module Opener module Daemons ## # CLI controller for a component. # # @!attribute [r] name # The name of the daemon. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [r] exec_path # The path to the script to daemonize. # @return [String] # # @!attribute [r] parser # @return [Opener::Daemons::OptionParser] # class Controller attr_reader :name, :exec_path, :parser ## # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :name # @option options [String] :exec_path # def initialize(options = {}) @name = options.fetch(:name) @exec_path = options.fetch(:exec_path) @parser = configure_slop end ## # Runs the CLI # # @param [Array] argv CLI arguments to parse. # def run(argv = ARGV) parser.parse(argv) end ## # @return [Slop] # def configure_slop parser = do |opts, args| command = args.shift new_args = args.reject { |arg| arg == '--' } case command when 'start' start_background(opts, new_args) when 'stop' stop(opts) when 'restart' stop(opts) start_background(opts, new_args) else start_foreground(opts, new_args) end end return parser end ## # Runs the daemon in the foreground. # # @param [Slop] options # @param [Array] argv # def start_foreground(options, argv = []) exec(setup_env(options), exec_path, *argv) end ## # Starts the daemon in the background. # # @param [Slop] options # @param [Array] argv # def start_background(options, argv = []) pidfile =[:pidfile]) pid = Process.spawn( setup_env(options), exec_path, *argv, :out => :close, :err => :close, :in => :close ) pidfile.write(pid) begin # Wait until the process has _actually_ started. Timeout.timeout(options[:wait]) { sleep(0.5) until pidfile.alive? } puts "Process with Pidfile #{} started" rescue Timeout::Error pidfile.unlink abort "Failed to start the process after #{options[:wait]} seconds" end end ## # Stops the daemon. # # @param [Slop] options # def stop(options) pidfile =[:pidfile]) if pidfile.alive? id = pidfile.terminate pidfile.unlink puts "Process with Pidfile #{id.inspect} terminated" else abort 'Process already terminated or you are not allowed to terminate it' end end ## # Returns a Hash containing the various environment variables to set for # the daemon (on top of the current environment variables). # # @param [Slop] options # @return [Hash] # def setup_env(options) newrelic_config = File.expand_path( '../../../../config/newrelic.yml', __FILE__ ) env = ENV.to_hash.merge( 'INPUT_QUEUE' => options[:input].to_s, 'DAEMON_THREADS' => options[:threads].to_s, 'OUTPUT_BUCKET' => options[:bucket].to_s, 'NRCONFIG' => newrelic_config, 'APP_ROOT' => File.expand_path('../../../../', __FILE__), 'APP_NAME' => name ) if !env['RAILS_ENV'] and env['RACK_ENV'] env['RAILS_ENV'] = env['RACK_ENV'] end unless options[:'disable-syslog'] env['ENABLE_SYSLOG'] = 'true' end return env end end # Controller end # Daemons end # Opener