require 'figlet_interpreter' class String def each i = 0 while i < self.length yield self[i] i += 1 end end end module RubyFiglet refine String do def art(font='standard');, font).stringify end def art!(font='standard'); replace art(font) end end class Figlet def initialize string, font='standard' data = @lookup = data[:lookup_table] @height = data[:height] @direction = data[:direction] @smushing = data[:old_layout] string = string.reverse if @direction == 1 @string = string @font = font end def stringify breaks = @string.split "\n" breaks.each_with_index do |break_line, i| string = @height.times do |row| break_line.each { |char| string << @lookup[char][row] } string << "\n" end if @direction == 1 lines = string.split "\n" (0..(%x[tput cols].to_i - 1) - lines[0].length).each do # Holy Moly, from 0 to (terminal width minus 1) minus length of the ascii art word. lines.each_with_index { |line, j| lines[j].insert 0, " " } end string = lines.join "\n" end breaks[i] = string end string = breaks.join "" lines = string.split "\n" offset = 0 (lines.size).times do |j| if lines[j - offset].strip.empty? # when a line is deleted, there must be an offset as the new array is now shorter (after a delete) so we must climb back up it, so that whe don't dlete wrong lines and try to access non-existent indices lines.delete_at(j - offset) # Remove any empty lines offset += 1 end end return lines.join "\n" end def show puts stringify end WD = File.dirname(__FILE__) def self.available folder="#{WD}/fonts/" dir = Dir.entries(folder) (0..dir.size - 1).each do |i| dir[i] += '/' unless dir[i].include? '.' end (0..dir.size - 1).each do |i| dir[i] = "" unless dir[i].include?('.flf') || dir[i].include?('/') end list = dir.join "\n" ignore = ["..", ".", ".DS_Store", "._.DS_Store", ".DS_Store?", ".Spotlight-V100", ".Trashes", "ehthumbs.db", "Thumbs.db", "desktop.ini"] ignore.each { |file| list.gsub! "#{file}/", "" } list.gsub! ".flf", "" # don't show extensions return list.squeeze "\n" end end end