require 'digest/md5' module Riiif class Image class_attribute :file_resolver, :info_service, :authorization_service self.file_resolver = self.authorization_service = NilAuthorizationService # this is the default info service # returns a hash with the original image dimensions. # You can set your own lambda if you want different behavior # example: # {:height=>390, :width=>600} self.info_service = lambda do |id, image| Rails.cache.fetch(cache_key(id, { info: true }), compress: true, expires_in: expires_in) do end end OUTPUT_FORMATS = %w(jpg png).freeze attr_reader :id # @param [String] id The identifier of the file to be looked up. # @param [Riiif::File] file Optional: The Riiif::File to use instead of looking one up. def initialize(id, file = nil) @id = id @image = file if file.present? end def image @image ||= file_resolver.find(id) end def render(args) options = decode_options!(args) Rails.cache.fetch(Image.cache_key(id, options), compress: true, expires_in: Image.expires_in) do image.extract(options) end end def info, image) end class << self def expires_in Riiif::Engine.config.cache_duration_in_days.days end def cache_key(id, options) str = options.merge(id: id).delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }.to_s # Use a MD5 digest to ensure the keys aren't too long. Digest::MD5.hexdigest(str) end end private def decode_options!(args) options = args.with_indifferent_access raise ArgumentError, 'You must provide a format' unless options[:format] options[:crop] = decode_region(options.delete(:region)) options[:size] = decode_size(options.delete(:size)) options[:quality] = decode_quality(options[:quality]) options[:rotation] = decode_rotation(options[:rotation]) validate_format!(options[:format]) options end def decode_quality(quality) return if quality.nil? || %w(default color).include?(quality) return quality if %w(bitonal grey).include?(quality) raise InvalidAttributeError, "Unsupported quality: #{quality}" end def decode_rotation(rotation) return if rotation.nil? || rotation == '0' begin Float(rotation) rescue ArgumentError raise InvalidAttributeError, "Unsupported rotation: #{rotation}" end end def validate_format!(format) raise InvalidAttributeError, "Unsupported format: #{format}" unless OUTPUT_FORMATS.include?(format) end def decode_region(region) if region.nil? || region == 'full' nil elsif md = /^pct:(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/.match(region) # Image magic can't do percentage offsets, so we have to calculate it offset_x = (info[:width] * Integer(md[1]).to_f / 100).round offset_y = (info[:height] * Integer(md[2]).to_f / 100).round "#{md[3]}%x#{md[4]}+#{offset_x}+#{offset_y}" elsif md = /^(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/.match(region) "#{md[3]}x#{md[4]}+#{md[1]}+#{md[2]}" else raise InvalidAttributeError, "Invalid region: #{region}" end end def decode_size(size) if size.nil? || size == 'full' nil elsif md = /^,(\d+)$/.match(size) "x#{md[1]}" elsif md = /^(\d+),$/.match(size) (md[1]).to_s elsif md = /^pct:(\d+(.\d+)?)$/.match(size) "#{md[1]}%" elsif md = /^(\d+),(\d+)$/.match(size) "#{md[1]}x#{md[2]}!" elsif md = /^!(\d+),(\d+)$/.match(size) "#{md[1]}x#{md[2]}" else raise InvalidAttributeError, "Invalid size: #{size}" end end end end