format do view :closed_missing, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| '' end view :missing, :perms=>:none do |args| '' end view :not_found, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>404 do |args| %{ Could not find #{ ? %{"#{}"} : 'the card requested'}. } end view :server_error, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>500 do |args| %{ Wagn Hitch! Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that.\n}+ %{ To tell us more and follow the fix, add a support ticket at } end view :denial, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>403 do |args| focal? ? 'Permission Denied' : '' end view :bad_address, :perms=>:none, :error_code=>404 do |args| %{ 404: Bad Address } end view :too_deep, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| %{ Man, you're too deep. (Too many levels of inclusions at a time) } end view :too_slow, :perms=>:none, :closed=>true do |args| %{ Timed out! #{ showname } took too long to load. } end end format :html do def view_for_unknown view, args case when focal? && ok?( :create ) ; :new when commentable?( view, args ) ; view else super end end def commentable? view, args self.class.tagged view, :comment and show_view? :comment_box, args.merge( :default_visibility=>:hide ) and #developer or wagneer has overridden default ok? :comment end def rendering_error exception, view details = if Auth.always_ok? card_link(error_cardname, :class=>'render-error-link') + alert('warning', :dismissible=>true, :alert_class=>"render-error-message errors-view admin-error-message") do %{

Error message (visible to admin only)

#{ exception.message }

#{exception.backtrace * "
} end else error_cardname end content_tag :span, :class=>'render-error alert alert-danger' do [ 'error rendering', details, "(#{view} view)" ].join "\n" end end def unsupported_view view "view #{view} not supported for #{error_cardname}" end view :message, :perms=>:none, :tags=>:unknown_ok do |args| frame args do params[:message] end end view :missing do |args| return '' unless card.ok? :create # should this be moved into ok_view? opts = { :remote=>true, :class=>"slotter missing-#{ args[:denied_view] || args[:home_view]}" } opts[:path_opts] = { :type=> args[:type] } if args[:type] wrap args do view_link "Add #{ fancy_title args[:title] }", :new, opts end end view :closed_missing, :perms=>:none do |args| %{ #{ showname } } end view :conflict, :error_code=>409 do |args| # FIXME: hack to get the conflicted update as a proper act for the diff view action = card.actions.last # the unsaved action with the new changes action.card_act_id = action.draft = true card.store_changes # deletes action if there are no changes # as a consequence card.current_act.actions can be empty when both users made exactly the same changes # but an act is always supposed to have at least one action, so we have to delete the act to avoid bad things card.current_act.reload if card.current_act.actions.empty? card.current_act.delete card.current_act = nil end wrap args.merge( :slot_class=>'error-view' ) do #ENGLISH below alert 'warning' do %{Conflict!#{card.last_action_id}
#{ card_link } has also been making changes.
Please examine below, resolve above, and re-submit.
#{ wrap do |args| if card.current_act _render_act_expanded :act=>card.current_act, :current_rev_nr => 0 else "No difference between your changes and #{}'s version." end end } } end end end view :errors, :perms=>:none do |args| if card.errors.any? title = %{ Problems #{%{ with #{} } unless} } frame args.merge(:panel_class=>"panel panel-warning", :title=>title, :hide=>'menu' ) do do |attrib, msg| msg = "#{attrib.to_s.upcase}: #{msg}" unless attrib == :abort alert 'warning', :dismissible=>true, :alert_class=>'card-error-msg' do msg end end end end end view :not_found do |args| #ug. bad name. sign_in_or_up_links = if !Auth.signed_in? %{
#{ card_link :signin, :text=>'Sign in' } or #{ link_to 'Sign up', card_path('new/:signup') } to create it.
} end frame args.merge(:title=>'Not Found', :optional_menu=>:never) do %{

Could not find #{ ? "#{}" : 'that'}.

#{sign_in_or_up_links} } end end view :denial do |args| to_task = if task = args[:denied_task] %{to #{task} this.} else 'to do that.' end if !focal? %{} else frame args do #ENGLISH below message = case when task != :read && Card.config.read_only "We are currently in read-only mode. Please try again later." when Auth.signed_in? "You need permission #{to_task}" else or_signup = if>Card::SignupID).ok? :create "or #{ link_to 'sign up', card_url('new/:signup') }" end save_interrupted_action(request.env['REQUEST_URI']) "Please #{ link_to 'sign in', card_url(':signin') } #{or_signup} #{to_task}" end %{


#{ message }
} end end end view :server_error do |args| %{

Wagn Hitch :(

Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that.

Add a support ticket to tell us more and follow the fix.

} end end