require 'thread' require 'brakeman/differ' #Collects up results from running different checks. # #Checks can be added with +Check.add(check_class)+ # #All .rb files in checks/ will be loaded. class Brakeman::Checks @checks = [] @optional_checks = [] attr_reader :warnings, :controller_warnings, :model_warnings, :template_warnings, :checks_run #Add a check. This will call when running tests def self.add klass @checks << klass unless @checks.include? klass end #Add an optional check def self.add_optional klass @optional_checks << klass unless @checks.include? klass end def self.checks @checks + @optional_checks end def self.optional_checks @optional_checks end def self.initialize_checks check_directory = "" #Load all files in check_directory Dir.glob(File.join(check_directory, "*.rb")).sort.each do |f| require f end end def self.missing_checks included_checks, excluded_checks included_checks = excluded_checks = if included_checks == Set['CheckNone'] return [] else loaded = { |name| name.to_s.gsub('Brakeman::', '') }.to_set missing = (included_checks - loaded) + (excluded_checks - loaded) unless missing.empty? return missing end end [] end #No need to use this directly. def initialize options = { } if options[:min_confidence] @min_confidence = options[:min_confidence] else @min_confidence = Brakeman.get_defaults[:min_confidence] end @warnings = [] @template_warnings = [] @model_warnings = [] @controller_warnings = [] @checks_run = [] end #Add Warning to list of warnings to report. #Warnings are split into four different arrays #for template, controller, model, and generic warnings. # #Will not add warnings which are below the minimum confidence level. def add_warning warning unless warning.confidence > @min_confidence case warning.warning_set when :template @template_warnings << warning when :warning @warnings << warning when :controller @controller_warnings << warning when :model @model_warnings << warning else raise "Unknown warning: #{warning.warning_set}" end end end #Return a hash of arrays of new and fixed warnings # # diff = checks.diff old_checks # diff[:fixed] # [...] # diff[:new] # [...] def diff other_checks my_warnings = self.all_warnings other_warnings = other_checks.all_warnings, other_warnings).diff end #Return an array of all warnings found. def all_warnings @warnings + @template_warnings + @controller_warnings + @model_warnings end #Run all the checks on the given Tracker. #Returns a new instance of Checks with the results. def self.run_checks(app_tree, tracker) checks = self.checks_to_run(tracker) check_runner = :min_confidence => tracker.options[:min_confidence] self.actually_run_checks(checks, check_runner, app_tree, tracker) end def self.actually_run_checks(checks, check_runner, app_tree, tracker) threads = [] # Results for parallel results = [] # Results for sequential parallel = tracker.options[:parallel_checks] error_mutex = checks.each do |c| check_name = get_check_name c Brakeman.notify " - #{check_name}" if parallel threads << do self.run_a_check(c, error_mutex, app_tree, tracker) end else results << self.run_a_check(c, error_mutex, app_tree, tracker) end #Maintain list of which checks were run #mainly for reporting purposes check_runner.checks_run << check_name[5..-1] end threads.each { |t| t.join } Brakeman.notify "Checks finished, collecting results..." if parallel threads.each do |thread| thread.value.each do |warning| check_runner.add_warning warning end end else results.each do |warnings| warnings.each do |warning| check_runner.add_warning warning end end end check_runner end private def self.get_check_name check_class check_class.to_s.split("::").last end def self.checks_to_run tracker to_run = if tracker.options[:run_all_checks] or tracker.options[:run_checks] @checks + @optional_checks else @checks end self.filter_checks to_run, tracker end def self.filter_checks checks, tracker skipped = tracker.options[:skip_checks] explicit = tracker.options[:run_checks] checks.reject do |c| check_name = self.get_check_name(c) skipped.include? check_name or (explicit and not explicit.include? check_name) end end def self.run_a_check klass, mutex, app_tree, tracker check =, tracker) begin check.run_check rescue => e mutex.synchronize do tracker.error e end end check.warnings end end #Load all files in checks/ directory Dir.glob("#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/checks/*.rb").sort.each do |f| require f.match(/(brakeman\/checks\/.*)\.rb$/)[0] end