// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Apple Inc. and contributors. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var b, counter; module("SC.ButtonView#actions", { setup: function() { b = SC.ButtonView.create(); } }); test("Emulate mouse click to verify if the button activates", function() { b.triggerAction(); equals(b.get('isActive'), YES, "the should be active for 200ms"); }); test("Test different moused states", function() { b.set('isEnabled', YES); b.mouseDown(); equals(b.get('isActive'), YES, "the button should be active after a mouseDown event"); b.mouseExited(); equals(b.get('isActive'), NO, "the button should be active after a mouseDown event"); b.mouseEntered(); equals(b.get('isActive'), b._isMouseDown, "the button should be active after a mouseDown event"); // b.mouseUp(); // equals(b.get('isActive'), NO, "the button should be inactive after a mouseUP event"); b.set('buttonBehavior', SC.TOGGLE_BEHAVIOR); b._action(); equals(b.get('value'), b.get('toggleOnValue'), "the value should be the same as the toggle value"); b.set('buttonBehavior', SC.TOGGLE_ON_BEHAVIOR); b._action(); equals(b.get('value'), b.get('toggleOnValue'), "the value should be the same as the toggle value"); b.set('buttonBehavior', SC.TOGGLE_OFF_BEHAVIOR); b._action(); equals(b.get('value'), b.get('toggleOffValue'), "the value should be the same as the toggle value"); }); module("SC.ButtonView#actions - SC.HOLD_BEHAVIOR", { setup: function() { counter = SC.Object.create({ value: 0, increment: function(){ this.set('value', this.get('value') + 1); } }); b = SC.ButtonView.create({ buttonBehavior: SC.HOLD_BEHAVIOR, holdInterval: 5, target: counter, action: 'increment', // Is it a bad idea to stub like this? If we don't do it this way, we need to set up a Pane _runAction: function(evt) { var action = this.get('action'), target = this.get('target') || null; target[action](); } }); } }); test('Test triggerAction only happens once', function(){ b.triggerAction(); SC.RunLoop.begin().end(); var assertions = function(){ equals(counter.get('value'), 1, "should only run action once"); start(); }; stop(); setTimeout(assertions, 300); }); // This test is not nearly reliable enough test("Test action repeats while active", function(){ b.set('isActive', YES); b._action(); var assertions = function(){ // The actual number of times in not entirely predictable since there can be delays beyond the holdInterval ok(counter.get('value') > 2, "should have run more than 2 times"); b.set('isActive', NO); // Stops triggering start(); }; stop(); setTimeout(assertions, 300); }); test("Test action happens on mouseDown", function(){ b.mouseDown(); equals(counter.get('value'), 1, "should have run once"); b.set('isActive', NO); // Stops triggering }); test("Test action does not happen on mouseUp", function(){ b._isMouseDown = YES; b.mouseUp(); equals(counter.get('value'), 0, "should not have run"); }); test("Should stop when inactive", function(){ b.set('isActive', YES); b._action(); b.set('isActive', NO); var assertions = function(){ equals(counter.get('value'), 1, "should only run action once"); start(); }; stop(); setTimeout(assertions, 10); });