| v.is_a?(Float)}, "Expected all values to be Float" end def test_deserialize_JSON_with_UTF8_characters json_string = JrJackson::Json.dump({"utf8" => "żółć"}) expected = {utf8: "żółć"} actual = JrJackson::Json.load(json_string, :symbolize_keys => true) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_deserialize_JSON_with_two_entries json_string = JrJackson::Json.dump({'foo' => 'foo_value', 'bar' => 'bar_value'}) expected = {foo: 'foo_value', bar: 'bar_value'} actual = JrJackson::Json.load(json_string, :symbolize_keys => true) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_serialize_non_json_datatypes_as_values dt = Time.now today = Date.today co1 = CustomToH.new("uno", :two, 6.0) co2 = CustomToHash.new("uno", :two, 6.0) co3 = CustomToJson.new(1.0, 2, 6.0) co4 = CustomStruct.new(1, 2, 6) co5 = CustomToTime.new(today) source = {'sym' => :a_symbol, 'dt' => dt, 'co1' => co1, 'co2' => co2, 'co3' => co3, 'co4' => co4, 'co5' => co5} json_string = JrJackson::Json.dump(source) expected = { :sym => "a_symbol", :dt => dt.to_s, :co1 => {:one => "uno", :two => "two", :six => 6.0 }, :co2 => {:one => "uno", :two => "two", :six => 6.0 }, :co3 => {:one => 1.0, :two => 2.0, :six => 6.0 }, :co4 => [1, 2, 6], :co5 => today.to_time.to_s } actual = JrJackson::Json.load(json_string, :symbolize_keys => true) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_raw_serialize_base_classes # String assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump("foo"), "\"foo\"" # Hash and implementations of the Java Hash interface assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump({"foo" => 1}), "{\"foo\":1}" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(Java::JavaUtil::HashMap.new({"foo" => 1})), "{\"foo\":1}" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(Java::JavaUtil::LinkedHashMap.new({"foo" => 1})), "{\"foo\":1}" # Array and implementations of the Java List interface assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(["foo", 1]), "[\"foo\",1]" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(Java::JavaUtil::ArrayList.new(["foo", 1])), "[\"foo\",1]" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(Java::JavaUtil::LinkedList.new(["foo", 1])), "[\"foo\",1]" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(Java::JavaUtil::Vector.new(["foo", 1])), "[\"foo\",1]" # true/false assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(true), "true" assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(false), "false" # nil assert_equal JrJackson::Json.dump(nil), "null" end def test_serialize_date # default date format time_string = "2014-06-10 18:18:40 EDT" source_time = Time.parse(time_string) serialized_output = JrJackson::Json.dump({"time" => source_time}) other_time = Time.parse(serialized_output.split('"')[-2]) assert_equal other_time.to_f, source_time.to_f end def test_serialize_date_date_format time = Time.new(2014,6,10,18,18,40, "-04:00") # using date_format option assert_equal "{\"time\":\"2014-06-10\"}", JrJackson::Json.dump({"time" => time}, :date_format => "yyyy-MM-dd") assert_match /\{"time"\:"\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{3}[+-]\d{4}"\}/, JrJackson::Json.dump({"time" => time}, :date_format => "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ") end def test_serialize_date_date_format_timezone time = Time.new(2014,6,10,18,18,40, "-04:00") # using date_format and timezone options assert_equal "{\"time\":\"2014-06-10T22:18:40.000+0000\"}", JrJackson::Json.dump({"time" => time}, :date_format => "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", :timezone => "UTC") # iso8601 date_format and timezone assert_equal "{\"time\":\"2014-06-10T22:18:40.000Z\"}", JrJackson::Json.dump({"time" => time}, :date_format => "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX", :timezone => "UTC") end def test_can_parse_returning_java_objects expected = {"arr"=>[2, 3, 4], "flo"=>0.333E1, "moo"=>"bar", "utf8"=>"żółć", "zzz"=>{"bar"=>-9}} json = '{"utf8":"żółć", "moo": "bar", "zzz": {"bar":-9}, "arr": [2,3,4], "flo": 3.33}' actual = JrJackson::Json.parse_java(json) assert_equal Java::JavaUtil::HashMap, actual.class assert_equal Java::JavaUtil::ArrayList, actual["arr"].class assert_equal Java::JavaMath::BigDecimal, actual["flo"].class assert_equal "3.33", actual["flo"].to_s assert_equal "bar", actual["moo"] assert_equal "żółć", actual["utf8"] assert_equal Java::JavaUtil::HashMap, actual["zzz"].class assert_equal Bignum, actual["zzz"]["bar"].class assert_equal -9, actual["zzz"]["bar"] end def test_can_parse_returning_ruby_objects_string_keys expected = { "a"=>"żółć", # string "b"=>true, # boolean "c"=>12345, # number "d"=> [true, [false, [-123456789, nil], 0.39676E1, ["Something else.", false], nil]], # mix it up array "e"=>{"zero"=>nil, "one"=>1, "two"=>2, "three"=>[3], "four"=>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, # hash "żółć"=>nil,# nil "h"=>{"a"=>{"b"=>{"c"=>{"d"=>{"e"=>{"f"=>{"g"=>nil}}}}}}},# deep hash, not that deep "i"=>[[[[[[[nil]]]]]]] # deep array, again, not that deep } json = JrJackson::Json.dump(expected) actual = JrJackson::Json.parse_ruby(json) assert_equal expected, actual actual = JrJackson::Ruby.parse(json, {}) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_can_compat_parse_returning_ruby_objects_string_keys expected = { "a"=>"żółć", # string "b"=>true, # boolean "c"=>12345, # number "d"=> [true, [false, [-123456789, nil], 0.39676E1, ["Something else.", false], nil]], # mix it up array "e"=>{"zero"=>nil, "one"=>1, "two"=>2, "three"=>[3], "four"=>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, # hash "żółć"=>nil,# nil "h"=>{"a"=>{"b"=>{"c"=>{"d"=>{"e"=>{"f"=>{"g"=>nil}}}}}}},# deep hash, not that deep "i"=>[[[[[[[nil]]]]]]] # deep array, again, not that deep } json = JrJackson::Json.dump(expected) actual = JrJackson::Ruby.compat_parse(json, {}) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_can_parse_returning_ruby_objects_symbol_keys expected = {:a=>"Alpha", :b=>true, :c=>12345, :d=> [true, [false, [-123456789, nil], 3.9676, ["Something else.", false], nil]], :e=>{:zero=>nil, :one=>1, :two=>2, :three=>[3], :four=>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, :f=>nil, :h=>{:a=>{:b=>{:c=>{:d=>{:e=>{:f=>{:g=>nil}}}}}}}, :i=>[[[[[[[nil]]]]]]] } json = JrJackson::Json.dump(expected) actual = JrJackson::Ruby.parse_sym(json, {}) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_can_parse_nulls expected = {"foo" => nil} json = '{"foo":null}' actual = JrJackson::Json.parse(json) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_stringio expected = {"foo" => 5, "utf8" => "żółć"} json = ::StringIO.new('{"foo":5, "utf8":"żółć"}') actual = JrJackson::Json.load_ruby(json) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_ruby_io expected = {"foo" => 5, "bar" => 6, "utf8" => "żółć"} json, w = IO.pipe w.write('{"foo":5, "bar":6, "utf8":"żółć"}') w.close actual = JrJackson::Json.load(json) assert_equal expected, actual end def test_bad_utf assert_raise JrJackson::ParseError do JrJackson::Json.load("\x82\xAC\xEF") end end def test_can_parse_bignum expected = 12345678901234567890123456789 json = '{"foo":12345678901234567890123456789}' actual = JrJackson::Json.parse(json)['foo'] assert_equal expected, actual end def test_can_parse_big_decimals expected = BigDecimal.new '0.12345678901234567890123456789' json = '{"foo":0.12345678901234567890123456789}' actual = JrJackson::Json.parse(json, :use_bigdecimal => true)['foo'] assert_bigdecimal_equal expected, actual actual = JrJackson::Json.parse(json, :use_bigdecimal => true, :symbolize_keys => true)[:foo] assert_bigdecimal_equal expected, actual actual = JrJackson::Java.parse(json, {})['foo'] assert_bigdecimal_similar expected, actual actual = JrJackson::Json.parse(json, :use_bigdecimal => true, :raw => true)['foo'] assert_bigdecimal_similar expected, actual end def test_cannot_serialize_object err = assert_raises(JrJackson::ParseError) { JrJackson::Json.dump({"foo" => Object.new}) } assert_match /Cannot find Serializer for class: org.jruby.RubyObject/, err.message end def test_cannot_serialize_basic_object err = assert_raises(JrJackson::ParseError) { JrJackson::Json.dump({"foo" => BasicObject.new}) } assert_match /Cannot find Serializer for class: org.jruby.RubyBasicObject/, err.message end def test_supports_pretty_printing object = {"foo" => 5, "utf8" => "żółć"} actual = JrJackson::Json.dump(object, :pretty => true) assert_equal "{\n \"foo\" : 5,\n \"utf8\" : \"żółć\"\n}", actual end def test_can_serialise_non_string_keys object = {5 => "foo"} actual = JrJackson::Json.dump(object) assert_equal "{\"5\":\"foo\"}", actual end def test_can_serialise_regex_match_data re = %r|(foo)(bar)(baz)| m = re.match('foobarbaz') object = {'matched' => m[2]} actual = JrJackson::Json.dump(object) assert_equal "{\"matched\":\"bar\"}", actual end # ----------------------------- def assert_bigdecimal_equal(expected, actual) assert_equal expected, actual assert_equal expected.class, actual.class assert_equal BigDecimal, actual.class end def assert_bigdecimal_similar(expected, actual) assert_equal BigDecimal.new(expected.to_s).round(11), BigDecimal.new(actual.to_s).round(11) assert_equal Java::JavaMath::BigDecimal, actual.class end end