The eXtended Keccak Code Package (XKCP)

Implementation by Gilles Van Assche and Ronny Van Keer, hereby denoted as "the implementer".

For more information, feedback or questions, please refer to the Keccak Team website:

To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.


This file contains macros that help implement a permutation in a SnP-compatible way.
It converts an implementation that implement state input/output functions
in a lane-oriented fashion (i.e., using SnP_AddLanes() and SnP_AddBytesInLane,
and similarly for Overwite, Extract and ExtractAndAdd) to the byte-oriented SnP.
Please refer to SnP-documentation.h for more details.

#ifndef _SnP_Relaned_h_
#define _SnP_Relaned_h_

#define SnP_AddBytes(state, data, offset, length, SnP_AddLanes, SnP_AddBytesInLane, SnP_laneLengthInBytes) \
    { \
        if ((offset) == 0) { \
            SnP_AddLanes(state, data, (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
            if ((length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes > 0) \
                SnP_AddBytesInLane(state, \
                    (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    (data)+((length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes)*SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    0, \
                    (length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
        } \
        else { \
            unsigned int _sizeLeft = (length); \
            unsigned int _lanePosition = (offset)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            unsigned int _offsetInLane = (offset)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            const unsigned char *_curData = (data); \
            while(_sizeLeft > 0) { \
                unsigned int _bytesInLane = SnP_laneLengthInBytes - _offsetInLane; \
                if (_bytesInLane > _sizeLeft) \
                    _bytesInLane = _sizeLeft; \
                SnP_AddBytesInLane(state, _lanePosition, _curData, _offsetInLane, _bytesInLane); \
                _sizeLeft -= _bytesInLane; \
                _lanePosition++; \
                _offsetInLane = 0; \
                _curData += _bytesInLane; \
            } \
        } \

#define SnP_OverwriteBytes(state, data, offset, length, SnP_OverwriteLanes, SnP_OverwriteBytesInLane, SnP_laneLengthInBytes) \
    { \
        if ((offset) == 0) { \
            SnP_OverwriteLanes(state, data, (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
            if ((length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes > 0) \
                SnP_OverwriteBytesInLane(state, \
                    (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    (data)+((length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes)*SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    0, \
                    (length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
        } \
        else { \
            unsigned int _sizeLeft = (length); \
            unsigned int _lanePosition = (offset)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            unsigned int _offsetInLane = (offset)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            const unsigned char *_curData = (data); \
            while(_sizeLeft > 0) { \
                unsigned int _bytesInLane = SnP_laneLengthInBytes - _offsetInLane; \
                if (_bytesInLane > _sizeLeft) \
                    _bytesInLane = _sizeLeft; \
                SnP_OverwriteBytesInLane(state, _lanePosition, _curData, _offsetInLane, _bytesInLane); \
                _sizeLeft -= _bytesInLane; \
                _lanePosition++; \
                _offsetInLane = 0; \
                _curData += _bytesInLane; \
            } \
        } \

#define SnP_ExtractBytes(state, data, offset, length, SnP_ExtractLanes, SnP_ExtractBytesInLane, SnP_laneLengthInBytes) \
    { \
        if ((offset) == 0) { \
            SnP_ExtractLanes(state, data, (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
            if ((length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes > 0) \
                SnP_ExtractBytesInLane(state, \
                    (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    (data)+((length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes)*SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    0, \
                    (length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
        } \
        else { \
            unsigned int _sizeLeft = (length); \
            unsigned int _lanePosition = (offset)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            unsigned int _offsetInLane = (offset)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            unsigned char *_curData = (data); \
            while(_sizeLeft > 0) { \
                unsigned int _bytesInLane = SnP_laneLengthInBytes - _offsetInLane; \
                if (_bytesInLane > _sizeLeft) \
                    _bytesInLane = _sizeLeft; \
                SnP_ExtractBytesInLane(state, _lanePosition, _curData, _offsetInLane, _bytesInLane); \
                _sizeLeft -= _bytesInLane; \
                _lanePosition++; \
                _offsetInLane = 0; \
                _curData += _bytesInLane; \
            } \
        } \

#define SnP_ExtractAndAddBytes(state, input, output, offset, length, SnP_ExtractAndAddLanes, SnP_ExtractAndAddBytesInLane, SnP_laneLengthInBytes) \
    { \
        if ((offset) == 0) { \
            SnP_ExtractAndAddLanes(state, input, output, (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
            if ((length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes > 0) \
                SnP_ExtractAndAddBytesInLane(state, \
                    (length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    (input)+((length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes)*SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    (output)+((length)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes)*SnP_laneLengthInBytes, \
                    0, \
                    (length)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes); \
        } \
        else { \
            unsigned int _sizeLeft = (length); \
            unsigned int _lanePosition = (offset)/SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            unsigned int _offsetInLane = (offset)%SnP_laneLengthInBytes; \
            const unsigned char *_curInput = (input); \
            unsigned char *_curOutput = (output); \
            while(_sizeLeft > 0) { \
                unsigned int _bytesInLane = SnP_laneLengthInBytes - _offsetInLane; \
                if (_bytesInLane > _sizeLeft) \
                    _bytesInLane = _sizeLeft; \
                SnP_ExtractAndAddBytesInLane(state, _lanePosition, _curInput, _curOutput, _offsetInLane, _bytesInLane); \
                _sizeLeft -= _bytesInLane; \
                _lanePosition++; \
                _offsetInLane = 0; \
                _curInput += _bytesInLane; \
                _curOutput += _bytesInLane; \
            } \
        } \
