Zenbox Gem ======== An implementation of the Zenbox integration API for Ruby. It's super simple and lets your sync your custom models with your gmail interface in minutes Help ---- For help with using Zenbox and this notifier [email us](mailto://support@zenboxapp.com). Extension Installation ---------------------- Visit [zenboxapp.com](http://getzenboxapp.com), click on "Install Zenbox Extension", and follow the instructions. Rails Installation ------------------ ### Rails 3.x Add the zenbox gem to your Gemfile. In Gemfile: gem "zenbox" Then from your project's RAILS_ROOT, and in your development environment, run: bundle install rails generate zenbox --api-key your_key_here That's it! The generator creates a file under `config/initializers/zenbox.rb` configuring Zenbox with your API key. This file should be checked into your version control system so that it is deployed to your staging and production environments. Configuration ------------- Any ActiveRecord model that responds to `#email` can be easily integrated with two lines: include Zenbox::ModelHelper zenbox_model methods where fields is just a list of methods your model responds to that you want synced with your backend, for example `zenbox_model :first_name, :last_name, :paying_customer?, :current_plan, :widgets_bought, :created_at` That's it! If you have additional models, that will also work fine, all the data will be merged, with the latest values replacing previous ones. You can sync all your data in one-go with the `zenbox:sync` rake task: rake zenbox:sync Ruby Installation ------------------ After adding the `zenbox` gem to your Gemfile, you can simple use: `Zenbox.post(email, profile_data)`, where `profile_data` is a hash. That's it! HTTP API -------- You can also simply post to the endpoint using any http library from any language your prefer. Here's and example: `curl -X POST 'http://zenboxapp.com/customers?api_key=