# # The Kernel module is included by class Object, so its methods are available in # every Ruby object. # # The Kernel instance methods are documented in class Object while the module # methods are documented here. These methods are called without a receiver and # thus can be called in functional form: # # sprintf "%.1f", 1.234 #=> "1.2" # # ## What's Here # # Module Kernel provides methods that are useful for: # # * [Converting](#module-Kernel-label-Converting) # * [Querying](#module-Kernel-label-Querying) # * [Exiting](#module-Kernel-label-Exiting) # * [Exceptions](#module-Kernel-label-Exceptions) # * [IO](#module-Kernel-label-IO) # * [Procs](#module-Kernel-label-Procs) # * [Tracing](#module-Kernel-label-Tracing) # * [Subprocesses](#module-Kernel-label-Subprocesses) # * [Loading](#module-Kernel-label-Loading) # * [Yielding](#module-Kernel-label-Yielding) # * [Random Values](#module-Kernel-label-Random+Values) # * [Other](#module-Kernel-label-Other) # # # ### Converting # # [#Array](#method-i-Array) # : Returns an Array based on the given argument. # # [#Complex](#method-i-Complex) # : Returns a Complex based on the given arguments. # # [#Float](#method-i-Float) # : Returns a Float based on the given arguments. # # [#Hash](#method-i-Hash) # : Returns a Hash based on the given argument. # # [#Integer](#method-i-Integer) # : Returns an Integer based on the given arguments. # # [#Rational](#method-i-Rational) # : Returns a Rational based on the given arguments. # # [#String](#method-i-String) # : Returns a String based on the given argument. # # # # ### Querying # # [#__callee__](#method-i-__callee__) # : Returns the called name of the current method as a symbol. # # [#__dir__](#method-i-__dir__) # : Returns the path to the directory from which the current method is # called. # # [#__method__](#method-i-__method__) # : Returns the name of the current method as a symbol. # # #autoload? # : Returns the file to be loaded when the given module is referenced. # # #binding # : Returns a Binding for the context at the point of call. # # #block_given? # : Returns `true` if a block was passed to the calling method. # # #caller # : Returns the current execution stack as an array of strings. # # #caller_locations # : Returns the current execution stack as an array of # Thread::Backtrace::Location objects. # # #class # : Returns the class of `self`. # # #frozen? # : Returns whether `self` is frozen. # # #global_variables # : Returns an array of global variables as symbols. # # #local_variables # : Returns an array of local variables as symbols. # # #test # : Performs specified tests on the given single file or pair of files. # # # # ### Exiting # # #abort # : Exits the current process after printing the given arguments. # # #at_exit # : Executes the given block when the process exits. # # #exit # : Exits the current process after calling any registered `at_exit` # handlers. # # #exit! # : Exits the current process without calling any registered `at_exit` # handlers. # # # # ### Exceptions # # #catch # : Executes the given block, possibly catching a thrown object. # # #raise (aliased as #fail) # : Raises an exception based on the given arguments. # # #throw # : Returns from the active catch block waiting for the given tag. # # # # ### IO # # #gets # : Returns and assigns to `$_` the next line from the current input. # # #open # : Creates an IO object connected to the given stream, file, or # subprocess. # # #p # : Prints the given objects' inspect output to the standard output. # # #pp # : Prints the given objects in pretty form. # # #print # : Prints the given objects to standard output without a newline. # # #printf # : Prints the string resulting from applying the given format string to # any additional arguments. # # #putc # : Equivalent to for the given object. # # #puts # : Equivalent to `$stdout.puts(*objects)` for the given objects. # # #readline # : Similar to #gets, but raises an exception at the end of file. # # #readlines # : Returns an array of the remaining lines from the current input. # # #select # : Same as IO.select. # # # # ### Procs # # #lambda # : Returns a lambda proc for the given block. # # #proc # : Returns a new Proc; equivalent to Proc.new. # # # # ### Tracing # # #set_trace_func # : Sets the given proc as the handler for tracing, or disables tracing if # given `nil`. # # #trace_var # : Starts tracing assignments to the given global variable. # # #untrace_var # : Disables tracing of assignments to the given global variable. # # # # ### Subprocesses # # #`cmd` # : Returns the standard output of running `cmd` in a subshell. # # #exec # : Replaces current process with a new process. # # #fork # : Forks the current process into two processes. # # #spawn # : Executes the given command and returns its pid without waiting for # completion. # # #system # : Executes the given command in a subshell. # # # # ### Loading # # #autoload # : Registers the given file to be loaded when the given constant is first # referenced. # # #load # : Loads the given Ruby file. # # #require # : Loads the given Ruby file unless it has already been loaded. # # #require_relative # : Loads the Ruby file path relative to the calling file, unless it has # already been loaded. # # # # ### Yielding # # #tap # : Yields `self` to the given block; returns `self`. # # #then (aliased as #yield_self) # : Yields `self` to the block and returns the result of the block. # # # # ### Random Values # # #rand # : Returns a pseudo-random floating point number strictly between 0.0 and # 1.0. # # #srand # : Seeds the pseudo-random number generator with the given number. # # # # ### Other # # #eval # : Evaluates the given string as Ruby code. # # #loop # : Repeatedly executes the given block. # # #sleep # : Suspends the current thread for the given number of seconds. # # #sprintf (aliased as #format) # : Returns the string resulting from applying the given format string to # any additional arguments. # # #syscall # : Runs an operating system call. # # #trap # : Specifies the handling of system signals. # # #warn # : Issue a warning based on the given messages and options. # %a{annotate:rdoc:source:from=object.c} module Kernel : BasicObject # # Returns the current execution stack---an array containing strings in the form # `file:line` or `file:line: in `method'`. # # The optional *start* parameter determines the number of initial stack entries # to omit from the top of the stack. # # A second optional `length` parameter can be used to limit how many entries are # returned from the stack. # # Returns `nil` if *start* is greater than the size of current execution stack. # # Optionally you can pass a range, which will return an array containing the # entries within the specified range. # # def a(skip) # caller(skip) # end # def b(skip) # a(skip) # end # def c(skip) # b(skip) # end # c(0) #=> ["prog:2:in `a'", "prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:10:in `
'"] # c(1) #=> ["prog:5:in `b'", "prog:8:in `c'", "prog:11:in `
'"] # c(2) #=> ["prog:8:in `c'", "prog:12:in `
'"] # c(3) #=> ["prog:13:in `
'"] # c(4) #=> [] # c(5) #=> nil # def self?.caller: (Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[String]? | (::Range[Integer] start_or_range) -> ::Array[String]? | () -> ::Array[String] # # Returns the current execution stack---an array containing backtrace location # objects. # # See Thread::Backtrace::Location for more information. # # The optional *start* parameter determines the number of initial stack entries # to omit from the top of the stack. # # A second optional `length` parameter can be used to limit how many entries are # returned from the stack. # # Returns `nil` if *start* is greater than the size of current execution stack. # # Optionally you can pass a range, which will return an array containing the # entries within the specified range. # def self?.caller_locations: (?Integer start_or_range, ?Integer length) -> ::Array[Thread::Backtrace::Location]? | (?::Range[Integer] start_or_range) -> ::Array[Thread::Backtrace::Location]? # # `catch` executes its block. If `throw` is not called, the block executes # normally, and `catch` returns the value of the last expression evaluated. # # catch(1) { 123 } # => 123 # # If `throw(tag2, val)` is called, Ruby searches up its stack for a `catch` # block whose `tag` has the same `object_id` as *tag2*. When found, the block # stops executing and returns *val* (or `nil` if no second argument was given to # `throw`). # # catch(1) { throw(1, 456) } # => 456 # catch(1) { throw(1) } # => nil # # When `tag` is passed as the first argument, `catch` yields it as the parameter # of the block. # # catch(1) {|x| x + 2 } # => 3 # # When no `tag` is given, `catch` yields a new unique object (as from # `Object.new`) as the block parameter. This object can then be used as the # argument to `throw`, and will match the correct `catch` block. # # catch do |obj_A| # catch do |obj_B| # throw(obj_B, 123) # puts "This puts is not reached" # end # # puts "This puts is displayed" # 456 # end # # # => 456 # # catch do |obj_A| # catch do |obj_B| # throw(obj_A, 123) # puts "This puts is still not reached" # end # # puts "Now this puts is also not reached" # 456 # end # # # => 123 # def self?.catch: [T] (T tag) { (T tag) -> untyped } -> untyped | () { (Object tag) -> untyped } -> untyped # # Returns the class of *obj*. This method must always be called with an explicit # receiver, as #class is also a reserved word in Ruby. # # 1.class #=> Integer # self.class #=> Object # def class: () -> untyped # # Evaluates the Ruby expression(s) in *string*. If *binding* is given, which # must be a Binding object, the evaluation is performed in its context. If the # optional *filename* and *lineno* parameters are present, they will be used # when reporting syntax errors. # # def get_binding(str) # return binding # end # str = "hello" # eval "str + ' Fred'" #=> "hello Fred" # eval "str + ' Fred'", get_binding("bye") #=> "bye Fred" # def self?.eval: (String arg0, ?Binding arg1, ?String filename, ?Integer lineno) -> untyped # # Returns `true` if `yield` would execute a block in the current context. The # `iterator?` form is mildly deprecated. # # def try # if block_given? # yield # else # "no block" # end # end # try #=> "no block" # try { "hello" } #=> "hello" # try do "hello" end #=> "hello" # def self?.block_given?: () -> bool # # Returns the names of the current local variables. # # fred = 1 # for i in 1..10 # # ... # end # local_variables #=> [:fred, :i] # def self?.local_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol] # # Seeds the system pseudo-random number generator, with `number`. The previous # seed value is returned. # # If `number` is omitted, seeds the generator using a source of entropy provided # by the operating system, if available (/dev/urandom on Unix systems or the RSA # cryptographic provider on Windows), which is then combined with the time, the # process id, and a sequence number. # # srand may be used to ensure repeatable sequences of pseudo-random numbers # between different runs of the program. By setting the seed to a known value, # programs can be made deterministic during testing. # # srand 1234 # => 268519324636777531569100071560086917274 # [ rand, rand ] # => [0.1915194503788923, 0.6221087710398319] # [ rand(10), rand(1000) ] # => [4, 664] # srand 1234 # => 1234 # [ rand, rand ] # => [0.1915194503788923, 0.6221087710398319] # def self?.srand: (?Numeric number) -> Numeric # # Creates a subprocess. If a block is specified, that block is run in the # subprocess, and the subprocess terminates with a status of zero. Otherwise, # the `fork` call returns twice, once in the parent, returning the process ID of # the child, and once in the child, returning *nil*. The child process can exit # using Kernel.exit! to avoid running any `at_exit` functions. The parent # process should use Process.wait to collect the termination statuses of its # children or use Process.detach to register disinterest in their status; # otherwise, the operating system may accumulate zombie processes. # # The thread calling fork is the only thread in the created child process. fork # doesn't copy other threads. # # If fork is not usable, Process.respond_to?(:fork) returns false. # # Note that fork(2) is not available on some platforms like Windows and NetBSD # 4. Therefore you should use spawn() instead of fork(). # def self?.fork: () -> Integer? | () { () -> untyped } -> Integer? def initialize_copy: (self object) -> self # # Returns `arg` as an Array. # # First tries to call `to_ary` on `arg`, then `to_a`. If `arg` does not respond # to `to_ary` or `to_a`, returns an Array of length 1 containing `arg`. # # If `to_ary` or `to_a` returns something other than an Array, raises a # TypeError. # # Array(["a", "b"]) #=> ["a", "b"] # Array(1..5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Array(key: :value) #=> [[:key, :value]] # Array(nil) #=> [] # Array(1) #=> [1] # def self?.Array: (NilClass x) -> [ ] | [T] (::Array[T] x) -> ::Array[T] | [T] (::Range[T] x) -> ::Array[T] | [T] (_Each[T] x) -> ::Array[T] | [K, V] (::Hash[K, V] x) -> ::Array[[ K, V ]] | [T] (T x) -> ::Array[T] # # Returns x+i*y; # # Complex(1, 2) #=> (1+2i) # Complex('1+2i') #=> (1+2i) # Complex(nil) #=> TypeError # Complex(1, nil) #=> TypeError # # Complex(1, nil, exception: false) #=> nil # Complex('1+2', exception: false) #=> nil # # Syntax of string form: # # string form = extra spaces , complex , extra spaces ; # complex = real part | [ sign ] , imaginary part # | real part , sign , imaginary part # | rational , "@" , rational ; # real part = rational ; # imaginary part = imaginary unit | unsigned rational , imaginary unit ; # rational = [ sign ] , unsigned rational ; # unsigned rational = numerator | numerator , "/" , denominator ; # numerator = integer part | fractional part | integer part , fractional part ; # denominator = digits ; # integer part = digits ; # fractional part = "." , digits , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ sign ] , digits ] ; # imaginary unit = "i" | "I" | "j" | "J" ; # sign = "-" | "+" ; # digits = digit , { digit | "_" , digit }; # digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ; # extra spaces = ? \s* ? ; # # See String#to_c. # def self?.Complex: (Numeric | String x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Complex # # Returns *arg* converted to a float. Numeric types are converted directly, and # with exception to String and `nil` the rest are converted using *arg*`.to_f`. # Converting a String with invalid characters will result in a ArgumentError. # Converting `nil` generates a TypeError. Exceptions can be suppressed by # passing `exception: false`. # # Float(1) #=> 1.0 # Float("123.456") #=> 123.456 # Float("123.0_badstring") #=> ArgumentError: invalid value for Float(): "123.0_badstring" # Float(nil) #=> TypeError: can't convert nil into Float # Float("123.0_badstring", exception: false) #=> nil # def self?.Float: (Numeric | String x, ?exception: bool exception) -> Float # # Converts *arg* to a Hash by calling *arg*`.to_hash`. Returns an empty Hash # when *arg* is `nil` or `[]`. # # Hash([]) #=> {} # Hash(nil) #=> {} # Hash(key: :value) #=> {:key => :value} # Hash([1, 2, 3]) #=> TypeError # def self?.Hash: [K, V] (Object x) -> ::Hash[K, V] # # Converts *arg* to an Integer. Numeric types are converted directly (with # floating point numbers being truncated). *base* (0, or between 2 and 36) is a # base for integer string representation. If *arg* is a String, when *base* is # omitted or equals zero, radix indicators (`0`, `0b`, and `0x`) are honored. In # any case, strings should consist only of one or more digits, except for that a # sign, one underscore between two digits, and leading/trailing spaces are # optional. This behavior is different from that of String#to_i. Non string # values will be converted by first trying `to_int`, then `to_i`. # # Passing `nil` raises a TypeError, while passing a String that does not conform # with numeric representation raises an ArgumentError. This behavior can be # altered by passing `exception: false`, in this case a not convertible value # will return `nil`. # # Integer(123.999) #=> 123 # Integer("0x1a") #=> 26 # Integer(Time.new) #=> 1204973019 # Integer("0930", 10) #=> 930 # Integer("111", 2) #=> 7 # Integer(" +1_0 ") #=> 10 # Integer(nil) #=> TypeError: can't convert nil into Integer # Integer("x") #=> ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer(): "x" # # Integer("x", exception: false) #=> nil # def self?.Integer: (Numeric | String arg, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer | (String arg, ?Integer base, ?exception: bool exception) -> Integer # # Returns `x/y` or `arg` as a Rational. # # Rational(2, 3) #=> (2/3) # Rational(5) #=> (5/1) # Rational(0.5) #=> (1/2) # Rational(0.3) #=> (5404319552844595/18014398509481984) # # Rational("2/3") #=> (2/3) # Rational("0.3") #=> (3/10) # # Rational("10 cents") #=> ArgumentError # Rational(nil) #=> TypeError # Rational(1, nil) #=> TypeError # # Rational("10 cents", exception: false) #=> nil # # Syntax of the string form: # # string form = extra spaces , rational , extra spaces ; # rational = [ sign ] , unsigned rational ; # unsigned rational = numerator | numerator , "/" , denominator ; # numerator = integer part | fractional part | integer part , fractional part ; # denominator = digits ; # integer part = digits ; # fractional part = "." , digits , [ ( "e" | "E" ) , [ sign ] , digits ] ; # sign = "-" | "+" ; # digits = digit , { digit | "_" , digit } ; # digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ; # extra spaces = ? \s* ? ; # # See also String#to_r. # def self?.Rational: (Numeric | String | Object x, ?Numeric | String y, ?exception: bool exception) -> Rational # # Returns *arg* as a String. # # First tries to call its `to_str` method, then its `to_s` method. # # String(self) #=> "main" # String(self.class) #=> "Object" # String(123456) #=> "123456" # def self?.String: (_ToStr | _ToS x) -> String # # Returns the called name of the current method as a Symbol. If called outside # of a method, it returns `nil`. # def self?.__callee__: () -> Symbol? # # Returns the canonicalized absolute path of the directory of the file from # which this method is called. It means symlinks in the path is resolved. If # `__FILE__` is `nil`, it returns `nil`. The return value equals to # `File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))`. # def self?.__dir__: () -> String? # # Returns the name at the definition of the current method as a Symbol. If # called outside of a method, it returns `nil`. # def self?.__method__: () -> Symbol? # # Returns the standard output of running *cmd* in a subshell. The built-in # syntax `%x{...}` uses this method. Sets `$?` to the process status. # # `date` #=> "Wed Apr 9 08:56:30 CDT 2003\n" # `ls testdir`.split[1] #=> "main.rb" # `echo oops && exit 99` #=> "oops\n" # $?.exitstatus #=> 99 # def self?.`: (String arg0) -> String # # Terminate execution immediately, effectively by calling `Kernel.exit(false)`. # If *msg* is given, it is written to STDERR prior to terminating. # def self?.abort: (?String msg) -> bot # # Converts *block* to a `Proc` object (and therefore binds it at the point of # call) and registers it for execution when the program exits. If multiple # handlers are registered, they are executed in reverse order of registration. # # def do_at_exit(str1) # at_exit { print str1 } # end # at_exit { puts "cruel world" } # do_at_exit("goodbye ") # exit # # *produces:* # # goodbye cruel world # def self?.at_exit: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc # # Registers *filename* to be loaded (using Kernel::require) the first time that # *module* (which may be a String or a symbol) is accessed. # # autoload(:MyModule, "/usr/local/lib/modules/my_module.rb") # def self?.autoload: (String | Symbol _module, String filename) -> NilClass # # Returns *filename* to be loaded if *name* is registered as `autoload`. # # autoload(:B, "b") # autoload?(:B) #=> "b" # def self?.autoload?: (Symbol | String name) -> String? # # Returns a `Binding` object, describing the variable and method bindings at the # point of call. This object can be used when calling `eval` to execute the # evaluated command in this environment. See also the description of class # `Binding`. # # def get_binding(param) # binding # end # b = get_binding("hello") # eval("param", b) #=> "hello" # def self?.binding: () -> Binding # # Initiates the termination of the Ruby script by raising the SystemExit # exception. This exception may be caught. The optional parameter is used to # return a status code to the invoking environment. `true` and `FALSE` of # *status* means success and failure respectively. The interpretation of other # integer values are system dependent. # # begin # exit # puts "never get here" # rescue SystemExit # puts "rescued a SystemExit exception" # end # puts "after begin block" # # *produces:* # # rescued a SystemExit exception # after begin block # # Just prior to termination, Ruby executes any `at_exit` functions (see # Kernel::at_exit) and runs any object finalizers (see # ObjectSpace::define_finalizer). # # at_exit { puts "at_exit function" } # ObjectSpace.define_finalizer("string", proc { puts "in finalizer" }) # exit # # *produces:* # # at_exit function # in finalizer # def self?.exit: () -> bot | (?Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot # # Exits the process immediately. No exit handlers are run. *status* is returned # to the underlying system as the exit status. # # Process.exit!(true) # def self?.exit!: (Integer | TrueClass | FalseClass status) -> bot # # With no arguments, raises the exception in `$!` or raises a RuntimeError if # `$!` is `nil`. With a single `String` argument, raises a `RuntimeError` with # the string as a message. Otherwise, the first parameter should be an # `Exception` class (or another object that returns an `Exception` object when # sent an `exception` message). The optional second parameter sets the message # associated with the exception (accessible via Exception#message), and the # third parameter is an array of callback information (accessible via # Exception#backtrace). The `cause` of the generated exception (accessible via # Exception#cause) is automatically set to the "current" exception (`$!`), if # any. An alternative value, either an `Exception` object or `nil`, can be # specified via the `:cause` argument. # # Exceptions are caught by the `rescue` clause of `begin...end` blocks. # # raise "Failed to create socket" # raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller # def self?.fail: () -> bot | (String message, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot | (_Exception exception, ?untyped message, ?::Array[String] backtrace, ?cause: Exception?) -> bot # # With no arguments, raises the exception in `$!` or raises a RuntimeError if # `$!` is `nil`. With a single `String` argument, raises a `RuntimeError` with # the string as a message. Otherwise, the first parameter should be an # `Exception` class (or another object that returns an `Exception` object when # sent an `exception` message). The optional second parameter sets the message # associated with the exception (accessible via Exception#message), and the # third parameter is an array of callback information (accessible via # Exception#backtrace). The `cause` of the generated exception (accessible via # Exception#cause) is automatically set to the "current" exception (`$!`), if # any. An alternative value, either an `Exception` object or `nil`, can be # specified via the `:cause` argument. # # Exceptions are caught by the `rescue` clause of `begin...end` blocks. # # raise "Failed to create socket" # raise ArgumentError, "No parameters", caller # alias raise fail alias self.raise self.fail # # Returns the string resulting from applying *format_string* to any additional # arguments. Within the format string, any characters other than format # sequences are copied to the result. # # The syntax of a format sequence is as follows. # # %[flags][width][.precision]type # # A format sequence consists of a percent sign, followed by optional flags, # width, and precision indicators, then terminated with a field type character. # The field type controls how the corresponding `sprintf` argument is to be # interpreted, while the flags modify that interpretation. # # The field type characters are: # # Field | Integer Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # b | Convert argument as a binary number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..1'. # B | Equivalent to `b', but uses an uppercase 0B for prefix # | in the alternative format by #. # d | Convert argument as a decimal number. # i | Identical to `d'. # o | Convert argument as an octal number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..7'. # u | Identical to `d'. # x | Convert argument as a hexadecimal number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..f' (representing an infinite string of # | leading 'ff's). # X | Equivalent to `x', but uses uppercase letters. # # Field | Float Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # e | Convert floating point argument into exponential notation # | with one digit before the decimal point as [-]d.dddddde[+-]dd. # | The precision specifies the number of digits after the decimal # | point (defaulting to six). # E | Equivalent to `e', but uses an uppercase E to indicate # | the exponent. # f | Convert floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd, # | where the precision specifies the number of digits after # | the decimal point. # g | Convert a floating point number using exponential form # | if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or # | equal to the precision, or in dd.dddd form otherwise. # | The precision specifies the number of significant digits. # G | Equivalent to `g', but use an uppercase `E' in exponent form. # a | Convert floating point argument as [-]0xh.hhhhp[+-]dd, # | which is consisted from optional sign, "0x", fraction part # | as hexadecimal, "p", and exponential part as decimal. # A | Equivalent to `a', but use uppercase `X' and `P'. # # Field | Other Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # c | Argument is the numeric code for a single character or # | a single character string itself. # p | The valuing of argument.inspect. # s | Argument is a string to be substituted. If the format # | sequence contains a precision, at most that many characters # | will be copied. # % | A percent sign itself will be displayed. No argument taken. # # The flags modifies the behavior of the formats. The flag characters are: # # Flag | Applies to | Meaning # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # space | bBdiouxX | Leave a space at the start of # | aAeEfgG | non-negative numbers. # | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use # | | a minus sign with absolute value for # | | negative values. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # (digit)$ | all | Specifies the absolute argument number # | | for this field. Absolute and relative # | | argument numbers cannot be mixed in a # | | sprintf string. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # # | bBoxX | Use an alternative format. # | aAeEfgG | For the conversions `o', increase the precision # | | until the first digit will be `0' if # | | it is not formatted as complements. # | | For the conversions `x', `X', `b' and `B' # | | on non-zero, prefix the result with ``0x'', # | | ``0X'', ``0b'' and ``0B'', respectively. # | | For `a', `A', `e', `E', `f', `g', and 'G', # | | force a decimal point to be added, # | | even if no digits follow. # | | For `g' and 'G', do not remove trailing zeros. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # + | bBdiouxX | Add a leading plus sign to non-negative # | aAeEfgG | numbers. # | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use # | | a minus sign with absolute value for # | | negative values. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # - | all | Left-justify the result of this conversion. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # 0 (zero) | bBdiouxX | Pad with zeros, not spaces. # | aAeEfgG | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', radix-1 # | (numeric fmt) | is used for negative numbers formatted as # | | complements. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # * | all | Use the next argument as the field width. # | | If negative, left-justify the result. If the # | | asterisk is followed by a number and a dollar # | | sign, use the indicated argument as the width. # # Examples of flags: # # # `+' and space flag specifies the sign of non-negative numbers. # sprintf("%d", 123) #=> "123" # sprintf("%+d", 123) #=> "+123" # sprintf("% d", 123) #=> " 123" # # # `#' flag for `o' increases number of digits to show `0'. # # `+' and space flag changes format of negative numbers. # sprintf("%o", 123) #=> "173" # sprintf("%#o", 123) #=> "0173" # sprintf("%+o", -123) #=> "-173" # sprintf("%o", -123) #=> "..7605" # sprintf("%#o", -123) #=> "..7605" # # # `#' flag for `x' add a prefix `0x' for non-zero numbers. # # `+' and space flag disables complements for negative numbers. # sprintf("%x", 123) #=> "7b" # sprintf("%#x", 123) #=> "0x7b" # sprintf("%+x", -123) #=> "-7b" # sprintf("%x", -123) #=> "..f85" # sprintf("%#x", -123) #=> "0x..f85" # sprintf("%#x", 0) #=> "0" # # # `#' for `X' uses the prefix `0X'. # sprintf("%X", 123) #=> "7B" # sprintf("%#X", 123) #=> "0X7B" # # # `#' flag for `b' add a prefix `0b' for non-zero numbers. # # `+' and space flag disables complements for negative numbers. # sprintf("%b", 123) #=> "1111011" # sprintf("%#b", 123) #=> "0b1111011" # sprintf("%+b", -123) #=> "-1111011" # sprintf("%b", -123) #=> "..10000101" # sprintf("%#b", -123) #=> "0b..10000101" # sprintf("%#b", 0) #=> "0" # # # `#' for `B' uses the prefix `0B'. # sprintf("%B", 123) #=> "1111011" # sprintf("%#B", 123) #=> "0B1111011" # # # `#' for `e' forces to show the decimal point. # sprintf("%.0e", 1) #=> "1e+00" # sprintf("%#.0e", 1) #=> "1.e+00" # # # `#' for `f' forces to show the decimal point. # sprintf("%.0f", 1234) #=> "1234" # sprintf("%#.0f", 1234) #=> "1234." # # # `#' for `g' forces to show the decimal point. # # It also disables stripping lowest zeros. # sprintf("%g", 123.4) #=> "123.4" # sprintf("%#g", 123.4) #=> "123.400" # sprintf("%g", 123456) #=> "123456" # sprintf("%#g", 123456) #=> "123456." # # The field width is an optional integer, followed optionally by a period and a # precision. The width specifies the minimum number of characters that will be # written to the result for this field. # # Examples of width: # # # padding is done by spaces, width=20 # # 0 or radix-1. <------------------> # sprintf("%20d", 123) #=> " 123" # sprintf("%+20d", 123) #=> " +123" # sprintf("%020d", 123) #=> "00000000000000000123" # sprintf("%+020d", 123) #=> "+0000000000000000123" # sprintf("% 020d", 123) #=> " 0000000000000000123" # sprintf("%-20d", 123) #=> "123 " # sprintf("%-+20d", 123) #=> "+123 " # sprintf("%- 20d", 123) #=> " 123 " # sprintf("%020x", -123) #=> "..ffffffffffffffff85" # # For numeric fields, the precision controls the number of decimal places # displayed. For string fields, the precision determines the maximum number of # characters to be copied from the string. (Thus, the format sequence `%10.10s` # will always contribute exactly ten characters to the result.) # # Examples of precisions: # # # precision for `d', 'o', 'x' and 'b' is # # minimum number of digits <------> # sprintf("%20.8d", 123) #=> " 00000123" # sprintf("%20.8o", 123) #=> " 00000173" # sprintf("%20.8x", 123) #=> " 0000007b" # sprintf("%20.8b", 123) #=> " 01111011" # sprintf("%20.8d", -123) #=> " -00000123" # sprintf("%20.8o", -123) #=> " ..777605" # sprintf("%20.8x", -123) #=> " ..ffff85" # sprintf("%20.8b", -11) #=> " ..110101" # # # "0x" and "0b" for `#x' and `#b' is not counted for # # precision but "0" for `#o' is counted. <------> # sprintf("%#20.8d", 123) #=> " 00000123" # sprintf("%#20.8o", 123) #=> " 00000173" # sprintf("%#20.8x", 123) #=> " 0x0000007b" # sprintf("%#20.8b", 123) #=> " 0b01111011" # sprintf("%#20.8d", -123) #=> " -00000123" # sprintf("%#20.8o", -123) #=> " ..777605" # sprintf("%#20.8x", -123) #=> " 0x..ffff85" # sprintf("%#20.8b", -11) #=> " 0b..110101" # # # precision for `e' is number of # # digits after the decimal point <------> # sprintf("%20.8e", 1234.56789) #=> " 1.23456789e+03" # # # precision for `f' is number of # # digits after the decimal point <------> # sprintf("%20.8f", 1234.56789) #=> " 1234.56789000" # # # precision for `g' is number of # # significant digits <-------> # sprintf("%20.8g", 1234.56789) #=> " 1234.5679" # # # <-------> # sprintf("%20.8g", 123456789) #=> " 1.2345679e+08" # # # precision for `s' is # # maximum number of characters <------> # sprintf("%20.8s", "string test") #=> " string t" # # Examples: # # sprintf("%d %04x", 123, 123) #=> "123 007b" # sprintf("%08b '%4s'", 123, 123) #=> "01111011 ' 123'" # sprintf("%1$*2$s %2$d %1$s", "hello", 8) #=> " hello 8 hello" # sprintf("%1$*2$s %2$d", "hello", -8) #=> "hello -8" # sprintf("%+g:% g:%-g", 1.23, 1.23, 1.23) #=> "+1.23: 1.23:1.23" # sprintf("%u", -123) #=> "-123" # # For more complex formatting, Ruby supports a reference by name. %s style # uses format style, but %{name} style doesn't. # # Examples: # sprintf("%d : %f", { :foo => 1, :bar => 2 }) # #=> 1 : 2.000000 # sprintf("%{foo}f", { :foo => 1 }) # # => "1f" # def self?.format: (String format, *untyped args) -> String # # Returns the string resulting from applying *format_string* to any additional # arguments. Within the format string, any characters other than format # sequences are copied to the result. # # The syntax of a format sequence is as follows. # # %[flags][width][.precision]type # # A format sequence consists of a percent sign, followed by optional flags, # width, and precision indicators, then terminated with a field type character. # The field type controls how the corresponding `sprintf` argument is to be # interpreted, while the flags modify that interpretation. # # The field type characters are: # # Field | Integer Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # b | Convert argument as a binary number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..1'. # B | Equivalent to `b', but uses an uppercase 0B for prefix # | in the alternative format by #. # d | Convert argument as a decimal number. # i | Identical to `d'. # o | Convert argument as an octal number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..7'. # u | Identical to `d'. # x | Convert argument as a hexadecimal number. # | Negative numbers will be displayed as a two's complement # | prefixed with `..f' (representing an infinite string of # | leading 'ff's). # X | Equivalent to `x', but uses uppercase letters. # # Field | Float Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # e | Convert floating point argument into exponential notation # | with one digit before the decimal point as [-]d.dddddde[+-]dd. # | The precision specifies the number of digits after the decimal # | point (defaulting to six). # E | Equivalent to `e', but uses an uppercase E to indicate # | the exponent. # f | Convert floating point argument as [-]ddd.dddddd, # | where the precision specifies the number of digits after # | the decimal point. # g | Convert a floating point number using exponential form # | if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or # | equal to the precision, or in dd.dddd form otherwise. # | The precision specifies the number of significant digits. # G | Equivalent to `g', but use an uppercase `E' in exponent form. # a | Convert floating point argument as [-]0xh.hhhhp[+-]dd, # | which is consisted from optional sign, "0x", fraction part # | as hexadecimal, "p", and exponential part as decimal. # A | Equivalent to `a', but use uppercase `X' and `P'. # # Field | Other Format # ------+-------------------------------------------------------------- # c | Argument is the numeric code for a single character or # | a single character string itself. # p | The valuing of argument.inspect. # s | Argument is a string to be substituted. If the format # | sequence contains a precision, at most that many characters # | will be copied. # % | A percent sign itself will be displayed. No argument taken. # # The flags modifies the behavior of the formats. The flag characters are: # # Flag | Applies to | Meaning # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # space | bBdiouxX | Leave a space at the start of # | aAeEfgG | non-negative numbers. # | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use # | | a minus sign with absolute value for # | | negative values. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # (digit)$ | all | Specifies the absolute argument number # | | for this field. Absolute and relative # | | argument numbers cannot be mixed in a # | | sprintf string. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # # | bBoxX | Use an alternative format. # | aAeEfgG | For the conversions `o', increase the precision # | | until the first digit will be `0' if # | | it is not formatted as complements. # | | For the conversions `x', `X', `b' and `B' # | | on non-zero, prefix the result with ``0x'', # | | ``0X'', ``0b'' and ``0B'', respectively. # | | For `a', `A', `e', `E', `f', `g', and 'G', # | | force a decimal point to be added, # | | even if no digits follow. # | | For `g' and 'G', do not remove trailing zeros. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # + | bBdiouxX | Add a leading plus sign to non-negative # | aAeEfgG | numbers. # | (numeric fmt) | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', use # | | a minus sign with absolute value for # | | negative values. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # - | all | Left-justify the result of this conversion. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # 0 (zero) | bBdiouxX | Pad with zeros, not spaces. # | aAeEfgG | For `o', `x', `X', `b' and `B', radix-1 # | (numeric fmt) | is used for negative numbers formatted as # | | complements. # ---------+---------------+----------------------------------------- # * | all | Use the next argument as the field width. # | | If negative, left-justify the result. If the # | | asterisk is followed by a number and a dollar # | | sign, use the indicated argument as the width. # # Examples of flags: # # # `+' and space flag specifies the sign of non-negative numbers. # sprintf("%d", 123) #=> "123" # sprintf("%+d", 123) #=> "+123" # sprintf("% d", 123) #=> " 123" # # # `#' flag for `o' increases number of digits to show `0'. # # `+' and space flag changes format of negative numbers. # sprintf("%o", 123) #=> "173" # sprintf("%#o", 123) #=> "0173" # sprintf("%+o", -123) #=> "-173" # sprintf("%o", -123) #=> "..7605" # sprintf("%#o", -123) #=> "..7605" # # # `#' flag for `x' add a prefix `0x' for non-zero numbers. # # `+' and space flag disables complements for negative numbers. # sprintf("%x", 123) #=> "7b" # sprintf("%#x", 123) #=> "0x7b" # sprintf("%+x", -123) #=> "-7b" # sprintf("%x", -123) #=> "..f85" # sprintf("%#x", -123) #=> "0x..f85" # sprintf("%#x", 0) #=> "0" # # # `#' for `X' uses the prefix `0X'. # sprintf("%X", 123) #=> "7B" # sprintf("%#X", 123) #=> "0X7B" # # # `#' flag for `b' add a prefix `0b' for non-zero numbers. # # `+' and space flag disables complements for negative numbers. # sprintf("%b", 123) #=> "1111011" # sprintf("%#b", 123) #=> "0b1111011" # sprintf("%+b", -123) #=> "-1111011" # sprintf("%b", -123) #=> "..10000101" # sprintf("%#b", -123) #=> "0b..10000101" # sprintf("%#b", 0) #=> "0" # # # `#' for `B' uses the prefix `0B'. # sprintf("%B", 123) #=> "1111011" # sprintf("%#B", 123) #=> "0B1111011" # # # `#' for `e' forces to show the decimal point. # sprintf("%.0e", 1) #=> "1e+00" # sprintf("%#.0e", 1) #=> "1.e+00" # # # `#' for `f' forces to show the decimal point. # sprintf("%.0f", 1234) #=> "1234" # sprintf("%#.0f", 1234) #=> "1234." # # # `#' for `g' forces to show the decimal point. # # It also disables stripping lowest zeros. # sprintf("%g", 123.4) #=> "123.4" # sprintf("%#g", 123.4) #=> "123.400" # sprintf("%g", 123456) #=> "123456" # sprintf("%#g", 123456) #=> "123456." # # The field width is an optional integer, followed optionally by a period and a # precision. The width specifies the minimum number of characters that will be # written to the result for this field. # # Examples of width: # # # padding is done by spaces, width=20 # # 0 or radix-1. <------------------> # sprintf("%20d", 123) #=> " 123" # sprintf("%+20d", 123) #=> " +123" # sprintf("%020d", 123) #=> "00000000000000000123" # sprintf("%+020d", 123) #=> "+0000000000000000123" # sprintf("% 020d", 123) #=> " 0000000000000000123" # sprintf("%-20d", 123) #=> "123 " # sprintf("%-+20d", 123) #=> "+123 " # sprintf("%- 20d", 123) #=> " 123 " # sprintf("%020x", -123) #=> "..ffffffffffffffff85" # # For numeric fields, the precision controls the number of decimal places # displayed. For string fields, the precision determines the maximum number of # characters to be copied from the string. (Thus, the format sequence `%10.10s` # will always contribute exactly ten characters to the result.) # # Examples of precisions: # # # precision for `d', 'o', 'x' and 'b' is # # minimum number of digits <------> # sprintf("%20.8d", 123) #=> " 00000123" # sprintf("%20.8o", 123) #=> " 00000173" # sprintf("%20.8x", 123) #=> " 0000007b" # sprintf("%20.8b", 123) #=> " 01111011" # sprintf("%20.8d", -123) #=> " -00000123" # sprintf("%20.8o", -123) #=> " ..777605" # sprintf("%20.8x", -123) #=> " ..ffff85" # sprintf("%20.8b", -11) #=> " ..110101" # # # "0x" and "0b" for `#x' and `#b' is not counted for # # precision but "0" for `#o' is counted. <------> # sprintf("%#20.8d", 123) #=> " 00000123" # sprintf("%#20.8o", 123) #=> " 00000173" # sprintf("%#20.8x", 123) #=> " 0x0000007b" # sprintf("%#20.8b", 123) #=> " 0b01111011" # sprintf("%#20.8d", -123) #=> " -00000123" # sprintf("%#20.8o", -123) #=> " ..777605" # sprintf("%#20.8x", -123) #=> " 0x..ffff85" # sprintf("%#20.8b", -11) #=> " 0b..110101" # # # precision for `e' is number of # # digits after the decimal point <------> # sprintf("%20.8e", 1234.56789) #=> " 1.23456789e+03" # # # precision for `f' is number of # # digits after the decimal point <------> # sprintf("%20.8f", 1234.56789) #=> " 1234.56789000" # # # precision for `g' is number of # # significant digits <-------> # sprintf("%20.8g", 1234.56789) #=> " 1234.5679" # # # <-------> # sprintf("%20.8g", 123456789) #=> " 1.2345679e+08" # # # precision for `s' is # # maximum number of characters <------> # sprintf("%20.8s", "string test") #=> " string t" # # Examples: # # sprintf("%d %04x", 123, 123) #=> "123 007b" # sprintf("%08b '%4s'", 123, 123) #=> "01111011 ' 123'" # sprintf("%1$*2$s %2$d %1$s", "hello", 8) #=> " hello 8 hello" # sprintf("%1$*2$s %2$d", "hello", -8) #=> "hello -8" # sprintf("%+g:% g:%-g", 1.23, 1.23, 1.23) #=> "+1.23: 1.23:1.23" # sprintf("%u", -123) #=> "-123" # # For more complex formatting, Ruby supports a reference by name. %s style # uses format style, but %{name} style doesn't. # # Examples: # sprintf("%d : %f", { :foo => 1, :bar => 2 }) # #=> 1 : 2.000000 # sprintf("%{foo}f", { :foo => 1 }) # # => "1f" # alias sprintf format alias self.sprintf self.format # # Returns (and assigns to `$_`) the next line from the list of files in `ARGV` # (or `$*`), or from standard input if no files are present on the command line. # Returns `nil` at end of file. The optional argument specifies the record # separator. The separator is included with the contents of each record. A # separator of `nil` reads the entire contents, and a zero-length separator # reads the input one paragraph at a time, where paragraphs are divided by two # consecutive newlines. If the first argument is an integer, or optional second # argument is given, the returning string would not be longer than the given # value in bytes. If multiple filenames are present in `ARGV`, `gets(nil)` will # read the contents one file at a time. # # ARGV << "testfile" # print while gets # # *produces:* # # This is line one # This is line two # This is line three # And so on... # # The style of programming using `$_` as an implicit parameter is gradually # losing favor in the Ruby community. # def self?.gets: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String? # # Returns an array of the names of global variables. This includes special # regexp global variables such as `$~` and `$+`, but does not include the # numbered regexp global variables (`$1`, `$2`, etc.). # # global_variables.grep /std/ #=> [:$stdin, :$stdout, :$stderr] # def self?.global_variables: () -> ::Array[Symbol] # # Loads and executes the Ruby program in the file *filename*. # # If the filename is an absolute path (e.g. starts with '/'), the file will be # loaded directly using the absolute path. # # If the filename is an explicit relative path (e.g. starts with './' or '../'), # the file will be loaded using the relative path from the current directory. # # Otherwise, the file will be searched for in the library directories listed in # `$LOAD_PATH` (`$:`). If the file is found in a directory, it will attempt to # load the file relative to that directory. If the file is not found in any of # the directories in `$LOAD_PATH`, the file will be loaded using the relative # path from the current directory. # # If the file doesn't exist when there is an attempt to load it, a LoadError # will be raised. # # If the optional *wrap* parameter is `true`, the loaded script will be executed # under an anonymous module, protecting the calling program's global namespace. # If the optional *wrap* parameter is a module, the loaded script will be # executed under the given module. In no circumstance will any local variables # in the loaded file be propagated to the loading environment. # def self?.load: (String filename, ?Module | bool) -> bool # # Repeatedly executes the block. # # If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead. # # loop do # print "Input: " # line = gets # break if !line or line =~ /^qQ/ # # ... # end # # StopIteration raised in the block breaks the loop. In this case, loop returns # the "result" value stored in the exception. # # enum = Enumerator.new { |y| # y << "one" # y << "two" # :ok # } # # result = loop { # puts enum.next # } #=> :ok # def self?.loop: () { (nil) -> untyped } -> bot | () -> ::Enumerator[nil, bot] # # Creates an IO object connected to the given stream, file, or subprocess. # # If `path` does not start with a pipe character (`|`), treat it as the name of # a file to open using the specified mode (defaulting to "r"). # # The `mode` is either a string or an integer. If it is an integer, it must be # bitwise-or of open(2) flags, such as File::RDWR or File::EXCL. If it is a # string, it is either "fmode", "fmode:ext_enc", or "fmode:ext_enc:int_enc". # # See the documentation of IO.new for full documentation of the `mode` string # directives. # # If a file is being created, its initial permissions may be set using the # `perm` parameter. See File.new and the open(2) and chmod(2) man pages for a # description of permissions. # # If a block is specified, it will be invoked with the IO object as a parameter, # and the IO will be automatically closed when the block terminates. The call # returns the value of the block. # # If `path` starts with a pipe character (`"|"`), a subprocess is created, # connected to the caller by a pair of pipes. The returned IO object may be # used to write to the standard input and read from the standard output of this # subprocess. # # If the command following the pipe is a single minus sign (`"|-"`), Ruby forks, # and this subprocess is connected to the parent. If the command is not `"-"`, # the subprocess runs the command. Note that the command may be processed by # shell if it contains shell metacharacters. # # When the subprocess is Ruby (opened via `"|-"`), the `open` call returns # `nil`. If a block is associated with the open call, that block will run twice # --- once in the parent and once in the child. # # The block parameter will be an IO object in the parent and `nil` in the child. # The parent's `IO` object will be connected to the child's $stdin and $stdout. # The subprocess will be terminated at the end of the block. # # ### Examples # # Reading from "testfile": # # open("testfile") do |f| # print f.gets # end # # Produces: # # This is line one # # Open a subprocess and read its output: # # cmd = open("|date") # print cmd.gets # cmd.close # # Produces: # # Wed Apr 9 08:56:31 CDT 2003 # # Open a subprocess running the same Ruby program: # # f = open("|-", "w+") # if f.nil? # puts "in Child" # exit # else # puts "Got: #{f.gets}" # end # # Produces: # # Got: in Child # # Open a subprocess using a block to receive the IO object: # # open "|-" do |f| # if f then # # parent process # puts "Got: #{f.gets}" # else # # child process # puts "in Child" # end # end # # Produces: # # Got: in Child # def self?.open: (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm) -> IO? | [T] (String name, ?String mode, ?Integer perm) { (IO) -> T } -> T # # Prints each object in turn to `$stdout`. If the output field separator (`$,`) # is not `nil`, its contents will appear between each field. If the output # record separator (`$\`) is not `nil`, it will be appended to the output. If no # arguments are given, prints `$_`. Objects that aren't strings will be # converted by calling their `to_s` method. # # print "cat", [1,2,3], 99, "\n" # $, = ", " # $\ = "\n" # print "cat", [1,2,3], 99 # # *produces:* # # cat12399 # cat, 1, 2, 3, 99 # def self?.print: (*Kernel args) -> nil # # Equivalent to: # io.write(sprintf(string, obj, ...)) # # or # $stdout.write(sprintf(string, obj, ...)) # def self?.printf: (IO arg0, String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil | (String arg1, *untyped args) -> nil | () -> nil # # Equivalent to Proc.new. # def self?.proc: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc # # Equivalent to Proc.new, except the resulting Proc objects check the number of # parameters passed when called. # def self?.lambda: () { () -> untyped } -> Proc # # Equivalent to: # # $stdout.putc(int) # # Refer to the documentation for IO#putc for important information regarding # multi-byte characters. # def self?.putc: (Integer arg0) -> Integer | (String arg0) -> String # # Equivalent to # # $stdout.puts(obj, ...) # def self?.puts: (*untyped arg0) -> NilClass # # For each object, directly writes *obj*.`inspect` followed by a newline to the # program's standard output. # # S = Struct.new(:name, :state) # s = S['dave', 'TX'] # p s # # *produces:* # # # # def self?.p: [T] (T arg0) -> T | (*untyped arg0) -> Array[untyped] # # prints arguments in pretty form. # # pp returns argument(s). # def self?.pp: [T] (T arg0) -> T | (*untyped arg0) -> Array[untyped] # # If called without an argument, or if `max.to_i.abs == 0`, rand returns a # pseudo-random floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0, including 0.0 and # excluding 1.0. # # rand #=> 0.2725926052826416 # # When `max.abs` is greater than or equal to 1, `rand` returns a pseudo-random # integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than `max.to_i.abs`. # # rand(100) #=> 12 # # When `max` is a Range, `rand` returns a random number where # range.member?(number) == true. # # Negative or floating point values for `max` are allowed, but may give # surprising results. # # rand(-100) # => 87 # rand(-0.5) # => 0.8130921818028143 # rand(1.9) # equivalent to rand(1), which is always 0 # # Kernel.srand may be used to ensure that sequences of random numbers are # reproducible between different runs of a program. # # See also Random.rand. # def self?.rand: () -> Float | (Integer arg0) -> Integer | (::Range[Integer] arg0) -> Integer | (::Range[Float] arg0) -> Float # # Equivalent to Kernel::gets, except `readline` raises `EOFError` at end of # file. # def self?.readline: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> String # # Returns an array containing the lines returned by calling `Kernel.gets(*sep*)` # until the end of file. # def self?.readlines: (?String arg0, ?Integer arg1) -> ::Array[String] # # Loads the given `name`, returning `true` if successful and `false` if the # feature is already loaded. # # If the filename neither resolves to an absolute path nor starts with './' or # '../', the file will be searched for in the library directories listed in # `$LOAD_PATH` (`$:`). If the filename starts with './' or '../', resolution is # based on Dir.pwd. # # If the filename has the extension ".rb", it is loaded as a source file; if the # extension is ".so", ".o", or ".dll", or the default shared library extension # on the current platform, Ruby loads the shared library as a Ruby extension. # Otherwise, Ruby tries adding ".rb", ".so", and so on to the name until found. # If the file named cannot be found, a LoadError will be raised. # # For Ruby extensions the filename given may use any shared library extension. # For example, on Linux the socket extension is "socket.so" and `require # 'socket.dll'` will load the socket extension. # # The absolute path of the loaded file is added to `$LOADED_FEATURES` (`$"`). A # file will not be loaded again if its path already appears in `$"`. For # example, `require 'a'; require './a'` will not load `a.rb` again. # # require "my-library.rb" # require "db-driver" # # Any constants or globals within the loaded source file will be available in # the calling program's global namespace. However, local variables will not be # propagated to the loading environment. # def self?.require: (String path) -> bool # # Ruby tries to load the library named *string* relative to the requiring file's # path. If the file's path cannot be determined a LoadError is raised. If a # file is loaded `true` is returned and false otherwise. # def self?.require_relative: (String feature) -> bool # # Calls select(2) system call. It monitors given arrays of IO objects, waits # until one or more of IO objects are ready for reading, are ready for writing, # and have pending exceptions respectively, and returns an array that contains # arrays of those IO objects. It will return `nil` if optional *timeout* value # is given and no IO object is ready in *timeout* seconds. # # IO.select peeks the buffer of IO objects for testing readability. If the IO # buffer is not empty, IO.select immediately notifies readability. This "peek" # only happens for IO objects. It does not happen for IO-like objects such as # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket. # # The best way to use IO.select is invoking it after nonblocking methods such as # #read_nonblock, #write_nonblock, etc. The methods raise an exception which is # extended by IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable. The modules notify how the # caller should wait with IO.select. If IO::WaitReadable is raised, the caller # should wait for reading. If IO::WaitWritable is raised, the caller should # wait for writing. # # So, blocking read (#readpartial) can be emulated using #read_nonblock and # IO.select as follows: # # begin # result = io_like.read_nonblock(maxlen) # rescue IO::WaitReadable # IO.select([io_like]) # retry # rescue IO::WaitWritable # IO.select(nil, [io_like]) # retry # end # # Especially, the combination of nonblocking methods and IO.select is preferred # for IO like objects such as OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket. It has #to_io method to # return underlying IO object. IO.select calls #to_io to obtain the file # descriptor to wait. # # This means that readability notified by IO.select doesn't mean readability # from OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket object. # # The most likely situation is that OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket buffers some data. # IO.select doesn't see the buffer. So IO.select can block when # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#readpartial doesn't block. # # However, several more complicated situations exist. # # SSL is a protocol which is sequence of records. The record consists of # multiple bytes. So, the remote side of SSL sends a partial record, IO.select # notifies readability but OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket cannot decrypt a byte and # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#readpartial will block. # # Also, the remote side can request SSL renegotiation which forces the local SSL # engine to write some data. This means OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#readpartial may # invoke #write system call and it can block. In such a situation, # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket#read_nonblock raises IO::WaitWritable instead of # blocking. So, the caller should wait for ready for writability as above # example. # # The combination of nonblocking methods and IO.select is also useful for # streams such as tty, pipe socket socket when multiple processes read from a # stream. # # Finally, Linux kernel developers don't guarantee that readability of select(2) # means readability of following read(2) even for a single process. See # select(2) manual on GNU/Linux system. # # Invoking IO.select before IO#readpartial works well as usual. However it is # not the best way to use IO.select. # # The writability notified by select(2) doesn't show how many bytes are # writable. IO#write method blocks until given whole string is written. So, # `IO#write(two or more bytes)` can block after writability is notified by # IO.select. IO#write_nonblock is required to avoid the blocking. # # Blocking write (#write) can be emulated using #write_nonblock and IO.select as # follows: IO::WaitReadable should also be rescued for SSL renegotiation in # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket. # # while 0 < string.bytesize # begin # written = io_like.write_nonblock(string) # rescue IO::WaitReadable # IO.select([io_like]) # retry # rescue IO::WaitWritable # IO.select(nil, [io_like]) # retry # end # string = string.byteslice(written..-1) # end # # ### Parameters # read_array # : an array of IO objects that wait until ready for read # write_array # : an array of IO objects that wait until ready for write # error_array # : an array of IO objects that wait for exceptions # timeout # : a numeric value in second # # # ### Example # # rp, wp = IO.pipe # mesg = "ping " # 100.times { # # IO.select follows IO#read. Not the best way to use IO.select. # rs, ws, = IO.select([rp], [wp]) # if r = rs[0] # ret = r.read(5) # print ret # case ret # when /ping/ # mesg = "pong\n" # when /pong/ # mesg = "ping " # end # end # if w = ws[0] # w.write(mesg) # end # } # # *produces:* # # ping pong # ping pong # ping pong # (snipped) # ping # def self?.select: (::Array[IO] read, ?::Array[IO] write, ?::Array[IO] error, ?Integer timeout) -> ::Array[String] # # Suspends the current thread for *duration* seconds (which may be any number, # including a `Float` with fractional seconds). Returns the actual number of # seconds slept (rounded), which may be less than that asked for if another # thread calls Thread#run. Called without an argument, sleep() will sleep # forever. # # Time.new #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:19 +0900 # sleep 1.2 #=> 1 # Time.new #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:20 +0900 # sleep 1.9 #=> 2 # Time.new #=> 2008-03-08 19:56:22 +0900 # def self?.sleep: () -> bot | ((Integer | Float | _Divmod) duration) -> Integer interface _Divmod def divmod: (Numeric) -> [ Numeric, Numeric ] end # # Calls the operating system function identified by *num* and returns the result # of the function or raises SystemCallError if it failed. # # Arguments for the function can follow *num*. They must be either `String` # objects or `Integer` objects. A `String` object is passed as a pointer to the # byte sequence. An `Integer` object is passed as an integer whose bit size is # the same as a pointer. Up to nine parameters may be passed. # # The function identified by *num* is system dependent. On some Unix systems, # the numbers may be obtained from a header file called `syscall.h`. # # syscall 4, 1, "hello\n", 6 # '4' is write(2) on our box # # *produces:* # # hello # # Calling `syscall` on a platform which does not have any way to an arbitrary # system function just fails with NotImplementedError. # # **Note:** `syscall` is essentially unsafe and unportable. Feel free to shoot # your foot. The DL (Fiddle) library is preferred for safer and a bit more # portable programming. # def self?.syscall: (Integer num, *untyped args) -> untyped # # Uses the character `cmd` to perform various tests on `file1` (first table # below) or on `file1` and `file2` (second table). # # File tests on a single file: # # Cmd Returns Meaning # "A" | Time | Last access time for file1 # "b" | boolean | True if file1 is a block device # "c" | boolean | True if file1 is a character device # "C" | Time | Last change time for file1 # "d" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a directory # "e" | boolean | True if file1 exists # "f" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a regular file # "g" | boolean | True if file1 has the \CF{setgid} bit # | | set (false under NT) # "G" | boolean | True if file1 exists and has a group # | | ownership equal to the caller's group # "k" | boolean | True if file1 exists and has the sticky bit set # "l" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a symbolic link # "M" | Time | Last modification time for file1 # "o" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is owned by # | | the caller's effective uid # "O" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is owned by # | | the caller's real uid # "p" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a fifo # "r" | boolean | True if file1 is readable by the effective # | | uid/gid of the caller # "R" | boolean | True if file is readable by the real # | | uid/gid of the caller # "s" | int/nil | If file1 has nonzero size, return the size, # | | otherwise return nil # "S" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is a socket # "u" | boolean | True if file1 has the setuid bit set # "w" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is writable by # | | the effective uid/gid # "W" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is writable by # | | the real uid/gid # "x" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is executable by # | | the effective uid/gid # "X" | boolean | True if file1 exists and is executable by # | | the real uid/gid # "z" | boolean | True if file1 exists and has a zero length # # Tests that take two files: # # "-" | boolean | True if file1 and file2 are identical # "=" | boolean | True if the modification times of file1 # | | and file2 are equal # "<" | boolean | True if the modification time of file1 # | | is prior to that of file2 # ">" | boolean | True if the modification time of file1 # | | is after that of file2 # def self?.test: (String | Integer cmd, String | IO file1, ?String | IO file2) -> (TrueClass | FalseClass | Time | nil | Integer) # # Transfers control to the end of the active `catch` block waiting for *tag*. # Raises `UncaughtThrowError` if there is no `catch` block for the *tag*. The # optional second parameter supplies a return value for the `catch` block, which # otherwise defaults to `nil`. For examples, see Kernel::catch. # def self?.throw: (Object tag, ?untyped obj) -> bot # # If warnings have been disabled (for example with the `-W0` flag), does # nothing. Otherwise, converts each of the messages to strings, appends a # newline character to the string if the string does not end in a newline, and # calls Warning.warn with the string. # # warn("warning 1", "warning 2") # # produces: # # warning 1 # warning 2 # # If the `uplevel` keyword argument is given, the string will be prepended with # information for the given caller frame in the same format used by the # `rb_warn` C function. # # # In baz.rb # def foo # warn("invalid call to foo", uplevel: 1) # end # # def bar # foo # end # # bar # # produces: # # baz.rb:6: warning: invalid call to foo # # If `category` keyword argument is given, passes the category to # `Warning.warn`. The category given must be be one of the following # categories: # # :deprecated # : Used for warning for deprecated functionality that may be removed in the # future. # :experimental # : Used for experimental features that may change in future releases. # def self?.warn: (*untyped msg, ?uplevel: Integer | nil) -> NilClass # # Replaces the current process by running the given external *command*, which # can take one of the following forms: # # `exec(commandline)` # : command line string which is passed to the standard shell # `exec(cmdname, arg1, ...)` # : command name and one or more arguments (no shell) # `exec([cmdname, argv0], arg1, ...)` # : command name, [argv](0) and zero or more arguments (no shell) # # # In the first form, the string is taken as a command line that is subject to # shell expansion before being executed. # # The standard shell always means `"/bin/sh"` on Unix-like systems, otherwise, # `ENV["RUBYSHELL"]` or `ENV["COMSPEC"]` on Windows and similar. The command is # passed as an argument to the `"-c"` switch to the shell, except in the case of # `COMSPEC`. # # If the string from the first form (`exec("command")`) follows these simple # rules: # # * no meta characters # * not starting with shell reserved word or special built-in # * Ruby invokes the command directly without shell # # # You can force shell invocation by adding ";" to the string (because ";" is a # meta character). # # Note that this behavior is observable by pid obtained (return value of spawn() # and IO#pid for IO.popen) is the pid of the invoked command, not shell. # # In the second form (`exec("command1", "arg1", ...)`), the first is taken as a # command name and the rest are passed as parameters to command with no shell # expansion. # # In the third form (`exec(["command", "argv0"], "arg1", ...)`), starting a # two-element array at the beginning of the command, the first element is the # command to be executed, and the second argument is used as the `argv[0]` # value, which may show up in process listings. # # In order to execute the command, one of the `exec(2)` system calls are used, # so the running command may inherit some of the environment of the original # program (including open file descriptors). # # This behavior is modified by the given `env` and `options` parameters. See # ::spawn for details. # # If the command fails to execute (typically Errno::ENOENT when it was not # found) a SystemCallError exception is raised. # # This method modifies process attributes according to given `options` before # `exec(2)` system call. See ::spawn for more details about the given `options`. # # The modified attributes may be retained when `exec(2)` system call fails. # # For example, hard resource limits are not restorable. # # Consider to create a child process using ::spawn or Kernel#system if this is # not acceptable. # # exec "echo *" # echoes list of files in current directory # # never get here # # exec "echo", "*" # echoes an asterisk # # never get here # def self?.exec: (*String args) -> bot type redirect_fd = Integer | :in | :out | :err | IO | String | [ String ] | [ String, string | int ] | [ String, string | int, int ] | [ :child, int ] | :close # # spawn executes specified command and return its pid. # # pid = spawn("tar xf ruby-2.0.0-p195.tar.bz2") # Process.wait pid # # pid = spawn(RbConfig.ruby, "-eputs'Hello, world!'") # Process.wait pid # # This method is similar to Kernel#system but it doesn't wait for the command to # finish. # # The parent process should use Process.wait to collect the termination status # of its child or use Process.detach to register disinterest in their status; # otherwise, the operating system may accumulate zombie processes. # # spawn has bunch of options to specify process attributes: # # env: hash # name => val : set the environment variable # name => nil : unset the environment variable # # the keys and the values except for +nil+ must be strings. # command...: # commandline : command line string which is passed to the standard shell # cmdname, arg1, ... : command name and one or more arguments (This form does not use the shell. See below for caveats.) # [cmdname, argv0], arg1, ... : command name, argv[0] and zero or more arguments (no shell) # options: hash # clearing environment variables: # :unsetenv_others => true : clear environment variables except specified by env # :unsetenv_others => false : don't clear (default) # process group: # :pgroup => true or 0 : make a new process group # :pgroup => pgid : join the specified process group # :pgroup => nil : don't change the process group (default) # create new process group: Windows only # :new_pgroup => true : the new process is the root process of a new process group # :new_pgroup => false : don't create a new process group (default) # resource limit: resourcename is core, cpu, data, etc. See Process.setrlimit. # :rlimit_resourcename => limit # :rlimit_resourcename => [cur_limit, max_limit] # umask: # :umask => int # redirection: # key: # FD : single file descriptor in child process # [FD, FD, ...] : multiple file descriptor in child process # value: # FD : redirect to the file descriptor in parent process # string : redirect to file with open(string, "r" or "w") # [string] : redirect to file with open(string, File::RDONLY) # [string, open_mode] : redirect to file with open(string, open_mode, 0644) # [string, open_mode, perm] : redirect to file with open(string, open_mode, perm) # [:child, FD] : redirect to the redirected file descriptor # :close : close the file descriptor in child process # FD is one of follows # :in : the file descriptor 0 which is the standard input # :out : the file descriptor 1 which is the standard output # :err : the file descriptor 2 which is the standard error # integer : the file descriptor of specified the integer # io : the file descriptor specified as io.fileno # file descriptor inheritance: close non-redirected non-standard fds (3, 4, 5, ...) or not # :close_others => false : inherit # current directory: # :chdir => str # # The `cmdname, arg1, ...` form does not use the shell. However, on different # OSes, different things are provided as built-in commands. An example of this # is +'echo'+, which is a built-in on Windows, but is a normal program on Linux # and Mac OS X. This means that `Process.spawn 'echo', '%Path%'` will display # the contents of the `%Path%` environment variable on Windows, but # `Process.spawn 'echo', '$PATH'` prints the literal `$PATH`. # # If a hash is given as `env`, the environment is updated by `env` before # `exec(2)` in the child process. If a pair in `env` has nil as the value, the # variable is deleted. # # # set FOO as BAR and unset BAZ. # pid = spawn({"FOO"=>"BAR", "BAZ"=>nil}, command) # # If a hash is given as `options`, it specifies process group, create new # process group, resource limit, current directory, umask and redirects for the # child process. Also, it can be specified to clear environment variables. # # The `:unsetenv_others` key in `options` specifies to clear environment # variables, other than specified by `env`. # # pid = spawn(command, :unsetenv_others=>true) # no environment variable # pid = spawn({"FOO"=>"BAR"}, command, :unsetenv_others=>true) # FOO only # # The `:pgroup` key in `options` specifies a process group. The corresponding # value should be true, zero, a positive integer, or nil. true and zero cause # the process to be a process leader of a new process group. A non-zero positive # integer causes the process to join the provided process group. The default # value, nil, causes the process to remain in the same process group. # # pid = spawn(command, :pgroup=>true) # process leader # pid = spawn(command, :pgroup=>10) # belongs to the process group 10 # # The `:new_pgroup` key in `options` specifies to pass # `CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP` flag to `CreateProcessW()` that is Windows API. # This option is only for Windows. true means the new process is the root # process of the new process group. The new process has CTRL+C disabled. This # flag is necessary for `Process.kill(:SIGINT, pid)` on the subprocess. # :new_pgroup is false by default. # # pid = spawn(command, :new_pgroup=>true) # new process group # pid = spawn(command, :new_pgroup=>false) # same process group # # The `:rlimit_`*foo* key specifies a resource limit. *foo* should be one of # resource types such as `core`. The corresponding value should be an integer or # an array which have one or two integers: same as cur_limit and max_limit # arguments for Process.setrlimit. # # cur, max = Process.getrlimit(:CORE) # pid = spawn(command, :rlimit_core=>[0,max]) # disable core temporary. # pid = spawn(command, :rlimit_core=>max) # enable core dump # pid = spawn(command, :rlimit_core=>0) # never dump core. # # The `:umask` key in `options` specifies the umask. # # pid = spawn(command, :umask=>077) # # The :in, :out, :err, an integer, an IO and an array key specifies a # redirection. The redirection maps a file descriptor in the child process. # # For example, stderr can be merged into stdout as follows: # # pid = spawn(command, :err=>:out) # pid = spawn(command, 2=>1) # pid = spawn(command, STDERR=>:out) # pid = spawn(command, STDERR=>STDOUT) # # The hash keys specifies a file descriptor in the child process started by # #spawn. :err, 2 and STDERR specifies the standard error stream (stderr). # # The hash values specifies a file descriptor in the parent process which # invokes #spawn. :out, 1 and STDOUT specifies the standard output stream # (stdout). # # In the above example, the standard output in the child process is not # specified. So it is inherited from the parent process. # # The standard input stream (stdin) can be specified by :in, 0 and STDIN. # # A filename can be specified as a hash value. # # pid = spawn(command, :in=>"/dev/null") # read mode # pid = spawn(command, :out=>"/dev/null") # write mode # pid = spawn(command, :err=>"log") # write mode # pid = spawn(command, [:out, :err]=>"/dev/null") # write mode # pid = spawn(command, 3=>"/dev/null") # read mode # # For stdout and stderr (and combination of them), it is opened in write mode. # Otherwise read mode is used. # # For specifying flags and permission of file creation explicitly, an array is # used instead. # # pid = spawn(command, :in=>["file"]) # read mode is assumed # pid = spawn(command, :in=>["file", "r"]) # pid = spawn(command, :out=>["log", "w"]) # 0644 assumed # pid = spawn(command, :out=>["log", "w", 0600]) # pid = spawn(command, :out=>["log", File::WRONLY|File::EXCL|File::CREAT, 0600]) # # The array specifies a filename, flags and permission. The flags can be a # string or an integer. If the flags is omitted or nil, File::RDONLY is assumed. # The permission should be an integer. If the permission is omitted or nil, 0644 # is assumed. # # If an array of IOs and integers are specified as a hash key, all the elements # are redirected. # # # stdout and stderr is redirected to log file. # # The file "log" is opened just once. # pid = spawn(command, [:out, :err]=>["log", "w"]) # # Another way to merge multiple file descriptors is [:child, fd]. [:child, fd] # means the file descriptor in the child process. This is different from fd. For # example, :err=>:out means redirecting child stderr to parent stdout. But # :err=>[:child, :out] means redirecting child stderr to child stdout. They # differ if stdout is redirected in the child process as follows. # # # stdout and stderr is redirected to log file. # # The file "log" is opened just once. # pid = spawn(command, :out=>["log", "w"], :err=>[:child, :out]) # # [:child, :out] can be used to merge stderr into stdout in IO.popen. In this # case, IO.popen redirects stdout to a pipe in the child process and [:child, # :out] refers the redirected stdout. # # io = IO.popen(["sh", "-c", "echo out; echo err >&2", :err=>[:child, :out]]) # p io.read #=> "out\nerr\n" # # The `:chdir` key in `options` specifies the current directory. # # pid = spawn(command, :chdir=>"/var/tmp") # # spawn closes all non-standard unspecified descriptors by default. The # "standard" descriptors are 0, 1 and 2. This behavior is specified by # :close_others option. :close_others doesn't affect the standard descriptors # which are closed only if :close is specified explicitly. # # pid = spawn(command, :close_others=>true) # close 3,4,5,... (default) # pid = spawn(command, :close_others=>false) # don't close 3,4,5,... # # :close_others is false by default for spawn and IO.popen. # # Note that fds which close-on-exec flag is already set are closed regardless of # :close_others option. # # So IO.pipe and spawn can be used as IO.popen. # # # similar to r = IO.popen(command) # r, w = IO.pipe # pid = spawn(command, :out=>w) # r, w is closed in the child process. # w.close # # :close is specified as a hash value to close a fd individually. # # f = open(foo) # system(command, f=>:close) # don't inherit f. # # If a file descriptor need to be inherited, io=>io can be used. # # # valgrind has --log-fd option for log destination. # # log_w=>log_w indicates log_w.fileno inherits to child process. # log_r, log_w = IO.pipe # pid = spawn("valgrind", "--log-fd=#{log_w.fileno}", "echo", "a", log_w=>log_w) # log_w.close # p log_r.read # # It is also possible to exchange file descriptors. # # pid = spawn(command, :out=>:err, :err=>:out) # # The hash keys specify file descriptors in the child process. The hash values # specifies file descriptors in the parent process. So the above specifies # exchanging stdout and stderr. Internally, `spawn` uses an extra file # descriptor to resolve such cyclic file descriptor mapping. # # See Kernel.exec for the standard shell. # def self?.spawn: (String command, *String args, ?unsetenv_others: boolish, ?pgroup: true | Integer, ?umask: Integer, ?in: redirect_fd, ?out: redirect_fd, ?err: redirect_fd, ?close_others: boolish, ?chdir: String) -> Integer | (Hash[string, string?] env, String command, *String args, ?unsetenv_others: boolish, ?pgroup: true | Integer, ?umask: Integer, ?in: redirect_fd, ?out: redirect_fd, ?err: redirect_fd, ?close_others: boolish, ?chdir: String) -> Integer # # Executes *command...* in a subshell. *command...* is one of following forms. # # `commandline` # : command line string which is passed to the standard shell # `cmdname, arg1, ...` # : command name and one or more arguments (no shell) # `[cmdname, argv0], arg1, ...` # : command name, `argv[0]` and zero or more arguments (no shell) # # # system returns `true` if the command gives zero exit status, `false` for non # zero exit status. Returns `nil` if command execution fails. An error status is # available in `$?`. # # If the `exception: true` argument is passed, the method raises an exception # instead of returning `false` or `nil`. # # The arguments are processed in the same way as for Kernel#spawn. # # The hash arguments, env and options, are same as #exec and #spawn. See # Kernel#spawn for details. # # system("echo *") # system("echo", "*") # # *produces:* # # config.h main.rb # * # # Error handling: # # system("cat nonexistent.txt") # # => false # system("catt nonexistent.txt") # # => nil # # system("cat nonexistent.txt", exception: true) # # RuntimeError (Command failed with exit 1: cat) # system("catt nonexistent.txt", exception: true) # # Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory - catt) # # See Kernel#exec for the standard shell. # def self?.system: (String command, *String args, ?unsetenv_others: boolish, ?pgroup: true | Integer, ?umask: Integer, ?in: redirect_fd, ?out: redirect_fd, ?err: redirect_fd, ?close_others: boolish, ?chdir: String) -> (NilClass | FalseClass | TrueClass) | (Hash[string, string?] env, String command, *String args, ?unsetenv_others: boolish, ?pgroup: true | Integer, ?umask: Integer, ?in: redirect_fd, ?out: redirect_fd, ?err: redirect_fd, ?close_others: boolish, ?chdir: String) -> (NilClass | FalseClass | TrueClass) end Kernel::RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR: untyped