require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/trulia4r' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/trulia4r/client' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/trulia4r/trulia_stats' describe Trulia4r::TruliaStats do before do @client ='tkgvp2ghwpnp2mphydeyf7fw') @trulia_stats = end describe 'initialize' do it 'merges the trulia stats library into the default params' do @trulia_stats.default_params.should == {:apikey => 'tkgvp2ghwpnp2mphydeyf7fw', :library => 'TruliaStats'} end end describe 'get_city_stats' do it 'should return total city stats' do stats = city_stats('Boston', 'MA') stats.should be_success end it 'should only return listings stats if listings are requested' do stats = city_stats('Boston', 'MA', :statType => 'listings') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should be_blank end it 'should only return traffic stats if traffic is requested' do stats = city_stats('Boston', 'MA', :statType => 'traffic') stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank stats.listing_stats.should be_blank end it 'should return all stats if all are requested' do stats = city_stats('Boston', 'MA', :statType => 'all') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank end it 'should error on invalid params' do stats = city_stats('', 'MA') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end it 'should not return results on invalid city and state combo' do stats = city_stats('Boston', 'HI') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should be_blank end def city_stats(*params) @trulia_stats.get_city_stats(*params) end end describe 'get_county_stats' do it 'should return total county stats' do stats = county_stats('Suffolk', 'MA') stats.should be_success end it 'should only return listing stats is listings are requested' do stats = county_stats('Suffolk', 'MA', :statType => 'listings') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should be_blank end it 'should only return traffic stats if traffic is requested' do stats = county_stats('Suffolk', 'MA', :statType => 'traffic') stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank stats.listing_stats.should be_blank end it 'should return all stats if all are requested' do stats = county_stats('Suffolk', 'MA', :statType => 'all') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank end it 'should error on invalid params' do stats = county_stats('', 'MA') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end it 'should not return results on invalid city and state combo' do stats = county_stats('Suffolk', 'HI') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should be_blank end def county_stats(*params) @trulia_stats.get_county_stats(*params) end end describe 'get_neighborhood_stats' do it 'should return total neighborhood stats' do stats = neighborhood_stats('3448') stats.should be_success end it 'should only return listing stats is listings are requested' do stats = neighborhood_stats('3448', :statType => 'listings') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should be_blank end it 'should only return traffic stats if traffic is requested' do stats = neighborhood_stats('3448', :statType => 'traffic') stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank stats.listing_stats.should be_blank end it 'should return all stats if all are requested' do stats = neighborhood_stats('3448', :statType => 'all') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank end it 'should error on invalid param' do stats = neighborhood_stats('') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end it 'should not return results on and invalid neighborhood id' do stats = neighborhood_stats('1000000') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end def neighborhood_stats(*params) @trulia_stats.get_neighborhood_stats(*params) end end describe 'get_state_stats' do it 'should return total state stats' do stats = state_stats('MA') stats.should be_success end it 'should only return listing stats is listings are requested' do stats = state_stats('MA', :statType => 'listings') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should be_blank end it 'should only return traffic stats if traffic is requested' do stats = state_stats('MA', :statType => 'traffic') stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank stats.listing_stats.should be_blank end it 'should return all stats if all are requested' do stats = state_stats('MA', :statType => 'all') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank end it 'should error on invalid param' do stats = state_stats('') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end it 'should not return results on and invalid state code' do stats = state_stats('HW') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end def state_stats(*params) @trulia_stats.get_state_stats(*params) end end describe 'get_zip_code_stats' do it 'should return total zip code stats' do stats = zip_code_stats('02215') stats.should be_success end it 'should only return listing stats is listings are requested' do stats = zip_code_stats('02215', :statType => 'listings') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should be_blank end it 'should only return traffic stats if traffic is requested' do stats = zip_code_stats('02215', :statType => 'traffic') stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank stats.listing_stats.should be_blank end it 'should return all stats if all are requested' do stats = zip_code_stats('02215', :statType => 'all') stats.listing_stats.should_not be_blank stats.traffic_stats.should_not be_blank end it 'should error on invalid param' do stats = zip_code_stats('') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end it 'should not return results on and invalid zip code' do stats = zip_code_stats('99999') stats.should_not be_success stats.error.should_not be_blank end def zip_code_stats(*params) @trulia_stats.get_zip_code_stats(*params) end end end