--- :wxPGProperty.OnCustomPaint.paintdata: :brief: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: '' :wxPGProperty.DoGetValidator: :detail: :pre: :detaileddescription: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /SetPropertyValidator/ :subst: '#set_property_validator' - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /In.*most.*situations,.*first.*macro\)\:/ :subst: 'In most situations, code like this should work well:' :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: | ```ruby class MyPropertyClass < Wx::PG::IntProperty class << self def validator @validator ||= MyValidator.new(...) end end # ... def do_get_validator MyPropertyClass.validator end # ... end ``` :wxPGProperty.ChildChanged: :detail: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: | ```ruby class MyProperty < Wx::PG::FlagsProperty def child_changed(thisValue, childIndex, childValue) # Acquire reference to actual type of data stored in variant flags = thisValue.object; case childIndex when 0 flags.sub_prop1 = childValue.to_i when 1 flags.sub_prop2 = childValue.to_s # ... end # return altered data Wx::Variant.new(flags) end end ``` :wxPGProperty.ChangeFlag: :detail: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: | ```ruby enable(false) ``` :wxPGProperty.SetDefaultValue: :detail: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: | ```ruby set_attribute('DefaultValue', value) ``` :wxPGProperty.wxPGProperty: :detail: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /.*/ :replace: | ```ruby class WxPointProperty < Wx::PG::PGProperty def initialize(label = Wx::PG::PG_LABEL, name = Wx::PG::PG_LABEL, value = Wx::Point.new) super(label, name) # should work in pretty much 100% of cases self.value = value # add private child properties add_private_child( Wx::PG::IntProperty.new("X", Wx::PG::PG_LABEL,value.x)) add_private_child( Wx::PG::IntProperty.new("Y", Wx::PG::PG_LABEL,value.y)) end # ... end ``` :wxPGProperty: :detail: :pre: :programlisting: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /class.*wxColourPropertyValue/ :replace: '' - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /virtual.*ColourToString/ :replace: | ```ruby # Override in derived class to customize how colours are translated # to strings. def colour_to_string(col, index) end # Returns index of entry that triggers colour picker dialog # (default is last). def get_custom_colour_index; end # Helper function to show the colour dialog def query_colour_from_user(variant) end # Returns colour for given choice. # Default function returns Wx::SystemSettings.get_colour(index). def get_colour(index) end ``` - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /WX_PG_DECLARE_VARIANT_DATA.*WX_PG_IMPLEMENT_VARIANT_DATA_DUMMY_EQ/m :replace: '' - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /class.*MyProperty.*:.*public.*wxPGProperty/ :replace: | ``` ruby class MyProperty < Wx::PG::PGProperty # All arguments of this ctor must have a default value - # use Wx::PG::PG_LABEL for label and name def initialize(label = Wx::PG::PG_LABEL, name = Wx::PG::PG_LABEL, value = '') super(label, name) # self.value is Wx::Variant self.value = value end def do_get_editor_class # Determines editor used by property. # You can replace 'TEXT_CTRL' below with any of these # builtin-in property editor identifiers: CHOICE, COMBO_BOX, # TEXT_CTRL_AND_BUTTON, CHOICE_AND_BUTTON, CHECK_BOX, SPIN_CTRL, # DATE_PICKER_CTRL. return Wx::PG::PG_EDITOR_TEXT_CTRL end def value_to_string(value, argFlags) # TODO: Convert given property value to a string end def string_to_value(variant, text, argFlags) # TODO: Adapt string to property value. end protected # ... end ``` :post: - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /==\swxIntProperty.*==\swxUIntProperty/m :subst: | == wxIntProperty It derives from {Wx::PG::NumericProperty} and displays value as a signed long integer. Supported special attributes: - {Wx::PG::PG_ATTR_MIN}, {Wx::PG::PG_ATTR_MAX} to specify acceptable value range. - {Wx::PG::PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_STEP}, {Wx::PG::PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_WRAP}, {Wx::PG::PG_ATTR_SPINCTRL_MOTION}: Sets SpinCtrl editor parameters. == wxUIntProperty - :pattern: !ruby/regexp /Since\s\{Wx::PG::PGProperty\}\sderives.*For\sinstance:/m :subst: ''