require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../../../spec_helper' include OpenEHR::AM::Archetype::ConstraintModel include OpenEHR::AssumedLibraryTypes describe ArchetypeSlot do before(:each) do occurrences = => 0, :upper => 1) includes = stub(Set, :empty? => false, :size => 2) excludes = stub(Set, :empty? => false, :size => 10) @archetype_slot = => '/event/[at0001]/', :rm_type_name => 'DV_TIME', :node_id => 'ac0001', :occurrences => occurrences, :includes => includes, :excludes => excludes) end it 'should be an instance of ArchetypeSlot' do @archetype_slot.should be_an_instance_of ArchetypeSlot end it 'includes should be assigned properly' do @archetype_slot.includes.size.should be_equal 2 end it 'should raise ArgumentError when includes are empty' do lambda { @archetype_slot.includes = }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'excludes should be assigned properly' do @archetype_slot.excludes.size.should be_equal 10 end it 'should raise ArgumentError when excludes are empty' do lambda { @archetype_slot.excludes = }.should raise_error ArgumentError end it 'any_allowed should be false when includes and excludes are not nil' do @archetype_slot.should_not be_any_allowed end it 'any_allowed should be false when includes are nil and excludes are not nil' do @archetype_slot.includes = nil @archetype_slot.should_not be_any_allowed end it 'any_allowed should be false when includes are not nil and excludes are nil' do @archetype_slot.excludes = nil @archetype_slot.should_not be_any_allowed end it 'any_allowed should be true when includes and excludes are nil' do @archetype_slot.includes = nil @archetype_slot.excludes = nil @archetype_slot.should be_any_allowed end end