module Blueprints # Class that blueprint files are evaluated against. Has methods for setting and retrieving attributes and dependencies. # Allows defining new blueprints and namespaces. class Context @@chain = [] attr_reader :dependencies, :file # Initializes new context with passed parent, attributes, dependencies, file and namespace. # Attributes and dependencies are automatically merged with parents' attributes and dependencies. # File and namespace are automatically set to parent counterparts unless they are explicitly changed. # @param [Hash] options Options for new context. # @option options [Hash] :attributes ({}) List of attributes, merged with parent attributes. # @option options [Array] :dependencies ([]) List of dependencies, merged with parent dependencies. # @option options [Pathname] :file File this context is evaluated in. Should be passed for top level contexts only. # @option options [Blueprints::Namespace] :namespace Namespace that new blueprints and namespaces should be children of. # @option options [Blueprints::Context] :parent Parent context that is used to retrieve unchanged values. def initialize(options = {}) options.assert_valid_keys(:dependencies, :attributes, :file, :parent, :namespace) @dependencies = (options[:dependencies] || []).collect(&:to_sym) @attributes = options[:attributes] || {} @file = options[:file] @namespace = options[:namespace] if parent = options[:parent] @attributes.reverse_merge!(parent.attributes) @dependencies = (parent.dependencies + @dependencies).uniq @file ||= parent.file @namespace ||= parent.namespace end end # Checks if two contexts are equal by comparing attributes, dependencies, namespace and file # @param [Blueprints::Context] context Context to compare this one to. # @return [true, false] Whether contexts are equal or not. def ==(context) @dependencies == context.dependencies and @attributes == context.attributes and @file == context.file and @namespace == context.namespace end # Defines a new blueprint by name and block passed. # @example Define blueprint. # blueprint :user do # User.blueprint :name => 'User' # end # @param name (see Buildable#initialize) # @return [Blueprints::Blueprint] Newly defined blueprint. def blueprint(name = nil, &block), self, &block) end # @overload namespace(name, &block) # Defines new namespace by name, and evaluates block against it. # @example Define namespace and blueprint in it. # namespace :banned do # blueprint :user do # User.blueprint :name => 'User' # end # end # @param [String, Symbol] name Name of namespace. # @return [Blueprints::Namespace] Newly defined namespace. # @overload namespace # Returns namespace for this context. # @return [Blueprints::Namespace] Namespace for this context. def namespace(name = nil, &block) if name, self).tap do |namespace| with_context(:namespace => namespace, &block) end else @namespace end end # @overload attributes(new_attributes, &block) # Yields and returns child context that has new attributes set. # @example Define blueprint with attributes # attributes(:name => 'User').blueprint(:user) do # User.blueprint attributes # end # @example Define multiple blueprints with same attributes # attributes(:name => 'User') do # blueprint(:user1) do # User.blueprint attributes # end # # blueprint(:user2) do # User.blueprint attributes # end # end # @param [Hash] new_attributes Attributes for child context. # @return [Blueprints::Context] Child context # @overload attributes # Returns attributes of context. # @return [Hash] Attributes of context. def attributes(new_attributes = nil, &block) if new_attributes with_context(:attributes => new_attributes, &block) else @attributes end end # Yields and returns child context that has dependencies set. # @example Define blueprint with dependencies # depends_on(:user, :admin).blueprint(:user_and_admin) # @example Define multiple blueprints with same dependencies. # depends_on :user, :admin do # blueprint :user_and_admin # blueprint :admin_and_user # end # @param [Array] new_dependencies Dependencies for child context. # @return [Blueprints::Context] Child context def depends_on(*new_dependencies, &block) with_context(:dependencies => new_dependencies, &block) end # Yields and returns child context that has new options set. # @param options (see Context#initialize) # @return [Blueprints::Context] Child context def with_context(options, &block) Context.eval_within_context(options.merge(:parent => self), &block) end # Initializes new Blueprints::Dependency object. # @overload d(name, options = {}) # @param name (see Dependency#initialize) # @param options (see Dependency#initialize) # @overload d(name, instance_variable_name, options = {}) # @param name (see Dependency#initialize) # @param instance_variable_name (see Dependency#initialize) # @param options (see Dependency#initialize) def d(*args)*args) end # Finds blueprint/namespace by it's path # @param path (see Namespace#[]) # @return (see Namespace#[]) def find(path) @namespace[path] end alias [] find # Return current context. # @return [Blueprints::Context] Current context. def self.current @@chain.last end # Creates child context and sets it as current. Evaluates block and file within child context if any are passed. # @param [Hash] new_options Options for child context. def self.eval_within_context(new_options, &block) @@chain << context = new(new_options) file = new_options[:file] context.instance_eval(, file) if file context.instance_eval(&block) if block @@chain.pop end end end